

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Disquiet (HORROR RP, message to enter)
1 2
Matthew Lounds
The world is flickering around me as I tear across the street. Panic. Faster. Get away. I have to get away. That wasn't natural. Not real. It couldn't have been real. But it was. I could smell the burned flesh, hear the plastic crinkling as things moved about inside.

I'm flying. One of my legs caught on the other. Clumsy. My cheek slams into the rough pavement, and my forehead cracks against the step of the sidewalk. It hurts. A thin line of blood is trickling across my face. I don't move. I can't focus my eyes on anything. Slowly, I try to stand up. I'm so dizzy I can barely move without tipping over, and my stomach is rolling with nausea. I manage to crawl up onto the sidewalk. Something might be wrong with me. Am I going insane? I must be. I'm feeling tired. I want to close my eyes and rest. I look down.

The face is right under me. I'm howling, and I try to stand up, but I can't. My arms and legs keep giving out. It's staring at me with its sad, pained face and its eyes are boring into-

Eyes? The thing from the microwave's eyes were missing. It's... I force myself to look again. It's the article from earlier. The one that fell on the floor. It's just a piece of paper. Air fills my lungs. I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I grab the paper harshly. It creases in my hand. I finally sit up. Blood is pounding in my head, and I wipe it off my face with a shaking hand.

'Man Stealing From His Workplace - Stupid Enough To Get Caught'

I'm sure we've all stolen a thing or two in our lifetimes. It's not exactly an uncommon offense. However, every now and then there's a real kicker in thievery stories that makes you think, 'What kind of idiot gets caught like that?' Well, have I got one of those for you. Let me tell you about -/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\-.

Yesterday afternoon, I went down to the grocery store to stock up my fridge. Can't run out of milk, you know? As I'm walking down the isles, I see something... rather strange. There is a man - probably around 50-60 years of age - standing at the fruit displays. He's wearing the store's uniform, so it doesn't seem too strange at first. But as I'm sure you all know by now, I've got an eye for this kind of stuff. I'm like a bloodhound. I sniff it out, and when I find it, I wring it into the open by it's neck for the whole world to see.

So I don't leave. I stand a little ways off, and watch. He shifts around nervously, and if I hadn't have been searching for it I wouldn't have seen it. His hand whipped out! Almost like a snake, and grabbed one of the apples sitting on the display. The hand retreated into his jacket, and was at his side, empty again, in a matter of seconds. I would have laughed, was I not trying to be quiet. I slowly got my camera out of my bag, and pretended like I was polishing it. My finger itched to press the shutter. I was praying to God he would steal just one more. Suddenly, I saw it! His hand flicked out again, and I was ready this time. I snapped the photo! Another person's crimes, captured forever on print! The bright light from my shot startled him, and he spun around looking like the cat that got caught with the canary! I was too quick for him, though, ducking behind one of the other displays. He didn't find me.

The camera spit out the photo, and I waved it around, trying to get it to develop as fast as possible. Score! Not only was the picture fantastic, but it was hard evidence! Another criminal brought to justice by yours truly. I went to the manager not long after. I. .. .. we.. .. .. .a.. .. . .. ..

... ... ....... .... ..

The rest of the page is ruined. It doesn't matter, I can't drag my eyes away from the picture next to the title. It's the same picture I took that day, and without a doubt the face that had been staring up at me from the microwave. And the apple... this is sick. Murder. Someone must have killed that man, and... ripped off his face. I'm losing my mind. I turn around and retch into the gutter. There are spots in my vision. My head hurts. For the first time in a very long time, I feel terrified.
Matthew Lounds
The world is flickering around me as I tear across the street. Panic. Faster. Get away. I have to get away. That wasn't natural. Not real. It couldn't have been real. But it was. I could smell the burned flesh, hear the plastic crinkling as things moved about inside.

I'm flying. One of my legs caught on the other. Clumsy. My cheek slams into the rough pavement, and my forehead cracks against the step of the sidewalk. It hurts. A thin line of blood is trickling across my face. I don't move. I can't focus my eyes on anything. Slowly, I try to stand up. I'm so dizzy I can barely move without tipping over, and my stomach is rolling with nausea. I manage to crawl up onto the sidewalk. Something might be wrong with me. Am I going insane? I must be. I'm feeling tired. I want to close my eyes and rest. I look down.

The face is right under me. I'm howling, and I try to stand up, but I can't. My arms and legs keep giving out. It's staring at me with its sad, pained face and its eyes are boring into-

Eyes? The thing from the microwave's eyes were missing. It's... I force myself to look again. It's the article from earlier. The one that fell on the floor. It's just a piece of paper. Air fills my lungs. I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I grab the paper harshly. It creases in my hand. I finally sit up. Blood is pounding in my head, and I wipe it off my face with a shaking hand.

'Man Stealing From His Workplace - Stupid Enough To Get Caught'

I'm sure we've all stolen a thing or two in our lifetimes. It's not exactly an uncommon offense. However, every now and then there's a real kicker in thievery stories that makes you think, 'What kind of idiot gets caught like that?' Well, have I got one of those for you. Let me tell you about -/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\-.

Yesterday afternoon, I went down to the grocery store to stock up my fridge. Can't run out of milk, you know? As I'm walking down the isles, I see something... rather strange. There is a man - probably around 50-60 years of age - standing at the fruit displays. He's wearing the store's uniform, so it doesn't seem too strange at first. But as I'm sure you all know by now, I've got an eye for this kind of stuff. I'm like a bloodhound. I sniff it out, and when I find it, I wring it into the open by it's neck for the whole world to see.

So I don't leave. I stand a little ways off, and watch. He shifts around nervously, and if I hadn't have been searching for it I wouldn't have seen it. His hand whipped out! Almost like a snake, and grabbed one of the apples sitting on the display. The hand retreated into his jacket, and was at his side, empty again, in a matter of seconds. I would have laughed, was I not trying to be quiet. I slowly got my camera out of my bag, and pretended like I was polishing it. My finger itched to press the shutter. I was praying to God he would steal just one more. Suddenly, I saw it! His hand flicked out again, and I was ready this time. I snapped the photo! Another person's crimes, captured forever on print! The bright light from my shot startled him, and he spun around looking like the cat that got caught with the canary! I was too quick for him, though, ducking behind one of the other displays. He didn't find me.

The camera spit out the photo, and I waved it around, trying to get it to develop as fast as possible. Score! Not only was the picture fantastic, but it was hard evidence! Another criminal brought to justice by yours truly. I went to the manager not long after. I. .. .. we.. .. .. .a.. .. . .. ..

... ... ....... .... ..

The rest of the page is ruined. It doesn't matter, I can't drag my eyes away from the picture next to the title. It's the same picture I took that day, and without a doubt the face that had been staring up at me from the microwave. And the apple... this is sick. Murder. Someone must have killed that man, and... ripped off his face. I'm losing my mind. I turn around and retch into the gutter. There are spots in my vision. My head hurts. For the first time in a very long time, I feel terrified.
^^^ the loves of my life whoops
Robyn Prince
- -
The world blinks into life as my eyes open. It takes a few seconds to clear the sleep from my eyes. Wait...when had I fallen asleep? Where was I for that matter? Last I remember I had been walking down a street. I had...been attacked by something? Yes. Something had attacked me and I....killed it. Oh god. The blood. Was it still spattered on my boots? I ripped the blanket off my body...wait, why was there a blanket? How did I end up in a bed?

