

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Sacrificial Lamb (ON HOLD)
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This is super long but I promise it's worth the read: You shake your head and blink away the fuzzy vision. You are surrounded by what looks like... flora? You get to your feet and look around, taking in your surroundings. You are in a vibrant garden. In the center of the garden there are a cluster of black stones arranged in a circle around a large slab of the black stone. Odd, you think to yourself. You can't seem to recall how you ended up here. Were you flying and crash landed? Did you wander off from a hunting party? You notice several other dragons around you, looking just as dazed and confused as you do. Suddenly, the light above the slab begins to fade into an intense shadow. The shadow takes shape, and a chipper Tundra stands before you with a huge smile on her face. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Well, howdy!" She announces. "Welcome to my little patch of paradise! Please excuse the dirt. I hope you enjoy yourselves, you will be staying for quite a while." She hops down from the slab and begins walking around all of the dragons clustered. "So sorry to all of you. I'm sure you had important lives to lead and whatnot, but you see friends, I have a little predicament on my hands." She smiles at you as she passes. "I'm sure a group of kindly dragons such as yourselves would be of a great help to little ol' me." She walks her way back to the stone slab. "You see, I simply love games. Kick the Rock, Tag, Hide and Seek. But I'd like to play a different kind of game. I've selected you instead of your friends, siblings, or packmates, because you all have something special that I want." She hopped back onto the stone and sat down comfortably. "I want yo[b]ur souls[/b]." She said in a deep, loud voice that became unlike her own. She continued in this demonic voice. "[b]There's something... zestier about your souls than others. But I don't want to simply devour you, that wouldn't be any fun. Therefore, I have brought two of my own creations here with you. They are weredragons, and they will be working for me.[/b]" She grinned at the horrified faces among the crowd. "[b]I see many of you are familiar with the stories of weredragons. Surely then you know that they are creatures of the Shade.[/b]" She chuckled lightly. "[b]But I did say it would be a game. I will give you all a chance to survive this. I have even included an Angel to give you just one extra chance in this game. Every Friday night, you will all fall under my spell once again and be unable to wake. I expect an innocent soul to be presented to me on this slab by my dear weredragons in that time. In order to spare yourself, you must present to Fate, one at a time, both of the weredragons. She will appear every Tuesday on this slab, awaiting your decision. I will devour their souls instead and set the rest of you free as a reward. But if you fail, I will release them back into your world.[/b]" The clouds broke up, revealing the sun once again, and the Tundra cleared her throat. "I will take any questions you have now."
This is super long but I promise it's worth the read:

You shake your head and blink away the fuzzy vision. You are surrounded by what looks like... flora? You get to your feet and look around, taking in your surroundings. You are in a vibrant garden. In the center of the garden there are a cluster of black stones arranged in a circle around a large slab of the black stone. Odd, you think to yourself. You can't seem to recall how you ended up here. Were you flying and crash landed? Did you wander off from a hunting party? You notice several other dragons around you, looking just as dazed and confused as you do.
Suddenly, the light above the slab begins to fade into an intense shadow. The shadow takes shape, and a chipper Tundra stands before you with a huge smile on her face.


"Well, howdy!" She announces.
"Welcome to my little patch of paradise! Please excuse the dirt. I hope you enjoy yourselves, you will be staying for quite a while." She hops down from the slab and begins walking around all of the dragons clustered.
"So sorry to all of you. I'm sure you had important lives to lead and whatnot, but you see friends, I have a little predicament on my hands." She smiles at you as she passes.
"I'm sure a group of kindly dragons such as yourselves would be of a great help to little ol' me." She walks her way back to the stone slab.
"You see, I simply love games. Kick the Rock, Tag, Hide and Seek. But I'd like to play a different kind of game. I've selected you instead of your friends, siblings, or packmates, because you all have something special that I want." She hopped back onto the stone and sat down comfortably.
"I want your souls." She said in a deep, loud voice that became unlike her own. She continued in this demonic voice. "There's something... zestier about your souls than others. But I don't want to simply devour you, that wouldn't be any fun. Therefore, I have brought two of my own creations here with you. They are weredragons, and they will be working for me." She grinned at the horrified faces among the crowd.
"I see many of you are familiar with the stories of weredragons. Surely then you know that they are creatures of the Shade." She chuckled lightly. "But I did say it would be a game. I will give you all a chance to survive this. I have even included an Angel to give you just one extra chance in this game. Every Friday night, you will all fall under my spell once again and be unable to wake. I expect an innocent soul to be presented to me on this slab by my dear weredragons in that time. In order to spare yourself, you must present to Fate, one at a time, both of the weredragons. She will appear every Tuesday on this slab, awaiting your decision. I will devour their souls instead and set the rest of you free as a reward. But if you fail, I will release them back into your world." The clouds broke up, revealing the sun once again, and the Tundra cleared her throat.
"I will take any questions you have now."

