

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [ Private ] This is Hecked Up
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

This world was new. Comfort and worth used to be the only world she knew. Now she was on her own, but she could do this, of course she could. Her momma had always told her that she was gonna be big and strong one day, and she was big and strong now. She had to be now that her momma was, well, dead.

She stumbled forward on her feet, calling out loudly to anybody nearby. "Hey! Hey! Food? I'm hungryyyyy," she whined pitifully, orange eyes looking up at any passing person with a pitiful expression. "I'll be nice and happy if you feed me! My name's Raindew Liru, but you can call me Liru!" Why wasn't anybody taking pity on her and feeding her? All she wanted was some bread...or yogurt. Liru huffed. Eventually she would find a human that would want to feed a baby chicken like herself.
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

This world was new. Comfort and worth used to be the only world she knew. Now she was on her own, but she could do this, of course she could. Her momma had always told her that she was gonna be big and strong one day, and she was big and strong now. She had to be now that her momma was, well, dead.

She stumbled forward on her feet, calling out loudly to anybody nearby. "Hey! Hey! Food? I'm hungryyyyy," she whined pitifully, orange eyes looking up at any passing person with a pitiful expression. "I'll be nice and happy if you feed me! My name's Raindew Liru, but you can call me Liru!" Why wasn't anybody taking pity on her and feeding her? All she wanted was some bread...or yogurt. Liru huffed. Eventually she would find a human that would want to feed a baby chicken like herself.
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Bob, who was 6'2" and weighed 500 pounds, was just walking down the road when he saw some weird chicken meandering around yelling like a maniac. So Bob glared at the chicken and told it to be quieter and continued walking down the road.

@feathertalon @seriesta
Bob, who was 6'2" and weighed 500 pounds, was just walking down the road when he saw some weird chicken meandering around yelling like a maniac. So Bob glared at the chicken and told it to be quieter and continued walking down the road.

@feathertalon @seriesta
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

The baby chicken glanced up when she noticed a very large figure nearby. Her little baby chicken feathers fluffed out. More excitement and wonder than anything else had made her half feathers-half down ruffle. "Food!" Liru cried out, hopping about and flapping her mostly down covered wings. "Big man, you should have food and give it to me!" If this man didn't have food for her then Liru was going to get angry. So angry, in fact, that she would disembowel him.
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

The baby chicken glanced up when she noticed a very large figure nearby. Her little baby chicken feathers fluffed out. More excitement and wonder than anything else had made her half feathers-half down ruffle. "Food!" Liru cried out, hopping about and flapping her mostly down covered wings. "Big man, you should have food and give it to me!" If this man didn't have food for her then Liru was going to get angry. So angry, in fact, that she would disembowel him.
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@Feathertalon @ROAnoaZoro

The small, yippy dog lunged forward in excitement, trying to reach the chicken and play with it. But alas, the yippy dog was attached to a chain attached a pole while her owner got food. These people didn't allow dogs to go in. Not that the yippy dog was trying too hard. She could easily slip out of her collar if she wanted to. But she didn't. She didn't want to. She just wanted to bark at the chicken. So she did. She barked at that tiny chicken.

"Look! Look over here! Chicken, chicken, chicken! Pay attention to me!" She yipped louder, wagging her tail in excitement. Man, she wanted to play with that chicken.
@Feathertalon @ROAnoaZoro

The small, yippy dog lunged forward in excitement, trying to reach the chicken and play with it. But alas, the yippy dog was attached to a chain attached a pole while her owner got food. These people didn't allow dogs to go in. Not that the yippy dog was trying too hard. She could easily slip out of her collar if she wanted to. But she didn't. She didn't want to. She just wanted to bark at the chicken. So she did. She barked at that tiny chicken.

"Look! Look over here! Chicken, chicken, chicken! Pay attention to me!" She yipped louder, wagging her tail in excitement. Man, she wanted to play with that chicken.
"I don't have any food!" Bob exclaimed. "Nobody just carries around food, you stupid chicken. Go away"
The chicken scared Bob a little bit, but he was sure he could handle it. After was just a chicken. What could happen?
And then he heard the dog barking. oh no thought Bob. He didn't like the chicken very much, but he did have a strong fear of dogs.

@feathertalon @seriesta
"I don't have any food!" Bob exclaimed. "Nobody just carries around food, you stupid chicken. Go away"
The chicken scared Bob a little bit, but he was sure he could handle it. After was just a chicken. What could happen?
And then he heard the dog barking. oh no thought Bob. He didn't like the chicken very much, but he did have a strong fear of dogs.