I looked around the room. The walls were tiled. Same with the floors. I assumed at one point the tiles may have been white, but time had dirtied and yellowed the tiles. Next to the bed was what looked to be old medical equipment.

"Medical equipment?"

Oh god. I was in a hospital. Why was I in a hospital? How did I get in a hospital? Maybe someone had carried me here after I blacked out from shock. It could have been Matthew. I guess it was possible that he could carry me or drag me. Whatever he did to get me here, but then why leave me all alone?

I turned myself in the bed so my legs were dangling off the side before I pushed myself off the bed. My boots hit the floor with a thud. I bent down to see if I could find traces of blood and guts, but the light in the room was too dim to see much. Instead of continuing to dwell on that further I stood back up and went for the door. The handle was old and rusted. It felt like it would break off as I turned it. The door opened with an ear splitting groan.

"Good grief!"

There was no reason for a door to open that loudly. I don't care how rusted it was. Stupid freaking door. I didn't even bother closing it. I was not keen a repeat of that noise that had come from that door. Instead of began a march down the hallway. The hallway was just as decrepit as the room as I had been in, if not worse. Ahead was a singular fluorescent light dangled, giving off a fair amount of light. I walked toward it. The closer I got the more I could make out a smear of what I was going to guess was blood across the floor. My eyes darted to the wall adjacent to the smear and I could see bloody hand prints....

"Oh god. No."

My insides turned cold. I could feel tremors starting in my hands. No. No. No. Just out of the pool of light was a figure sprawled out on the floor. The blood seemed to be coming from the figure. Oh god. I stepped closer, slowly, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually get closer to the figure. Not without...something. What if it was like the thing that had come after me earlier? I stopped moving and glanced about the hallway. A few feet away from me, to the right of me, was...I wasn't sure what it was. I stepped over to the object on the floor and bent down to make out what it could be. I placed my hand on it and picked it up. Hm...interesting. It looked to be a broken crutch.

There was no way I was walking around this creepy hospital without something in my hand.
Robyn Prince
- -
The world blinks into life as my eyes open. It takes a few seconds to clear the sleep from my eyes. Wait...when had I fallen asleep? Where was I for that matter? Last I remember I had been walking down a street. I had...been attacked by something? Yes. Something had attacked me and I....killed it. Oh god. The blood. Was it still spattered on my boots? I ripped the blanket off my body...wait, why was there a blanket? How did I end up in a bed?

I looked around the room. The walls were tiled. Same with the floors. I assumed at one point the tiles may have been white, but time had dirtied and yellowed the tiles. Next to the bed was what looked to be old medical equipment.

"Medical equipment?"

Oh god. I was in a hospital. Why was I in a hospital? How did I get in a hospital? Maybe someone had carried me here after I blacked out from shock. It could have been Matthew. I guess it was possible that he could carry me or drag me. Whatever he did to get me here, but then why leave me all alone?

I turned myself in the bed so my legs were dangling off the side before I pushed myself off the bed. My boots hit the floor with a thud. I bent down to see if I could find traces of blood and guts, but the light in the room was too dim to see much. Instead of continuing to dwell on that further I stood back up and went for the door. The handle was old and rusted. It felt like it would break off as I turned it. The door opened with an ear splitting groan.

"Good grief!"

There was no reason for a door to open that loudly. I don't care how rusted it was. Stupid freaking door. I didn't even bother closing it. I was not keen a repeat of that noise that had come from that door. Instead of began a march down the hallway. The hallway was just as decrepit as the room as I had been in, if not worse. Ahead was a singular fluorescent light dangled, giving off a fair amount of light. I walked toward it. The closer I got the more I could make out a smear of what I was going to guess was blood across the floor. My eyes darted to the wall adjacent to the smear and I could see bloody hand prints....

"Oh god. No."

My insides turned cold. I could feel tremors starting in my hands. No. No. No. Just out of the pool of light was a figure sprawled out on the floor. The blood seemed to be coming from the figure. Oh god. I stepped closer, slowly, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually get closer to the figure. Not without...something. What if it was like the thing that had come after me earlier? I stopped moving and glanced about the hallway. A few feet away from me, to the right of me, was...I wasn't sure what it was. I stepped over to the object on the floor and bent down to make out what it could be. I placed my hand on it and picked it up. Hm...interesting. It looked to be a broken crutch.

There was no way I was walking around this creepy hospital without something in my hand.
Patrick Kaller, Frederick Huntington
- -
As he stepped out of the wreckage of the car, he wasn't sure whether the strange ethereal glow of the sky or the pain in his body sunk in first. He looked back toward the patrol car, and saw the unconscious form of the other man, still on the opposite side of the divider grate as he had been the entire drive to this haunting place. The only difference is he was now handcuffed to the door handle inside.

He considered the man for a moment, deciding to leave him there until he returned with help; He couldn't just let a person like that run free. The car had been roughly bent on front and back, but windows and inside remained intact.

He slowly took uncertain steps forward toward the first row of buildings that had emerged from the fog like somber monoliths. He looked down at the police badge and name tag pinned to his uniform.

"I'm. . . Officer Kaller" He whispered to himself, as if reaffirming his identity. It seemed that car crash had shaken his psyche pretty roughly, the world continued to have a tilt to it.

Officer Kaller plodded his way toward the heart of town, but was quickly stopped by a peculiarity that caught his eye. One other car out of all the parked cars was different: The uniform coat ashen powder that covered everything had not fully blanketed it. The only other car with this peculiarity was the one Kaller himself had arrived in. Had someone else arrived recently? The silence was disturbing him, had the town been evacuated without him knowing? Never mind, as unsettling as all this was, he decided to simply forge on towards his goal.

Kaller approached closely to the car and tried the door. Locked. Well, needed to secure a way back if I could. He then stepped over the passenger side and tried the handle there for good measure. As he turned away from the car, his head was flowing with a detective's analytical brain power. He lowered his gaze toward the ground. On the ground before him, leading away from the passenger side a few steps out, was scuff marks on the ground. He stepped toward the closest one and knelt to observe it: [Scuff Mark] Footprints. They were in a rush. Angry? [Small] Young person. Girl? It must be her, she was on the side of the car facing me. I saw her pretty clearly as she passed by. I need to catch up with her.

He stood up from ground. She is almost certainly alone, she had left in a hurry. Even if my theory that she was mad at the driver is wrong, she couldn't have been walking with someone at that pace, and there are no second person's tracks. That makes everything easier doesn't it? He then began to speed down the main road toward Town Hall. His pace solid and quickened with determination, jostling the cold black gun in the hostler at his side. He would find her.
Patrick Kaller, Frederick Huntington
- -
As he stepped out of the wreckage of the car, he wasn't sure whether the strange ethereal glow of the sky or the pain in his body sunk in first. He looked back toward the patrol car, and saw the unconscious form of the other man, still on the opposite side of the divider grate as he had been the entire drive to this haunting place. The only difference is he was now handcuffed to the door handle inside.

