May I be added to the general pinglist? ouo
May I be added to the general pinglist? ouo
—Xem. 32. He/him. FR+3.
Hello there~
May I please be added to Gintsugi for Guardian M? thanks! c:
And to your general pinglist too?
Hello there~
May I please be added to Gintsugi for Guardian M? thanks! c:
And to your general pinglist too?
» +2 hours
» Night owl
» Gamer
» Jumin Han
» English is not my first language
varenyky hi, is there a general ping list for when new skins or accents come out? If so, can I please be on it?
varenyky hi, is there a general ping list for when new skins or accents come out? If so, can I please be on it?
We have one extra copy of a [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/1588333/1#post_14241552]basic custom recolour[/url] that we've decided to sell at a discount! Normally, buying such a recolour would cost the price of a blueprint plus 350g; however, we are selling off this copy at 800g.
[center][b][size=4]Purple Dragonfly for Coatl F[/size][/b]
[i]Currently listed in the AH at 800g[/i]
In order to be fair, I will not hold this accent for anyone. Once this copy sells in the AH, it's gone.
[size=2]Tettix's general pinglist: @Jazz @Sil @Hazelaar @Ikunoche @Brightwinged @jancola @Starsilver @RoxyWolf @SirLeafheart @naphy @EisenDragoon @Niharike @mus @Riko @snowpea @Kasael @wrecknrule @Ekanos @Adirael @liumeilun @KittyAoba @Diplocaulus @Jinkx @Tavaris @Aon @Cyberstrike @TornTethers @Asmea @Stenvela @Seolhe @kaykay3622 @Ruurin @magicalscience @Pseudoscience @Amphiptere @Gulo @Clifftop @Juuzou @Juushika @Poisonedpaper @windyfields @Zaefyra @Melis @mes3 @Anactoria @tacroy @Alex925 @straekitty @Magenta @Zelai @Luunai @liantal @meonox @Averan @scribblingface @Razaera @Herudito @herongale @Evarinya @spilledink @ShadesofCyan @Miloki @Fadeela @QuickSilvr @Diplocaulus @Faustien @Remise @Tezzeret @lightly @Envinyatar @Pecha @skyarising @annadandelion @Maye @CaptainSanya @Kardi @Setnus @Asmea @handsome @kittykat145 @Subjugation @Infectionary @micahjaguar @Nevaka @WhiteMantis @Soupy @OmakeLady @Demonfeathers @murklin @LynterriaHatake @atrolock @Katreal @Aeonox @Jad @axionAngel @Scorpius @Maiiau @Azurrys @Kintsy @Zoustache @BlueRampion @Micciz @Ammut @OverTheWolf @CdrPhoenix @Atavistic @Mercenary @butcherbaby @Xemriss @Vanitas @ThisShiningNight
New stuff only: @necrophades @fairyhalo @nika @Sonikki @refrayn @Addmon @Nightwind @wrecknrule @Asmea @Darkersolstice[/size]
varenyky Could I reserve a treasure slot for the next time you do a reprint of the male wildclaw Golden Dragonfly accent please?
varenyky Could I reserve a treasure slot for the next time you do a reprint of the male wildclaw Golden Dragonfly accent please?
Tettix has designed a new guardian accent in celebration of Trickmurk Circus!
[center][size=4][b]Chasing Shadows for Guardian F[/b][/size][/center]
[columns][img]http://i.imgur.com/tna4MS3.png[/img] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [center][skin=16557]
This accent will run until rollover on Wednesday, March 2nd. After that, any extras will be sold in the AH at 550g each and the accent will be shelved until next Trickmurk Circus.