@feathertalon @seriesta
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

Liru let out a chicken-growl, her feathers now ruffling up in what could only be anger. She had thought Big Man would have food for her. How dare he not have food for her, the great Liru! Bob, however, was lucky, as right before she was about to march forward and tackle him to the ground, her sensitive ears caught sound of a barking dog. Oh no, oh hell no. Dogs were not good. Dogs had eaten her mother - well, not really eaten. Dogs never actually ate chickens, they just left a corpse.

The Rhode Island Red and Lakenvelder mix turned her attention away from Bob and toward the yippy dog. "Shut up!" Liru shouted as loud as her chicken voice could go. "Nobody likes you, you stupid peanut!"
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

Liru let out a chicken-growl, her feathers now ruffling up in what could only be anger. She had thought Big Man would have food for her. How dare he not have food for her, the great Liru! Bob, however, was lucky, as right before she was about to march forward and tackle him to the ground, her sensitive ears caught sound of a barking dog. Oh no, oh hell no. Dogs were not good. Dogs had eaten her mother - well, not really eaten. Dogs never actually ate chickens, they just left a corpse.

The Rhode Island Red and Lakenvelder mix turned her attention away from Bob and toward the yippy dog. "Shut up!" Liru shouted as loud as her chicken voice could go. "Nobody likes you, you stupid peanut!"
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@Feathertalon @ROAnoaZoro

The dog got even more excited, jerking forward and then wagging her tail more. "Chicken responded to me! Chicken responded to me!" She moved down, staring at the chicken, and then wagging her entire backside, almost amazed at the beauty of this animal. She loved tiny animals. They made her life even more amazing than it already was. She didn't care if the chicken hated her, she loved the chicken. Then again, she loved everything.
@Feathertalon @ROAnoaZoro

The dog got even more excited, jerking forward and then wagging her tail more. "Chicken responded to me! Chicken responded to me!" She moved down, staring at the chicken, and then wagging her entire backside, almost amazed at the beauty of this animal. She loved tiny animals. They made her life even more amazing than it already was. She didn't care if the chicken hated her, she loved the chicken. Then again, she loved everything.
@feathertalon @seriesta

Bob decided he was in luck. Because the chicken was there, he would be fine! The dog obviously loved the chicken and Bob assumed it was looking forward to eating it. He could make his escape! He slowly slinked on, praying he wouldn't be noticed by either animal.
@feathertalon @seriesta

Bob decided he was in luck. Because the chicken was there, he would be fine! The dog obviously loved the chicken and Bob assumed it was looking forward to eating it. He could make his escape! He slowly slinked on, praying he wouldn't be noticed by either animal.
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

Liru was not fond of the dog, not at all. She wished it would just fall over and die already. God, dogs were worthless. They had eaten her mommy and her brother, though she missed her mommy more than her brother - her brother had been a mean doo-doo head. Every time she had called him that their mother would scold her for harsh language. ... Well. Her mom wasn't around anymore... That meant she could do anything and get away with it. That was the only con she could think of when it came to the fact that she had a dead mother.

The young chicken glared at the dog. "Shut up, doo-doo head!" Oh yeah, it felt nice to use that word without being scolded right after. Liru chirred with pleasure. She could say whatever she wanted now! That made her happy. In her mirth she gave a content chirp before running around like, well, a chicken with its head cut off. She swerved around Bob in happy circles just over the fact that she could say doo-doo head without being grounded.
@ROAnoaZoro @Seriesta

Liru was not fond of the dog, not at all. She wished it would just fall over and die already. God, dogs were worthless. They had eaten her mommy and her brother, though she missed her mommy more than her brother - her brother had been a mean doo-doo head. Every time she had called him that their mother would scold her for harsh language. ... Well. Her mom wasn't around anymore... That meant she could do anything and get away with it. That was the only con she could think of when it came to the fact that she had a dead mother.

The young chicken glared at the dog. "Shut up, doo-doo head!" Oh yeah, it felt nice to use that word without being scolded right after. Liru chirred with pleasure. She could say whatever she wanted now! That made her happy. In her mirth she gave a content chirp before running around like, well, a chicken with its head cut off. She swerved around Bob in happy circles just over the fact that she could say doo-doo head without being grounded.
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