He considered the man for a moment, deciding to leave him there until he returned with help; He couldn't just let a person like that run free. The car had been roughly bent on front and back, but windows and inside remained intact.

He slowly took uncertain steps forward toward the first row of buildings that had emerged from the fog like somber monoliths. He looked down at the police badge and name tag pinned to his uniform.

"I'm. . . Officer Kaller" He whispered to himself, as if reaffirming his identity. It seemed that car crash had shaken his psyche pretty roughly, the world continued to have a tilt to it.

Officer Kaller plodded his way toward the heart of town, but was quickly stopped by a peculiarity that caught his eye. One other car out of all the parked cars was different: The uniform coat ashen powder that covered everything had not fully blanketed it. The only other car with this peculiarity was the one Kaller himself had arrived in. Had someone else arrived recently? The silence was disturbing him, had the town been evacuated without him knowing? Never mind, as unsettling as all this was, he decided to simply forge on towards his goal.

Kaller approached closely to the car and tried the door. Locked. Well, needed to secure a way back if I could. He then stepped over the passenger side and tried the handle there for good measure. As he turned away from the car, his head was flowing with a detective's analytical brain power. He lowered his gaze toward the ground. On the ground before him, leading away from the passenger side a few steps out, was scuff marks on the ground. He stepped toward the closest one and knelt to observe it: [Scuff Mark] Footprints. They were in a rush. Angry? [Small] Young person. Girl? It must be her, she was on the side of the car facing me. I saw her pretty clearly as she passed by. I need to catch up with her.

He stood up from ground. She is almost certainly alone, she had left in a hurry. Even if my theory that she was mad at the driver is wrong, she couldn't have been walking with someone at that pace, and there are no second person's tracks. That makes everything easier doesn't it? He then began to speed down the main road toward Town Hall. His pace solid and quickened with determination, jostling the cold black gun in the hostler at his side. He would find her.
Matthew Lounds

I manage to pull myself to my feet. Knees are shaking. That's not good. I have to think objectively about this, or I'm going to lose my mind. Which may or may not have already happened, but...

How do you tell if you're hallucinating? I have no idea. Isn't the whole idea of a hallucination that you can't tell? Maybe... this illusion is only one dimensional? What if... what if I touch it? Would it disappear, or my hand go straight through? Mouth pulls down in a tight frown. What if it doesn't? A hard decision.

Holding my camera close, I look back to the grocery store. It's my job to find the truth. I can't just leave something like this up in the air. I have to know, and understand. The ground feels like it's swimming as I stalk across it, legs weak. It doesn't stop me. This is something I have to do.

The door jingles when it opens, a light and happy tune that somehow sets me more on edge than I was before. The place is still dark. I'm not sure what would be worse, honestly. If I can't touch it, I'm crazy. If I can, it's either real or I'm super crazy. Both are undesired. It bothers me, though. Isn't mental instability like this something that builds up? I've never heard of someone just... suddenly tripping nuts. In this kind of way. I don't think I've had any prior symptoms. Would I even know?

I press my fingers into my temples. I'm going in circles.

I see the dim light from the deli in the back of the store. It makes my stomach clench. I'm moving slower. I carefully go around the meat rack, not looking down. I should be looking, but I can't bring myself to. I don't hear anything though, so I guess that's a good sign. The light flickers weakly, like it's fighting to stay on. I feel like the light.

The microwave is sitting where I left it. The door is closed again. Did I close it? I don't remember closing it. Maybe it slammed shut when I panicked to get away? I don't know. It feels like I don't know anything anymore. I'm not used to that.

My heart feels like it's going to climb out of my throat as I inch closer to the microwave. My trembling hand outstretched to open it. The other on my camera, ready to take a picture of it. I can do this. Just fling it open. Fast. Get it over with. Like taking off a band-aid. My fingers curl around the handle...

... it opens. It's... it's just the meat. There's no face. The meat from earlier is right there. Right where I left it. I can't help but feel relieved, even if that means I might be going crazy. At least it wasn't real.

A flash from behind me interrupts my thoughts. I hadn't even considered Robyn. I whirl around in anger, slamming the microwave shut. "Hey, Robyn! Will you knock it the hell off? Ok, ok, I get it! You're mad, you hate me! I'll give you props, I have no idea how you managed to pull some of this crap off, and whoopee to you! Good job, you got your revenge! Just leave me alone! This isn't funny anymore!" I shout. My voice echoes in the returned silence. Nothing. She's not coming out. I hiss under my breath. If she's not going to come to me, I'm coming to her. I hop over the counter and run into the store, wildly checking every isle.

Flash. From behind me, again. I spin around on the heel of my foot. It's empty. Where the hell is she hiding? "Come out, come out where ever you are, Robyn!"

Something clubs me in the back of the head. It hurts. "Son of a-" I can't finish. Something has wrapped around my throat. I feel myself being lifted into the air. I can't breath. I can't see anything. What the hell is holding me up? It feels slimy against my neck. I would gag if I could breath. Spots are entering my vision. I can't get free. I can't-

Flash. I'm free. I fall to the floor. Something is howling, a harsh, pained sound. What happened? My camera makes a noise. It's spit out a picture. I snag it, but it's still undeveloped. I need time. Whatever the hell that was, I'm pretty sure it's not Robyn. It's trying to kill me. A chill runs up my spine at the thought. I jump to my feet and make a break for the door. Things are crashing behind me. It's chasing me, I'm sure of it.

An idea. I turn my camera behind me and press the shutter. An inhuman scream splits the air. I don't stop to see as I bust through the door and tear down the street as fast as I can go.
Matthew Lounds

I manage to pull myself to my feet. Knees are shaking. That's not good. I have to think objectively about this, or I'm going to lose my mind. Which may or may not have already happened, but...

How do you tell if you're hallucinating? I have no idea. Isn't the whole idea of a hallucination that you can't tell? Maybe... this illusion is only one dimensional? What if... what if I touch it? Would it disappear, or my hand go straight through? Mouth pulls down in a tight frown. What if it doesn't? A hard decision.

Holding my camera close, I look back to the grocery store. It's my job to find the truth. I can't just leave something like this up in the air. I have to know, and understand. The ground feels like it's swimming as I stalk across it, legs weak. It doesn't stop me. This is something I have to do.

The door jingles when it opens, a light and happy tune that somehow sets me more on edge than I was before. The place is still dark. I'm not sure what would be worse, honestly. If I can't touch it, I'm crazy. If I can, it's either real or I'm super crazy. Both are undesired. It bothers me, though. Isn't mental instability like this something that builds up? I've never heard of someone just... suddenly tripping nuts. In this kind of way. I don't think I've had any prior symptoms. Would I even know?

I press my fingers into my temples. I'm going in circles.