This RP will be based off of the campfire game Mafia or Werewolf. If you are unfamiliar with the rules, the game will progress with 1 or 2 players that act as the mafia/werewolves (in this game they will be called Weredragons), 1 player that will act as the doctor/angel, and the remaining players as the innocents. Some versions of the game also have a sheriff, but I'd like to avoid that role for one person and rather have that be the collective role of the innocents. I'll explain what I mean in a moment. The game is over when the innocents have either caught both weredragons or when one or both weredragons have successfully killed all of the innocent.

I will assign each player a role via PM. The Weredragons will know who each other are, as you will be working together in secret. However if you are an innocent or the angel, DO NOT SHARE YOUR ROLE WITH ANYONE ELSE. This does not restrict your dragon from stating that they are the angel, weredragon, or an innocent during roleplay. After all, it's up to the other characters whether or not they believe you.

Weredragons: You have asked the Shade for vengeance, and your wish was granted. Maybe your mate was killed in battle, or your hatchlings. Whatever the reason, the Shade had "blessed" you with the curse of being a Weredragon; a monstrous being with more strength than an emperor. You have the ability to shift into your terrifying form at will, yet you must keep your curse a secret, for if you are discovered, the Shade will not protect you from the hoards of dragons that will surely come to kill you and burn the remains. The price for this blessing is that you (and your partner/s) must sacrifice one innocent dragon to the Shade every Friday night, lest you burn and fall to dust at the first light of the following Saturday morning. Please note that you do not have to sacrifice one dragon each. To disguise your role as the weredragons, you will also partake in selecting who you "believe to be the weredragons" with the innocents on or before Tuesday, when Fate reappears to take that soul.

Simply put, you and your partner must choose one innocent to sacrifice by or before Friday night, report back to me via PM your decision, and I'll take care of it Saturday morning.

Angel: You were born a special creature. Though you appear as a typical dragon, you have magical abilities from deep within you to protect others from impending doom. Perhaps you discovered this on a hunt, and you prevented a clanmate from being fatally attacked by the small group of beastclan soldiers waiting to ambush them on a favorite path through the forest. Depending on your personality, you could have exploited yourself as a travelling fortune teller and made profits. Perhaps you are your clan's shaman. However, revealing yourself and your powers would be foolish, as the weredragons will then seek you out. On or before Friday night, you can protect one dragon in the hopes that you will protect them from the weredragons and the Shade. To disguise your role as the Angel, you will also partake in selecting who you believe to be the weredragons with the innocents on or before Tuesday, when Fate reappears to take that soul.

Simply put, you must choose one character to protect by or before Friday night, report back to me via PM your decision, and I'll announce whether you were successful in your guessing Saturday morning.

Innocents: You have no memory of how you got here, only what you were doing moments before you fell unconscious. You have only your wits to save you. As Fate/The Shade has already mentioned, you may collectively present who you believe to be one of the weredragons to Fate Tuesday. If you are successful in discovering both of them, you will be set free. If you fail, you are left to the mercy of the weredragons.
This RP will be based off of the campfire game Mafia or Werewolf. If you are unfamiliar with the rules, the game will progress with 1 or 2 players that act as the mafia/werewolves (in this game they will be called Weredragons), 1 player that will act as the doctor/angel, and the remaining players as the innocents. Some versions of the game also have a sheriff, but I'd like to avoid that role for one person and rather have that be the collective role of the innocents. I'll explain what I mean in a moment. The game is over when the innocents have either caught both weredragons or when one or both weredragons have successfully killed all of the innocent.