[size=2]Interested: @SunDragon @Niharike @PorkWithBones @Velander
Tettix's general pinglist: @Jazz @Sil @Hazelaar @Ikunoche @Brightwinged @jancola @Starsilver @RoxyWolf @SirLeafheart @naphy @EisenDragoon @Niharike @mus @Riko @snowpea @Kasael @wrecknrule @Ekanos @Adirael @liumeilun @KittyAoba @Diplocaulus @Jinkx @Tavaris @Aon @Cyberstrike @TornTethers @Asmea @Stenvela @Seolhe @kaykay3622 @Ruurin @magicalscience @Pseudoscience @Amphiptere @Gulo @Clifftop @Juuzou @Juushika @Poisonedpaper @windyfields @Zaefyra @Melis @mes3 @Anactoria @tacroy @Alex925 @straekitty @Magenta @Zelai @Luunai @liantal @meonox @Averan @scribblingface @Razaera @Herudito @herongale @Evarinya @spilledink @ShadesofCyan @Miloki @Fadeela @QuickSilvr @Diplocaulus @Faustien @Remise @Tezzeret @lightly @Envinyatar @Pecha @skyarising @annadandelion @Maye @CaptainSanya @Kardi @Setnus @Asmea @handsome @kittykat145 @Subjugation @Infectionary @micahjaguar @Nevaka @WhiteMantis @Soupy @OmakeLady @Demonfeathers @murklin @LynterriaHatake @atrolock @Katreal @Aeonox @Jad @axionAngel @Scorpius @Maiiau @Azurrys @Kintsy @Zoustache @BlueRampion @Micciz @Ammut @OverTheWolf @CdrPhoenix @Atavistic @Mercenary @butcherbaby @Xemriss @Vanitas @ThisShiningNight
New stuff pinglist: @necrophades @fairyhalo @nika @Sonikki @refrayn @Addmon @Nightwind @wrecknrule @Asmea @Darkersolstice[/size]
[size=2]All breeds F accents: @LucidDreams @abril @abzu @Achi @Aeonox @Akihiko @alchemyhead @Alstroemeria @Alyci @AmmieKatt @Amphiptere @androgynace @anhbon921 @arach @Aralas @Argonaut @Moons @ArtsyChap @asgore @Ashtastic @Astraya @axionAngel @Azremiel @Batcatization @beckswithspecks @bel @Bhelryss @biqua @Mariposas @Bluedragon @Bluejey @bluesparrow46 @Bluetadamore @booty @briar @Cabe @Candor @Canzone @Cattestrophic @Cattestrophic @CecilaTheWerecat @Cedric @CerberaHeart @ChaliceCabriel @Circustry @Clifftop @cliones @cloverly @curio @Cute @Cyrya @Desi @Diseased @Dragonlaird @duckweed @elaendorlien @Emberwolf @Eme @Erendira @Evarinya @Evoker @Fenix @Finne @FireflyRhapsody @FlareSolaire @Frillshark @Gacha @Gaelic @Galeia @GlitchedGhost @Godspeed @haikwoshevo @hayum (no gore plz) @heaki @Heathers @hiperyon @honeyT @IndigoPi @InkZylorn @Interlinea @izuna @jamaesi @Jazz @JD1620 @juawia @Juyoung @Kaamos @kaaoqi @Kaitii @kaykat @kikay @Koneko @koobi @Krin @kurtcobain @Kyoya @Kyrislian @Kyrrah @lez @lightenvee @lilo @LittleFirefly @ljusclara @Lunila @LynterriaHatake @Malis @mangusto @Mariazny @masculinetoast @maybels @Maye @meonox @metallokinetic @misscallierose @MollyMerula @Mookzilla @moonfable @Mortveil @MusicalMaladies @nanairo @Narif @NeonSharpies @nereides @Niharike @nika @NoAkei @Noxeryrs @Nuegothy @Nymphalidae @Ocellis @ophician @Oriel @Paddington @PandragonsBox @Pangur @Kanariah @PattSso @Pecha @pjoenix @pjoenix @piscula @pooses @pretzuls @Prey @Purrlpink @FWD @Quinn @RainbowSmoothie @ranyani @raucousremy @redsparrow @refrayn @Rehnen @Renoki @Replasy @Rhi @Rifter @rocketgirl2 @rooty @rubyredtan @Rustdover @Safirien @sakku @seepratintti @serpens @serpentofmoe @ShadowRising @shamwow @Shaniae @sherryqianmo @Morgrim @siaur @silvers @SirLeafheart @SkytheCrowDemon @smileytechie @snowpea @snowy @somnacin @squidragon @Dussty @Stasha @Steel @Strangely @sunshinecitadel @SweetEkk0 @Taaarnfalk @tangaroa @TheCunningCorvid @Thewaka @Tiriea @ToasterOven @Tobias @Toothiana @Trachynhawb @triska @Serpede @Uitwaaien @Unthymely @velvetpaws @Vulpen @WestWindWalker @Wolfscent @Xaim @xape @Xotis @Xythus @Yay @Yoda @YoshiyaKiryu @Ythequeris @Zaefyra @Zelai @wizardmymom @Ultima @Jinkx @kazay @Rosabelle @Scarfsickle @Rinibun @Micheru @Kairo @BlackoutEternity @Heliolisk @Moami @Silence @BladesFire @samwise @Athexreh @stitchedinice @Insouciant @JackalSmiler @silberseele @Dessy @Venneris @katamarikozzan @asphyxia @antiquaries @timanatee @taipantigress
Guard F accents: @Aalto @Aava @AbysmalGrace @Akal @Ambitious @Amerretti @Antrey @Argonaut @Aristiana @apis @Asagi @Astarothius @asterope @Astrologian @BabylonsFall @baek @bash @beckyh2112 @Micheru @BombSwan @Airwarrior @briteoctopus @Bromjunaar @Bujnik @Bunnykins @burningdarkfire @BurntEmber @butcherbaby @Cameui @candor @CasualPancakes @CatCuriosity @Chiptunehero @Chrestomanci @christina @CodeKhoshehk @corvidus @Cryptic @Deme @Destroya @Diseased @Dragondrop @durandal @Emberwolf @emiliexandra @Empyreal @EverestDrak @Faileas @Fenix @FireflyRhapsody @Fraxinus @Fujo @Fujoshi @Galaxtic @Ganymede @Gilan @Glaceon22 @Godspeed @specialred @gootarts @handsome @hat17 @heat @Heathers @illegal @irishmarmalade @irony @Itsy @Jazz @Juni @kaaoqi @Kaesa @Kaitii @Kalistys @KarkatSizemore @Katreal @khalyeezy @kika988 @KittyAoba @Kryptographer @Kuroida @ladyfenrir @Lapillus @leeedea @Leonaa @Lililira @LilyBound @Lionsong @Loulybob @lugiagirl98 @Marceline @Marshell @marymouse @Masumi @maybels @Maye @mirrorstone @Morphini @Murasaki @murklin @Myrkskog @nanairo @Neroshii @nibelibre @NicoleEirin @Niharike @Nymphalidae @OverlordFreya @Pandademic @Peafowl @Pecan @pedroinboxfort @Phoenixfyre @Pit @Plume @Plushstiel @PlushyRobot @Punkinn @Quenya @RainbowSmoothie @Raire @raktajino @RationalParanoia @Ravera @RayFisch @Rey @Rifter @rockmaninov @Rubisco @Rusti @Safirien @Samayl @Scrimshaw @Seiki @SerenityBreeze @sharkbutt @Shian @shortkeike @SilverBook @Skia @skysamba @snowy @Solaritude @Soraia @Soupy @Spooky @starclutter @atalaeai @straekitty @surskitty @Survivors @Sykona @Synchros @tackysnaps @Takora @Tarere @TCTLG @thecatsred @thefrogg @thesecontexts @tigercule @Tiriea @ToasterOven @Torichibi @Trachynhawb @Traidy @tunelessmelody @Vangoghbot @Vaze @Venax @Veracity @Vespertiine @Vesperupus @Vil @VolatileMatter @Vovina @WhiteMantis @whyistheumgone @World @xemseige @yin @Zelai @ZeroAerie @Zidderinni @paragonbroscaa @saowen99 @Taerar @Jesster @lightenvee @Phyrne @Addmon @Dis @bonevine @crateshya @FrostStrix @WickedHorror @xovud @Kassandra @heartsung @GuardianLioness @adrienne1614
Specifics: @articsocean @Dask @hat17 @Kaial @Liljanlaulu @Rasaliina[/size]
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Put me down for one please! Would you like the payment now or after?
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