I see the dim light from the deli in the back of the store. It makes my stomach clench. I'm moving slower. I carefully go around the meat rack, not looking down. I should be looking, but I can't bring myself to. I don't hear anything though, so I guess that's a good sign. The light flickers weakly, like it's fighting to stay on. I feel like the light.

The microwave is sitting where I left it. The door is closed again. Did I close it? I don't remember closing it. Maybe it slammed shut when I panicked to get away? I don't know. It feels like I don't know anything anymore. I'm not used to that.

My heart feels like it's going to climb out of my throat as I inch closer to the microwave. My trembling hand outstretched to open it. The other on my camera, ready to take a picture of it. I can do this. Just fling it open. Fast. Get it over with. Like taking off a band-aid. My fingers curl around the handle...

... it opens. It's... it's just the meat. There's no face. The meat from earlier is right there. Right where I left it. I can't help but feel relieved, even if that means I might be going crazy. At least it wasn't real.

A flash from behind me interrupts my thoughts. I hadn't even considered Robyn. I whirl around in anger, slamming the microwave shut. "Hey, Robyn! Will you knock it the hell off? Ok, ok, I get it! You're mad, you hate me! I'll give you props, I have no idea how you managed to pull some of this crap off, and whoopee to you! Good job, you got your revenge! Just leave me alone! This isn't funny anymore!" I shout. My voice echoes in the returned silence. Nothing. She's not coming out. I hiss under my breath. If she's not going to come to me, I'm coming to her. I hop over the counter and run into the store, wildly checking every isle.

Flash. From behind me, again. I spin around on the heel of my foot. It's empty. Where the hell is she hiding? "Come out, come out where ever you are, Robyn!"

Something clubs me in the back of the head. It hurts. "Son of a-" I can't finish. Something has wrapped around my throat. I feel myself being lifted into the air. I can't breath. I can't see anything. What the hell is holding me up? It feels slimy against my neck. I would gag if I could breath. Spots are entering my vision. I can't get free. I can't-

Flash. I'm free. I fall to the floor. Something is howling, a harsh, pained sound. What happened? My camera makes a noise. It's spit out a picture. I snag it, but it's still undeveloped. I need time. Whatever the hell that was, I'm pretty sure it's not Robyn. It's trying to kill me. A chill runs up my spine at the thought. I jump to my feet and make a break for the door. Things are crashing behind me. It's chasing me, I'm sure of it.

An idea. I turn my camera behind me and press the shutter. An inhuman scream splits the air. I don't stop to see as I bust through the door and tear down the street as fast as I can go.
^^^ the loves of my life whoops
Robyn Prince
- -
My fingers were wrapped tightly around the base of the crutch. The part that usually supported an arm was towering above my head. I slowly turned back to the pool of light where the blood was smeared. Hesitantly I took small steps toward the figure that I assumed to the owner of the blood smears. The figure hadn't moved in the few minutes I had spent searching for an object to protect myself. It hadn't made any noises either and with how eerily quiet it was in this hospital I should at least hear some breathing, right?

I stood on the edge of the circle of light. Directly across from me was the motionless figure. I extended the crutch toward the figure, to poke it, and as the metal touched figure.... skittered backwards. I yanked the crutch back towards myself as the figure vanished from my sight. From somewhere down the hall I could hear clicking sounds. It reminded me of the sounds the spiders made in Harry Potter. Or some kind of freaky alien thing from a number of movies. The sound sent shivers down my spine. It bounced off the walls. I had no clue if the thing that had skittered backwards was making that sound or if it was something else in the hallway. Fear rippled in my gut. I gripped the base of the crutch so tight my knuckles cracked. I could hear shuffling mixed with the clicks. Oh crap. It was moving.

The shuffling and clicking grew louder, closer. I wasn't sure what would be a better option. Running down the hall to look for stairs and have it pursue me from behind. Or stand here and wait for it to come at me. Both options didn't sound all that fantastic, but I would rather face it head on than get jumped from behind. Each second that I stood glued to my spot the sounds grew closer and closer...

...until I saw a foot...was that a foot? I couldn't tell if that was a foot or a hand, but whatever it was it had come into the pool of light. I stumbled back in horror, my foot catching a raised tile, and fell backwards. The moment I touched the floor the creature launched itself at me. It emitted a petrifying scream as it did so. I tried to raise the crutch to smack the creature away, but I was half dazed. Black spots danced in my vision and my head throbbed with pain. I could feel something hot and wet seeping from the back of skull. My attempt to hit the creature was in vain as it landed on me and gripped my shoulders. Its face, it looked like someone had taken a wax figure and held near a flame, was inches from mine. The creature made a noise that was a cross between the clicking and the scream.

It had me pinned to the floor. My right hand still gripped the crutch, but I couldn't bring it up to hit the creature. Every second I struggled its grip on me tightened. I tried to kick at it, tear myself free, but I couldn't move well enough. It seemed to sense I didn't have the means to overpower it. I swear its disfigured face twisted into a sneer and the clicking turned into laughter. Oh god. I'm screwed. I couldn't even scream. All I could do was continue to struggle while tears flooded down my face and listen to its laughter fill my ears.

"Someone help me..."
- -
[+] Help Robyn Prince [-] Let Robyn Prince be murdered
Robyn Prince
- -
My fingers were wrapped tightly around the base of the crutch. The part that usually supported an arm was towering above my head. I slowly turned back to the pool of light where the blood was smeared. Hesitantly I took small steps toward the figure that I assumed to the owner of the blood smears. The figure hadn't moved in the few minutes I had spent searching for an object to protect myself. It hadn't made any noises either and with how eerily quiet it was in this hospital I should at least hear some breathing, right?

I stood on the edge of the circle of light. Directly across from me was the motionless figure. I extended the crutch toward the figure, to poke it, and as the metal touched figure.... skittered backwards. I yanked the crutch back towards myself as the figure vanished from my sight. From somewhere down the hall I could hear clicking sounds. It reminded me of the sounds the spiders made in Harry Potter. Or some kind of freaky alien thing from a number of movies. The sound sent shivers down my spine. It bounced off the walls. I had no clue if the thing that had skittered backwards was making that sound or if it was something else in the hallway. Fear rippled in my gut. I gripped the base of the crutch so tight my knuckles cracked. I could hear shuffling mixed with the clicks. Oh crap. It was moving.

The shuffling and clicking grew louder, closer. I wasn't sure what would be a better option. Running down the hall to look for stairs and have it pursue me from behind. Or stand here and wait for it to come at me. Both options didn't sound all that fantastic, but I would rather face it head on than get jumped from behind. Each second that I stood glued to my spot the sounds grew closer and closer...

...until I saw a foot...was that a foot? I couldn't tell if that was a foot or a hand, but whatever it was it had come into the pool of light. I stumbled back in horror, my foot catching a raised tile, and fell backwards. The moment I touched the floor the creature launched itself at me. It emitted a petrifying scream as it did so. I tried to raise the crutch to smack the creature away, but I was half dazed. Black spots danced in my vision and my head throbbed with pain. I could feel something hot and wet seeping from the back of skull. My attempt to hit the creature was in vain as it landed on me and gripped my shoulders. Its face, it looked like someone had taken a wax figure and held near a flame, was inches from mine. The creature made a noise that was a cross between the clicking and the scream.