I will assign each player a role via PM. The Weredragons will know who each other are, as you will be working together in secret. However if you are an innocent or the angel, DO NOT SHARE YOUR ROLE WITH ANYONE ELSE. This does not restrict your dragon from stating that they are the angel, weredragon, or an innocent during roleplay. After all, it's up to the other characters whether or not they believe you.

Weredragons: You have asked the Shade for vengeance, and your wish was granted. Maybe your mate was killed in battle, or your hatchlings. Whatever the reason, the Shade had "blessed" you with the curse of being a Weredragon; a monstrous being with more strength than an emperor. You have the ability to shift into your terrifying form at will, yet you must keep your curse a secret, for if you are discovered, the Shade will not protect you from the hoards of dragons that will surely come to kill you and burn the remains. The price for this blessing is that you (and your partner/s) must sacrifice one innocent dragon to the Shade every Friday night, lest you burn and fall to dust at the first light of the following Saturday morning. Please note that you do not have to sacrifice one dragon each. To disguise your role as the weredragons, you will also partake in selecting who you "believe to be the weredragons" with the innocents on or before Tuesday, when Fate reappears to take that soul.

Simply put, you and your partner must choose one innocent to sacrifice by or before Friday night, report back to me via PM your decision, and I'll take care of it Saturday morning.

Angel: You were born a special creature. Though you appear as a typical dragon, you have magical abilities from deep within you to protect others from impending doom. Perhaps you discovered this on a hunt, and you prevented a clanmate from being fatally attacked by the small group of beastclan soldiers waiting to ambush them on a favorite path through the forest. Depending on your personality, you could have exploited yourself as a travelling fortune teller and made profits. Perhaps you are your clan's shaman. However, revealing yourself and your powers would be foolish, as the weredragons will then seek you out. On or before Friday night, you can protect one dragon in the hopes that you will protect them from the weredragons and the Shade. To disguise your role as the Angel, you will also partake in selecting who you believe to be the weredragons with the innocents on or before Tuesday, when Fate reappears to take that soul.

Simply put, you must choose one character to protect by or before Friday night, report back to me via PM your decision, and I'll announce whether you were successful in your guessing Saturday morning.

Innocents: You have no memory of how you got here, only what you were doing moments before you fell unconscious. You have only your wits to save you. As Fate/The Shade has already mentioned, you may collectively present who you believe to be one of the weredragons to Fate Tuesday. If you are successful in discovering both of them, you will be set free. If you fail, you are left to the mercy of the weredragons.
I will accept players on a first-come first-serve basis. There are a few general rules to keep in mind:

1) You must reply with at least 3 or 4 sentences. It's very difficult for someone you're RPing with to keep up a conversation or a scene by themselves.
2) You do not have to post every day, but you must reply to me via PM on or before every Friday night if you are the angel or the weredragons, and you must reply to the general forum post concerning your guess as to who are the weredragons on or before Tuesday night. I will check Tuesday night to count the votes for who will be presented to Fate.
3) No Gary Stus or Mary Sues. You cannot escape the garden, as any attempt to escape will merely result in you looping back through the garden.
4) Don't roleplay anyone else's dragon. Just don't.
5) Don't take anything personally. This is an RP. Simply because a character is rude to your character does not mean that the player hates your guts. We're all friends here.
6) This RP is LGBTQ+ friendly. If there is any harassment of and from players, you will be kicked out of the game and ignored. Your character can be a jerk toward other LGBTQ+ characters within reason. If you have an issue with the way another player is acting toward yours concerning their sexuality, please express yourself politely. If you are asked to tone it down, please tone it down.
7) There will be some mild gore elements.
8) Romances are totally okay, just keep it PG-13.
9) The dragon you RP with does not have to be a dragon from your lair or even a dragon that exists, but please provide an image from the scrying workshop to assist us visually.
11) One dragon per person please!


