
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Riot of Rot Skin Discussion & Chatter
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I really wish people would keep their favorite comments OUT OF the skin contest area. You are spamming.

I'm sorry some of these skins made a few people anxious, I have an intense fear of certain holes in the body as well, but this IS a plague contest :c..Im holding out for the brighter, animal style skins, though I may do one myself. But I'm far to anxious to try after my first one. I don' like the idea of people seeing it and laughing at it or something.
I really wish people would keep their favorite comments OUT OF the skin contest area. You are spamming.

I'm sorry some of these skins made a few people anxious, I have an intense fear of certain holes in the body as well, but this IS a plague contest :c..Im holding out for the brighter, animal style skins, though I may do one myself. But I'm far to anxious to try after my first one. I don' like the idea of people seeing it and laughing at it or something.
About the comments concerning the skins being too gorey...

While I don't have that problem, I'm too big of a horror/zombie fan and thus am very desensitized to such things, I was actually wondering if the contest would have special rules this time around to limit the gore factor. Kinda surprised to find that it doesn't heh.

Personally I'm actually the opposite. I have a kind of morbid fascination with disease and infection and how it works, so I've been looking forward to this contest/holiday since I found out they existed heh
About the comments concerning the skins being too gorey...

While I don't have that problem, I'm too big of a horror/zombie fan and thus am very desensitized to such things, I was actually wondering if the contest would have special rules this time around to limit the gore factor. Kinda surprised to find that it doesn't heh.

Personally I'm actually the opposite. I have a kind of morbid fascination with disease and infection and how it works, so I've been looking forward to this contest/holiday since I found out they existed heh
I have a tip for skin-artists, too, if you want to keep an eye on detail-readability while you're working (several people have remarked/asked about this). Dunno if it's common knowledge, but-

If you're using Photoshop:
  • Go to Window>Arrange>New Window for [current file] (at the bottom of the list)
  • Adjust the new window to a zoom level approximating the final size.
  • Float the window and set it off to the side, or on a 2nd monitor if you have one.
  • Now you can paint on your skin at full size or zoomed in, in the main window, but have a constantly-updated "final" version to view, to make sure everything will read as you paint it.
If you're not using Photoshop, check your documentation to see if there's a similar command? I imagine there ought be.

(my day job involves making sure art can be read at small sizes, and I used to do assets for Alacrity.)
I have a tip for skin-artists, too, if you want to keep an eye on detail-readability while you're working (several people have remarked/asked about this). Dunno if it's common knowledge, but-

If you're using Photoshop:
  • Go to Window>Arrange>New Window for [current file] (at the bottom of the list)
  • Adjust the new window to a zoom level approximating the final size.
  • Float the window and set it off to the side, or on a 2nd monitor if you have one.
  • Now you can paint on your skin at full size or zoomed in, in the main window, but have a constantly-updated "final" version to view, to make sure everything will read as you paint it.
If you're not using Photoshop, check your documentation to see if there's a similar command? I imagine there ought be.

(my day job involves making sure art can be read at small sizes, and I used to do assets for Alacrity.)
@KitSephiri Oh no it was totally my intention to not get overly gorey! Like, drawn gore is ok imo(None of the entries as of yet have bothered me, it's actually been the ebola talk in this thread earlier that unsettled me ahah, I tend to have hypochondriac tendencies and hearing symptoms of diseases can get a little rough) but I just LOATHE rl gore and someone with a weaker stomach than mine would probably have an issue, so I definitely wanted to like, not get too gross.
I think there's a middle ground that can be reached; like you can still be gorey but JUST ENOUGH to not over the top unsettle people, maybe? And there's always like, scavenger skins too to draw from!
@KitSephiri Oh no it was totally my intention to not get overly gorey! Like, drawn gore is ok imo(None of the entries as of yet have bothered me, it's actually been the ebola talk in this thread earlier that unsettled me ahah, I tend to have hypochondriac tendencies and hearing symptoms of diseases can get a little rough) but I just LOATHE rl gore and someone with a weaker stomach than mine would probably have an issue, so I definitely wanted to like, not get too gross.
I think there's a middle ground that can be reached; like you can still be gorey but JUST ENOUGH to not over the top unsettle people, maybe? And there's always like, scavenger skins too to draw from!
don't go to these they're all under closed for the time being

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So has anyone seen the Pirates of the Caribbean movies - specifically, Dead Man's Chest & At World's End? They based the crew of the Dutchman - their costumes, at least - off skin conditions & diseases as much as sealife.