It had me pinned to the floor. My right hand still gripped the crutch, but I couldn't bring it up to hit the creature. Every second I struggled its grip on me tightened. I tried to kick at it, tear myself free, but I couldn't move well enough. It seemed to sense I didn't have the means to overpower it. I swear its disfigured face twisted into a sneer and the clicking turned into laughter. Oh god. I'm screwed. I couldn't even scream. All I could do was continue to struggle while tears flooded down my face and listen to its laughter fill my ears.

"Someone help me..."
- -
[+] Help Robyn Prince [-] Let Robyn Prince be murdered
Patrick Kaller, Frederick Huntington
- -
[+] "Help" Robyn Prince

Taking a deep breath in front of a hospital building, Officer Kaller looked up at the decrepit structure. An excessive trail of blood had led him to this spot. Any living creature would be dead innumerable times over from that kind of blood loss, what exactly is going on here? Is it a trap? Is she dead? After what seemed like some kind of confrontation, Robyn's tracks had veered off by a few steps. There was a large pool of blood as if a gruesome murder had taken place there. The more unsettling fact is, after that point, the blood trail meets Robyn's tracks again. Her shoe marks are long and backwards, she must've been dragged on her back. It was clear that the blood trail continued through the front door and inside.

He prepared himself once more, readying his gun. He had not much of an idea of what to expect. Quietly, he stepped to the front door and opened it quickly. Carefully looking back and forth while pointing his gun, he didn't see any immediate threats, or anything moving for that matter; He didn't startle or scare any staff members passing by: the hospital was as empty as the streets he had just stepped in from.

With a mix of relief and confusion, Officer Kaller looked down at the trail he had been following. It seemed that after she had been pulled inside, she had gotten up and walked on her own. These steps are very different from before. . . The steps before had been of a girl in a rush. These steps were well spaced, and more. . . deliberate. They almost begged to be followed, even someone without a detective's curiosity would be enticed. The bloody footprints clearly laid out his path deeper into the hospital; As if she had dipped her feet into the blood like a paintbrush and, like a paintbrush, had painted this path for him.

Officer Patrick traveled along the path, which lead down the the hall and wound up the stairs. Coming out on the third floor, Officer Kaller saw something that bewildered him; The bloody footprint trail wound up the the last set of stairs, up the wall, onto the ceiling, and then wound into the next room! There is either someone with really bad taste toying with me, or I'm in for some serious trouble. . . He continued through the doors, out of the stairwell room.

What the HELL is this! The footprint covered every inch of the next room. They were completely unreadable, facing in sporadic directions, most of the prints not even in pairs or comprehensible steps. Someone was surely messing with him, but Officer Kaller knew that Robyn was certainly in this building. He decided to press on and step into the hallway to his left.

Halfway down the hall, a definite strange mewling sound could be heard. To Kaller's horror, a pair of large fleshy forms emerged from a large hole in the wall at the end of the hall. The creatures were long body-length cocoon shapes, plated with various materials and debris. As they squirmed across the ground, the mewling sounded more like a sheep's cry. From exposed parts of it's flesh (the parts not covered by material/debris) a strange form would press from the inside, stretching the skin until it made contact with an object, then the object would be fixed to the skin by some strange adhesive fluid that seemed to run along the entire creature. Through this process, many floor tiles and random debris were lost just in the short time Officer Kaller was observing the creatures.

Slowly backing away, Kaller's horror was furthered when a cackling sound from the hole broke the strange display. Immediately, the two worm creatures began to squirm desperately away from the hole toward Kaller. Their efforts were in vein; A slinky humanoid leapt from the opening and pounced onto it's helpless prey. The newcomer resembled a human, but was impossibly thin, and had a small shrunken head. Though it seemed to see, it had hollow sockets in the middle of it's bald head. It held an odd knife it's raised hand, and quickly plunged it into the worm. The victim bleated intensely as it's companion struggle to get away. However this seemed to cause the aggressor to cut them down with even more zeal as it fell the first and second with gruesome ease.

Now dangerously close to Officer Kaller, the creature's cackle reached a feverish pitch. Kaller noticed that the worm's bodies were stuck to the beast, perhaps weighing it down. However, this fantasy was short lived as the creature squirmed with delight. All the debris from the worm creatures shed off a once as if a spell, now broken, had held it to the flesh and not milky adhesive slime. The corpses of the two lesser creatures were swiftly drawn in to the body of the hunched of creature. The creature cooed and shook as extra rows of arms grew from its sides. One body-bag growth re-emerged at the creature's back creating a long, tail-like abdomen.

When the metamorphosis was complete, the creature reminded Kaller of some kind of Arachnid, probably a scorpion. The abomination then curled it's tail under it's body and in front of it. It slit the middle open, reaching into the gaping wound with it's extra arms. It disgustingly plucked out three more knife-like instruments with a wet snapping sound, leaving it's four other limbs to support its body.

Quickly catching on that the creature had no good intentions, he removed the safety on his gun and fired a few shots into what appeared to be the creature's head. The creature clicked and roared with displeasure. Realizing that his shots had had little effect, Kaller ran through the door as it advanced at him. He slammed the door behind him, searching around the footprint-covered room. He saw a discarded pipe on the ground and quickly wedged it to jam the door. Though the creature strained and cackled against the door, it did not break through. Even through there was great struggle on the other side of the door, Kaller felt no pressure as he pushed against it, as if the other room was in another world entirely. After a few more moments the other side grew quiet, though wary, Kaller decided to step away from it.

Then a sound rose that he hadn't been able to hear over the previous clamor; It was a pleading cry, not a monster's: a girl's! Is that Robyn?! Kaller quickly dashed through the rooms leading to the other hallway. As he stepped into this hallway, he found the source of the sound. It was dim and hard to see, but there was a pillar of light in the center of the hall. Partially within that light, a girl was struggling as a figure wrestled on top of her.

"Stay still!" Officer Kaller roared firmly down the hallway.

Though she struggled for a second longer, she stood still long enough for him to take aim for the decisive shot. The hallway exploded with the sound of gunfire. The creature, pierced down the length of its body starting at it's head, loosened it's grip. Kaller dashed up to it without hesitation and kicked it off the girl. It was hard to make out exactly what the creature was, but it was inhuman and violent enough to warrant shooting first, and asking questions second. It skittered off down the hall, but as it turned to let loose a mocking laugh at Robyn, the hallway was once again shattered by blast of sound as a bullet met the creature square in the "Face".

"Sorry, but I can't let something like you run free," Kaller muttered to the limp body of the monster. He then turned to face the girl still lying on the ground. As he loomed over her he offered a hand.

