@Kalores fishing on Rt. 8 and the areas around there :) and apologies if I'm being pushy :3 it's just that Dragalge is super cool and I didn't realize they were version specific when I got X

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@Kalores fishing on Rt. 8 and the areas around there :) and apologies if I'm being pushy :3 it's just that Dragalge is super cool and I didn't realize they were version specific when I got X
@Littletaino give me all the patterns! :D
If you want to that is :)
If you want to that is :)
@Littletaino give me all the patterns! :D
If you want to that is :)
If you want to that is :)
Will do :)
I figured ocean pattern will be wanted more since do far only two places have it so I can get the other patterns easier lol
Will do :)
I figured ocean pattern will be wanted more since do far only two places have it so I can get the other patterns easier lol
Will do :)
I figured ocean pattern will be wanted more since do far only two places have it so I can get the other patterns easier lol
Will do :)
I figured ocean pattern will be wanted more since do far only two places have it so I can get the other patterns easier lol
@julia -grumbles- I'm trying to fish for Him too but I keep getting luvdisks. Do you know if its time specific?
Anyone want to trade version exclusives? I am currently playing Y. If I don't have what you are looking for I will go catch it.
Anyone want to trade version exclusives? I am currently playing Y. If I don't have what you are looking for I will go catch it.
@julia -grumbles- I'm trying to fish for Him too but I keep getting luvdisks. Do you know if its time specific?
Anyone want to trade version exclusives? I am currently playing Y. If I don't have what you are looking for I will go catch it.
Anyone want to trade version exclusives? I am currently playing Y. If I don't have what you are looking for I will go catch it.
I have Modern in my Y version, as I mentioned before. I've also traded for High Plains, and someone on another site has offered to trade me Polar. Anyone have any other patterns that they'd trade for Modern?
Aha! Found him, I needed the Good rod and I somehow missed talking to the guy giving it away. Hmm maybe swirlex or clauncher? oh did you want a certain nickname for it? @Julia
Aha! Found him, I needed the Good rod and I somehow missed talking to the guy giving it away. Hmm maybe swirlex or clauncher? oh did you want a certain nickname for it? @Julia
@Jaylynn not really XD and I can probably get a Clauncher. Any name preferences?
Also, I go to a boarding school so it's possible that I might not have wifi until next weekend. :/ Probably should have mentioned that earlier.
Also, I go to a boarding school so it's possible that I might not have wifi until next weekend. :/ Probably should have mentioned that earlier.
@Jaylynn not really XD and I can probably get a Clauncher. Any name preferences?
Also, I go to a boarding school so it's possible that I might not have wifi until next weekend. :/ Probably should have mentioned that earlier.
Also, I go to a boarding school so it's possible that I might not have wifi until next weekend. :/ Probably should have mentioned that earlier.
@Julia That's fine, after today I go back to work and won't be off again until next Saturday so I doubt I will get to play much until then. I caught a couple so just let me know when you want to trade. Just leave the name blank, it's what I normally do.
@Julia That's fine, after today I go back to work and won't be off again until next Saturday so I doubt I will get to play much until then. I caught a couple so just let me know when you want to trade. Just leave the name blank, it's what I normally do.

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