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TOPIC | This Ad is O.O (Gore)
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ANOTHER ONE?!?!??! [img][/img]

Ad-block plus

You're welcome.

Ad-block plus

You're welcome.
Tell me your desire
while you pull me from the fire
and we'll seal the deal with a kiss
@Starshallow You're gonna want to put a warning in the title of the thread, that first ad could be extremely disturbing to some people. Eye horror is never something to be taken lightly.
@Starshallow You're gonna want to put a warning in the title of the thread, that first ad could be extremely disturbing to some people. Eye horror is never something to be taken lightly.
@Starshallow I don't have any form of ad blocking device on my mobile, and play on Flight Rising from there a lot. The most popular ad that appears on this site for me over on there is advertising some sexy diva photo hub website. Honestly. Sometimes I want to bring certain ads to the attention of staff.
@Starshallow I don't have any form of ad blocking device on my mobile, and play on Flight Rising from there a lot. The most popular ad that appears on this site for me over on there is advertising some sexy diva photo hub website. Honestly. Sometimes I want to bring certain ads to the attention of staff.
@OtterQueen here you go
@OtterQueen here you go
Uh, you guys know you can report problem ads, right?
Uh, you guys know you can report problem ads, right?
Thread titles aren't allowed to be in all caps
Thread titles aren't allowed to be in all caps

Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now
You know that the ads are provided to you based on your own browser history though, right?
You know that the ads are provided to you based on your own browser history though, right?
isjE8eL.gifD91RBvR.pngI Don't Know What I'm DoingOY3P2op.pngisjE8eL.gif
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