"I'm Officer Kaller, and you should be Robyn Prince. . . You're father was Michael Prince."
- -
[+] Take Officer Kaller's hand.
[-] Try to get away from him. . . Or try, at least.
Patrick Kaller, Frederick Huntington
- -
[+] "Help" Robyn Prince

Taking a deep breath in front of a hospital building, Officer Kaller looked up at the decrepit structure. An excessive trail of blood had led him to this spot. Any living creature would be dead innumerable times over from that kind of blood loss, what exactly is going on here? Is it a trap? Is she dead? After what seemed like some kind of confrontation, Robyn's tracks had veered off by a few steps. There was a large pool of blood as if a gruesome murder had taken place there. The more unsettling fact is, after that point, the blood trail meets Robyn's tracks again. Her shoe marks are long and backwards, she must've been dragged on her back. It was clear that the blood trail continued through the front door and inside.

He prepared himself once more, readying his gun. He had not much of an idea of what to expect. Quietly, he stepped to the front door and opened it quickly. Carefully looking back and forth while pointing his gun, he didn't see any immediate threats, or anything moving for that matter; He didn't startle or scare any staff members passing by: the hospital was as empty as the streets he had just stepped in from.

With a mix of relief and confusion, Officer Kaller looked down at the trail he had been following. It seemed that after she had been pulled inside, she had gotten up and walked on her own. These steps are very different from before. . . The steps before had been of a girl in a rush. These steps were well spaced, and more. . . deliberate. They almost begged to be followed, even someone without a detective's curiosity would be enticed. The bloody footprints clearly laid out his path deeper into the hospital; As if she had dipped her feet into the blood like a paintbrush and, like a paintbrush, had painted this path for him.

Officer Patrick traveled along the path, which lead down the the hall and wound up the stairs. Coming out on the third floor, Officer Kaller saw something that bewildered him; The bloody footprint trail wound up the the last set of stairs, up the wall, onto the ceiling, and then wound into the next room! There is either someone with really bad taste toying with me, or I'm in for some serious trouble. . . He continued through the doors, out of the stairwell room.

What the HELL is this! The footprint covered every inch of the next room. They were completely unreadable, facing in sporadic directions, most of the prints not even in pairs or comprehensible steps. Someone was surely messing with him, but Officer Kaller knew that Robyn was certainly in this building. He decided to press on and step into the hallway to his left.

Halfway down the hall, a definite strange mewling sound could be heard. To Kaller's horror, a pair of large fleshy forms emerged from a large hole in the wall at the end of the hall. The creatures were long body-length cocoon shapes, plated with various materials and debris. As they squirmed across the ground, the mewling sounded more like a sheep's cry. From exposed parts of it's flesh (the parts not covered by material/debris) a strange form would press from the inside, stretching the skin until it made contact with an object, then the object would be fixed to the skin by some strange adhesive fluid that seemed to run along the entire creature. Through this process, many floor tiles and random debris were lost just in the short time Officer Kaller was observing the creatures.

Slowly backing away, Kaller's horror was furthered when a cackling sound from the hole broke the strange display. Immediately, the two worm creatures began to squirm desperately away from the hole toward Kaller. Their efforts were in vein; A slinky humanoid leapt from the opening and pounced onto it's helpless prey. The newcomer resembled a human, but was impossibly thin, and had a small shrunken head. Though it seemed to see, it had hollow sockets in the middle of it's bald head. It held an odd knife it's raised hand, and quickly plunged it into the worm. The victim bleated intensely as it's companion struggle to get away. However this seemed to cause the aggressor to cut them down with even more zeal as it fell the first and second with gruesome ease.

Now dangerously close to Officer Kaller, the creature's cackle reached a feverish pitch. Kaller noticed that the worm's bodies were stuck to the beast, perhaps weighing it down. However, this fantasy was short lived as the creature squirmed with delight. All the debris from the worm creatures shed off a once as if a spell, now broken, had held it to the flesh and not milky adhesive slime. The corpses of the two lesser creatures were swiftly drawn in to the body of the hunched of creature. The creature cooed and shook as extra rows of arms grew from its sides. One body-bag growth re-emerged at the creature's back creating a long, tail-like abdomen.

When the metamorphosis was complete, the creature reminded Kaller of some kind of Arachnid, probably a scorpion. The abomination then curled it's tail under it's body and in front of it. It slit the middle open, reaching into the gaping wound with it's extra arms. It disgustingly plucked out three more knife-like instruments with a wet snapping sound, leaving it's four other limbs to support its body.

Quickly catching on that the creature had no good intentions, he removed the safety on his gun and fired a few shots into what appeared to be the creature's head. The creature clicked and roared with displeasure. Realizing that his shots had had little effect, Kaller ran through the door as it advanced at him. He slammed the door behind him, searching around the footprint-covered room. He saw a discarded pipe on the ground and quickly wedged it to jam the door. Though the creature strained and cackled against the door, it did not break through. Even through there was great struggle on the other side of the door, Kaller felt no pressure as he pushed against it, as if the other room was in another world entirely. After a few more moments the other side grew quiet, though wary, Kaller decided to step away from it.

Then a sound rose that he hadn't been able to hear over the previous clamor; It was a pleading cry, not a monster's: a girl's! Is that Robyn?! Kaller quickly dashed through the rooms leading to the other hallway. As he stepped into this hallway, he found the source of the sound. It was dim and hard to see, but there was a pillar of light in the center of the hall. Partially within that light, a girl was struggling as a figure wrestled on top of her.

"Stay still!" Officer Kaller roared firmly down the hallway.

Though she struggled for a second longer, she stood still long enough for him to take aim for the decisive shot. The hallway exploded with the sound of gunfire. The creature, pierced down the length of its body starting at it's head, loosened it's grip. Kaller dashed up to it without hesitation and kicked it off the girl. It was hard to make out exactly what the creature was, but it was inhuman and violent enough to warrant shooting first, and asking questions second. It skittered off down the hall, but as it turned to let loose a mocking laugh at Robyn, the hallway was once again shattered by blast of sound as a bullet met the creature square in the "Face".

"Sorry, but I can't let something like you run free," Kaller muttered to the limp body of the monster. He then turned to face the girl still lying on the ground. As he loomed over her he offered a hand.

"I'm Officer Kaller, and you should be Robyn Prince. . . You're father was Michael Prince."
- -
[+] Take Officer Kaller's hand.
[-] Try to get away from him. . . Or try, at least.
Matthew Lounds

What if I looked behind me? I really want to. My legs are moving faster than I think they ever have, but I'm not sure it's putting enough distance between me and the thing. Would I see anything? I'm surprised I can think so clearly right now. Maybe it's the adrenaline, but-

Son of a - Ouch - Oh no - Not good - Pain, pain, it hurts, slowly, move, hell, hell, move, my head, my head is throbbing, hands are scraping on the pavement, I'm bleeding from somewhere, my camera! The camera makes a strange sound when I grab it. I roll over as best I can. Slowly, the world is coming back into focus. I think something clocked the back of my head. No, not something. The thing that's chasing me. Which means it's right behind me.

I'm laying on the ground and facing the street I'd run down. I can't see anything. Is it looming over me? Did it move away? What if I'm sitting here staring right into it's face? Everything is perfectly still. Nothing is moving anywhere. I can't tell where it is. I'm breathing in but not out. Slowly, I inch backwards, raising my camera to the street.