Now, a lot of the skins in the contest are horrible and grotesque and that is AWESOME. But - personally - I think there's a condition that could actually end up looking kind of amazing without outright having a gore/horror factor.

Anyone look up vitiligo lately?

(In an RP based on POTC we actually used that as a base for Will Turner getting Dutchman'd - he ended up looking like an orca. :D)

So has anyone seen the Pirates of the Caribbean movies - specifically, Dead Man's Chest & At World's End? They based the crew of the Dutchman - their costumes, at least - off skin conditions & diseases as much as sealife.

Now, a lot of the skins in the contest are horrible and grotesque and that is AWESOME. But - personally - I think there's a condition that could actually end up looking kind of amazing without outright having a gore/horror factor.

Anyone look up vitiligo lately?

(In an RP based on POTC we actually used that as a base for Will Turner getting Dutchman'd - he ended up looking like an orca. :D)
art by Somaticsilence
@GoldenBeetle plz keep comments to this post not the entry post plz

@Daeodon while it is a pretty accent i do believe u need a skin to enter the contest
@GoldenBeetle plz keep comments to this post not the entry post plz

@Daeodon while it is a pretty accent i do believe u need a skin to enter the contest
FC: 0232-8823-3162 Name: Kat
Version: X, Y, Alpha Sapphire
Vivillion Pattern: High Plains Pattern
Safari : Fairy - Swirlix, Togepi and Floette
*hisses loudly at the "dislocated shoulder" thing*
No. Never wanting to experience it. And YOU need to recover. Now. FAST. Plaguemommy is not happy.
I can't wait for the skins to be selected as well! AAAH!

Hyenas and vultures seem to be more associated with Plague to me than ghosts... I'm eally sorry that I missed that bearded vulture. Looks cool :3
Someone also di a hissing cockroach and I was like "Thumbsup!". Plague animals!
*hisses loudly at the "dislocated shoulder" thing*
No. Never wanting to experience it. And YOU need to recover. Now. FAST. Plaguemommy is not happy.
I can't wait for the skins to be selected as well! AAAH!

Hyenas and vultures seem to be more associated with Plague to me than ghosts... I'm eally sorry that I missed that bearded vulture. Looks cool :3
Someone also di a hissing cockroach and I was like "Thumbsup!". Plague animals!
maironbat100.png SPIRAL-septica.gif tumblr_o2njdv_YVOg1umbrmyo1_400.png 41_Septica-90.png
@kittyk2000 Eh, sorry. So many people were doing the favorite thing I assumed it was ok.
@kittyk2000 Eh, sorry. So many people were doing the favorite thing I assumed it was ok.
ohya man those bug entries def have my vote tooooo
and thanks ^^

freaky things ftw!
ohya man those bug entries def have my vote tooooo
and thanks ^^

freaky things ftw!
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@artoni - Please don't do this. I don't want to call you out here, but vitiligo isn't a plague or related to anything plague-like and this could be construed as offensive, to be honest. I don't wanna make you feel bad or anything like that, I just think that it's dangerous territory.
Also... Vitiligo is the loss of melanin in the skin. It makes you lose pigmentation completely in spots of your skin, not gain.
@artoni - Please don't do this. I don't want to call you out here, but vitiligo isn't a plague or related to anything plague-like and this could be construed as offensive, to be honest. I don't wanna make you feel bad or anything like that, I just think that it's dangerous territory.
Also... Vitiligo is the loss of melanin in the skin. It makes you lose pigmentation completely in spots of your skin, not gain.
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