Dragon image:
Dragon name:
Brief bio/personality:

Players so far:
@secretsound Carlton
@Cherryy Opal
@lerotherabbit Merag
@Azylnn Seren
@schattenfeuer Gram
@Chrysocolla Archimedes
@symbolone Ebon
@SirKeema Telasha
@bandexpo Kyrie
I will accept players on a first-come first-serve basis. There are a few general rules to keep in mind:

1) You must reply with at least 3 or 4 sentences. It's very difficult for someone you're RPing with to keep up a conversation or a scene by themselves.
2) You do not have to post every day, but you must reply to me via PM on or before every Friday night if you are the angel or the weredragons, and you must reply to the general forum post concerning your guess as to who are the weredragons on or before Tuesday night. I will check Tuesday night to count the votes for who will be presented to Fate.
3) No Gary Stus or Mary Sues. You cannot escape the garden, as any attempt to escape will merely result in you looping back through the garden.
4) Don't roleplay anyone else's dragon. Just don't.
5) Don't take anything personally. This is an RP. Simply because a character is rude to your character does not mean that the player hates your guts. We're all friends here.
6) This RP is LGBTQ+ friendly. If there is any harassment of and from players, you will be kicked out of the game and ignored. Your character can be a jerk toward other LGBTQ+ characters within reason. If you have an issue with the way another player is acting toward yours concerning their sexuality, please express yourself politely. If you are asked to tone it down, please tone it down.
7) There will be some mild gore elements.
8) Romances are totally okay, just keep it PG-13.
9) The dragon you RP with does not have to be a dragon from your lair or even a dragon that exists, but please provide an image from the scrying workshop to assist us visually.
11) One dragon per person please!


Dragon image:
Dragon name:
Brief bio/personality:

Players so far:
@secretsound Carlton
@Cherryy Opal
@lerotherabbit Merag
@Azylnn Seren
@schattenfeuer Gram
@Chrysocolla Archimedes
@symbolone Ebon
@SirKeema Telasha
@bandexpo Kyrie
Sign. Me. Up. @deet [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Name: Carlton Brief bio/personality: Carlton is obsessed with his appearance. He hates to get dirty or scuffed up. He is a HUGE flirt, and is very protective of hatchlings. I'm guessing we're waiting for the other 9 players before we start?
Sign. Me. Up.


Name: Carlton
Brief bio/personality: Carlton is obsessed with his appearance. He hates to get dirty or scuffed up. He is a HUGE flirt, and is very protective of hatchlings.

I'm guessing we're waiting for the other 9 players before we start?
@secretsound Welcome! And yeah, we'll wait for the other 9 first :)
@secretsound Welcome! And yeah, we'll wait for the other 9 first :)
@deet THIS SOUNDS SO COOL OH MY GOD !!!! I'm SO up for this! Dragon image: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dragon name: Opal Brief bio/personality: Opal, as described in her bio, is a skittish yet hot-headed dragon. However, in spite of this, she is curious. Curious about the world. She is wide-eyed and naive about the world. Opal is a pleaser, and has a need to make others happy with her/satisfied. Having lived in a Shadow clan for a big portion of her life, she does have tricks up her sleeve (Such as disappearance), but she rarely uses them. Her wolf coat is simply there to keep her warm, as the Southern Icefields are very cold. If you need more info I'm happy to give some!
I'm SO up for this!

Dragon image:


Dragon name: Opal
Brief bio/personality:
Opal, as described in her bio, is a skittish yet hot-headed dragon. However, in spite of this, she is curious. Curious about the world. She is wide-eyed and naive about the world. Opal is a pleaser, and has a need to make others happy with her/satisfied. Having lived in a Shadow clan for a big portion of her life, she does have tricks up her sleeve (Such as disappearance), but she rarely uses them. Her wolf coat is simply there to keep her warm, as the Southern Icefields are very cold.

If you need more info I'm happy to give some!
@Cherryy that's perfect, and welcome!
@Cherryy that's perfect, and welcome!
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