Flash. I take a picture. Another loud screech, but I barely hear it. I'm too focused on what is flickering in and out of vision in front of me gripping it's head. I can only barely see it, but I can tell it has some kind of scales. It's- a lizard? But it's shaped like a man. Like the creature from the black lagoon lizard. A hysterical giggle bubbles from my mouth. What the hell is going on?

It's arms wrench away from it's face suddenly, and I feel my insides twist. It doesn't have much of one. A face. It's just... a round featureless ball with some kind of... closed eye? In the middle. It's neck, or where there would normally be on, gapes open wide in some sort of mockery of a mouth. A long purple tongue lolls out of it, swirling around in the air. I hope that's not what it picked me up with earlier. It makes another screech, before it completely fades from sight. A wave of panic. Revulsion? Definitely fear. I shudder, and scramble back to my feet and take off again.

Now that I know what it looks like, I shouldn't be as scared. It's a nice sentiment. I'm finally getting my head back in working order. My thoughts are racing along with my legs again. I know it's faster than me now. I can't outrun it. I have to either kill it, or trick it. I don't even bother turning around when I snap a picture behind me again. It shrieks, and it's stunned. Think fast. That's your job. Look around you.

A row of dilapidated buildings. A record shack, a bookstore, a video place. Trash on the street. Plastic bags and such. On my other side. A playground behind a fence. Nothing. Behind the playground... Perfect. A construction site. It looks abandoned, just like the rest of the town. I'll have to be careful, but I'll be able to find something to defend myself there. A hammer, a saw. Even a plank of wood. Anything. I just have to keep the thing stunned enough so that it doesn't go for my head again. No problem, I have plenty of film. I snap another picture behind me, and take the chance to dart into the woodwork. Hopefully it won't have seen where I went, but I'm not putting my chances on it.

I hiss under my breath as I tear through the half hanging poles and support beams. For an abandoned site, they sure cleaned up well. I can't see any tools laying about. I can't stop to look closer, either. If I stop moving, it might catch up with me. An actual structure catches my eye. It's some sort of makeshift room. An office, maybe? I wrench the door open so fast I worry for a second that I've knocked it over. There are lockers and a work desk in here. So, the supervisor's station. I take a quick picture of the room to make sure it's not in here with me, and slam the door closed. I need time to look through here. There has to be something. My finger twitches on the shutter, and I take another picture for good measure. Still nothing. Good. I'll deal with getting back out when the time comes.

My legs suddenly feel like jello as I walk over to the desk and sink into the padded chair like a puppet with it's strings cut. I'm breathing hard, my heart racing. Like a rabbit that had escaped the coyote by diving into it's hole. My head lolls back, and I try to gulp in deeper breaths. A loud slam on the door. The thing? It must have caught up. I almost jumped out of my skin. I don't have the luxury to relax right now. I'm still hesitant to get back up.

The desk has some papers scattered on it, but they're all useless to me. I pull open the first drawer. Empty. The second one. Empty. Empty, empty empty! There's only one left to check. I slide it open apprehensively. An old radio and a flashlight roll out. This could work. I grab the flashlight and flick it on and off. It works. I slip the flashlight in my bag, and grab the radio. Does it even get any service out here? I turn it on. Static. I didn't think so. Another pound on the door. I have to hurry. I run over to the lockers, and I realize I'm still holding the radio. I shove it in my bag with the flashlight to get at the lockers quicker. I'll throw it out later. There are only two lockers with no locks. The first one is empty, besides some sort of energy drink. I shove it in my bag. The second one...

Bingo. A bright red toolbox is inside. I grab it out, but my hands are shaking. It slips out and clutters to the floor. I fall to my knees and undo it's silver clasps. Inside is a drill gun and a rather small crowbar. I can't use the drill gun, but my hands are already grasping the crowbar. I feel stronger, now. Like maybe I can actually kill this thing. It's a simple reaction to having a weapon to use that I've seen in other people over and over, but that doesn't make it any less potent. The door shakes again. I make sure my camera is hung around my neck and in working condition, and place a twitching hand on the shutter. Slowly, I move up to the door. My heart in my throat. My hand on the knob, crowbar between my palm and the handle.

It opens with a click, and the door calmly slides open. Flash. A bright light floods the room. My finger jolts against the shutter in surprise, and I barely hear the camera spit the picture out and the thing scream. I fall backwards, clutching my eyes. I can't see. Everything is white, and my head is pounding again. I know the thing is doing the same, and I almost laugh at the thought. My vision is slowly coming back, and I can barely see it's flickering form in the doorway. I slam my crowbar down on it's skull. The thing howls again, and scratches my stomach open trying to push me away from it. I barely notice the pain. I can't. I have to kill it. I slam the devastating curve of the crowbar into it's skull over and over, some kind of liquid splattering everywhere. Even though I can't see well, I assume it's supposed to be some mockery of blood. The thing is barely alive, and tries to wrap it's mouth around my arm when I move to hit it again. It's sharp little teeth dig into my skin, and it's tongue is wrapping around trying to cut off my circulation and stop me from moving the crowbar. I'm shouting, and try to kick it off. It's teeth dig in further. I drop the crowbar into my free hand, and slam it upside the head.

It slips away from me, dead. I fall back against a row of lockers, breathing hard. I kick it again, but it doesn't move. Dead. Dead for sure. I can see again. Something is trickling down my face, but I don't care. If I try to wipe it off, I'll just smear it all over anyways. I climb to my feet, wobbly. I want to let go of the crowbar, but I can't bring myself to. I carefully step over the thing's corpse, trying not to look at it. It doesn't work. I'm staring at it's bulbous head, hands shaking. It's strange eye is wide open, but it looks more glassy than flesh. I'm confused before I realize what it is. I've seen them enough to know almost immediately. The thing isn't an eye. It's a goddamn camera shutter. That's where the flashes were coming from. The thing has a camera shutter in the middle of it's face. I feel like throwing up. I notice something. Silence. Has the radio run out of batteries? I pull it from my bag. No, it's still on. Why is there no white noise? It was coming out earlier. I'm almost hesitant to put it back in my bag, but I feel like I should hold on to it.

I stumble awkwardly out from the construction site, feeling numb. This isn't right. The street moves by as I wander down the road, not really able to focus on anything at all. I recognize some buildings I pass by, a hospital, a diner. I feel like I'm in a dream, everything is lost in the fog. I don't know where I am in the town, I've gotten lost. I know I'm lost. I don't know how to get back to the car. The car.

It's like a douse of cold water, waking me up shivering. Suddenly things are racing again, and my hands are covered in cold sweat. Robyn. My gut twists. I hope she's alright. I have to- She could be anywhere by now. It doesn't matter.

I have to find Robyn.
Matthew Lounds

What if I looked behind me? I really want to. My legs are moving faster than I think they ever have, but I'm not sure it's putting enough distance between me and the thing. Would I see anything? I'm surprised I can think so clearly right now. Maybe it's the adrenaline, but-

Son of a - Ouch - Oh no - Not good - Pain, pain, it hurts, slowly, move, hell, hell, move, my head, my head is throbbing, hands are scraping on the pavement, I'm bleeding from somewhere, my camera! The camera makes a strange sound when I grab it. I roll over as best I can. Slowly, the world is coming back into focus. I think something clocked the back of my head. No, not something. The thing that's chasing me. Which means it's right behind me.

