
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | Stuck in Coli Limbo
Not sure if anyone else has reported this, so here I go. I was minding my own business, training in the Coliseum, when I went to the Waterway. Things were going pretty well, although I lost the low-level I was training. The thing is, she spontaneously died. I don't think she was suffering from bleed damage and it was just the Thresher's turn (sometimes the dragon "dies" before the attack animation or damage numbers come through on my computer), but then it went to her turn! Clearly she's dead so she can't attack, so I pretty much got stuck in limbo and had to abandon the fight! [img][/img] Any idea what happened or why? Pretty sure it's a bug. [b]Update:[/b] Later on in a match at the Arena, Calligra survived a hit, however his health gauge said he was at 0 HP! A few turns later, the same thing happened with him as it did Sanguine. What's happening in the Coli, eh? [img][/img]
Not sure if anyone else has reported this, so here I go.

I was minding my own business, training in the Coliseum, when I went to the Waterway. Things were going pretty well, although I lost the low-level I was training.

The thing is, she spontaneously died. I don't think she was suffering from bleed damage and it was just the Thresher's turn (sometimes the dragon "dies" before the attack animation or damage numbers come through on my computer), but then it went to her turn! Clearly she's dead so she can't attack, so I pretty much got stuck in limbo and had to abandon the fight!


Any idea what happened or why? Pretty sure it's a bug.

Update: Later on in a match at the Arena, Calligra survived a hit, however his health gauge said he was at 0 HP! A few turns later, the same thing happened with him as it did Sanguine. What's happening in the Coli, eh?

Got something like that, but I was in woodland path and I had defeated an enemy. But then it came that enemy's turn and I just got stuck. It happened twice.
Got something like that, but I was in woodland path and I had defeated an enemy. But then it came that enemy's turn and I just got stuck. It happened twice.
I have been getting something similar. Every time that I kill an enemy with bleed damage, it freezes as if it was their turn. Bleed damage is calculated at the start of a character's turn, so there really isn't any way around this that I know of.
I have been getting something similar. Every time that I kill an enemy with bleed damage, it freezes as if it was their turn. Bleed damage is calculated at the start of a character's turn, so there really isn't any way around this that I know of.
Currently looking/wishing for:
    Crystal gene scrolls
    Shimmer gene scrolls
    Glimmer gene scrolls

I can only guess that somehow the Thresher attacked and knocked out Sanguine, but its animation didn't go through, and Coli had a bit "wait what" moment because she died but Coli (or some part of it) didn't know about it... Hiccups like this happen sometimes due to the outcome of a turn being calculated before the animations take place, I suppose. We can only hope this is addressed in the rewrite.

@Kirya @Quxyun

I believe what you've experienced is some instances of known glitches described in this tracked thread. Please post your reports there, it will help for tracking purposes.

I can only guess that somehow the Thresher attacked and knocked out Sanguine, but its animation didn't go through, and Coli had a bit "wait what" moment because she died but Coli (or some part of it) didn't know about it... Hiccups like this happen sometimes due to the outcome of a turn being calculated before the animations take place, I suppose. We can only hope this is addressed in the rewrite.

@Kirya @Quxyun

I believe what you've experienced is some instances of known glitches described in this tracked thread. Please post your reports there, it will help for tracking purposes.
VOkp50l.png Neffi
FR +9

Arcane Dom Lead
I'll report it there, but I'm sure at least once my enemy didn't die of bleeding
I'll report it there, but I'm sure at least once my enemy didn't die of bleeding