I'm laying on the ground and facing the street I'd run down. I can't see anything. Is it looming over me? Did it move away? What if I'm sitting here staring right into it's face? Everything is perfectly still. Nothing is moving anywhere. I can't tell where it is. I'm breathing in but not out. Slowly, I inch backwards, raising my camera to the street.

Flash. I take a picture. Another loud screech, but I barely hear it. I'm too focused on what is flickering in and out of vision in front of me gripping it's head. I can only barely see it, but I can tell it has some kind of scales. It's- a lizard? But it's shaped like a man. Like the creature from the black lagoon lizard. A hysterical giggle bubbles from my mouth. What the hell is going on?

It's arms wrench away from it's face suddenly, and I feel my insides twist. It doesn't have much of one. A face. It's just... a round featureless ball with some kind of... closed eye? In the middle. It's neck, or where there would normally be on, gapes open wide in some sort of mockery of a mouth. A long purple tongue lolls out of it, swirling around in the air. I hope that's not what it picked me up with earlier. It makes another screech, before it completely fades from sight. A wave of panic. Revulsion? Definitely fear. I shudder, and scramble back to my feet and take off again.

Now that I know what it looks like, I shouldn't be as scared. It's a nice sentiment. I'm finally getting my head back in working order. My thoughts are racing along with my legs again. I know it's faster than me now. I can't outrun it. I have to either kill it, or trick it. I don't even bother turning around when I snap a picture behind me again. It shrieks, and it's stunned. Think fast. That's your job. Look around you.

A row of dilapidated buildings. A record shack, a bookstore, a video place. Trash on the street. Plastic bags and such. On my other side. A playground behind a fence. Nothing. Behind the playground... Perfect. A construction site. It looks abandoned, just like the rest of the town. I'll have to be careful, but I'll be able to find something to defend myself there. A hammer, a saw. Even a plank of wood. Anything. I just have to keep the thing stunned enough so that it doesn't go for my head again. No problem, I have plenty of film. I snap another picture behind me, and take the chance to dart into the woodwork. Hopefully it won't have seen where I went, but I'm not putting my chances on it.

I hiss under my breath as I tear through the half hanging poles and support beams. For an abandoned site, they sure cleaned up well. I can't see any tools laying about. I can't stop to look closer, either. If I stop moving, it might catch up with me. An actual structure catches my eye. It's some sort of makeshift room. An office, maybe? I wrench the door open so fast I worry for a second that I've knocked it over. There are lockers and a work desk in here. So, the supervisor's station. I take a quick picture of the room to make sure it's not in here with me, and slam the door closed. I need time to look through here. There has to be something. My finger twitches on the shutter, and I take another picture for good measure. Still nothing. Good. I'll deal with getting back out when the time comes.

My legs suddenly feel like jello as I walk over to the desk and sink into the padded chair like a puppet with it's strings cut. I'm breathing hard, my heart racing. Like a rabbit that had escaped the coyote by diving into it's hole. My head lolls back, and I try to gulp in deeper breaths. A loud slam on the door. The thing? It must have caught up. I almost jumped out of my skin. I don't have the luxury to relax right now. I'm still hesitant to get back up.

The desk has some papers scattered on it, but they're all useless to me. I pull open the first drawer. Empty. The second one. Empty. Empty, empty empty! There's only one left to check. I slide it open apprehensively. An old radio and a flashlight roll out. This could work. I grab the flashlight and flick it on and off. It works. I slip the flashlight in my bag, and grab the radio. Does it even get any service out here? I turn it on. Static. I didn't think so. Another pound on the door. I have to hurry. I run over to the lockers, and I realize I'm still holding the radio. I shove it in my bag with the flashlight to get at the lockers quicker. I'll throw it out later. There are only two lockers with no locks. The first one is empty, besides some sort of energy drink. I shove it in my bag. The second one...

Bingo. A bright red toolbox is inside. I grab it out, but my hands are shaking. It slips out and clutters to the floor. I fall to my knees and undo it's silver clasps. Inside is a drill gun and a rather small crowbar. I can't use the drill gun, but my hands are already grasping the crowbar. I feel stronger, now. Like maybe I can actually kill this thing. It's a simple reaction to having a weapon to use that I've seen in other people over and over, but that doesn't make it any less potent. The door shakes again. I make sure my camera is hung around my neck and in working condition, and place a twitching hand on the shutter. Slowly, I move up to the door. My heart in my throat. My hand on the knob, crowbar between my palm and the handle.

It opens with a click, and the door calmly slides open. Flash. A bright light floods the room. My finger jolts against the shutter in surprise, and I barely hear the camera spit the picture out and the thing scream. I fall backwards, clutching my eyes. I can't see. Everything is white, and my head is pounding again. I know the thing is doing the same, and I almost laugh at the thought. My vision is slowly coming back, and I can barely see it's flickering form in the doorway. I slam my crowbar down on it's skull. The thing howls again, and scratches my stomach open trying to push me away from it. I barely notice the pain. I can't. I have to kill it. I slam the devastating curve of the crowbar into it's skull over and over, some kind of liquid splattering everywhere. Even though I can't see well, I assume it's supposed to be some mockery of blood. The thing is barely alive, and tries to wrap it's mouth around my arm when I move to hit it again. It's sharp little teeth dig into my skin, and it's tongue is wrapping around trying to cut off my circulation and stop me from moving the crowbar. I'm shouting, and try to kick it off. It's teeth dig in further. I drop the crowbar into my free hand, and slam it upside the head.

It slips away from me, dead. I fall back against a row of lockers, breathing hard. I kick it again, but it doesn't move. Dead. Dead for sure. I can see again. Something is trickling down my face, but I don't care. If I try to wipe it off, I'll just smear it all over anyways. I climb to my feet, wobbly. I want to let go of the crowbar, but I can't bring myself to. I carefully step over the thing's corpse, trying not to look at it. It doesn't work. I'm staring at it's bulbous head, hands shaking. It's strange eye is wide open, but it looks more glassy than flesh. I'm confused before I realize what it is. I've seen them enough to know almost immediately. The thing isn't an eye. It's a goddamn camera shutter. That's where the flashes were coming from. The thing has a camera shutter in the middle of it's face. I feel like throwing up. I notice something. Silence. Has the radio run out of batteries? I pull it from my bag. No, it's still on. Why is there no white noise? It was coming out earlier. I'm almost hesitant to put it back in my bag, but I feel like I should hold on to it.

I stumble awkwardly out from the construction site, feeling numb. This isn't right. The street moves by as I wander down the road, not really able to focus on anything at all. I recognize some buildings I pass by, a hospital, a diner. I feel like I'm in a dream, everything is lost in the fog. I don't know where I am in the town, I've gotten lost. I know I'm lost. I don't know how to get back to the car. The car.

It's like a douse of cold water, waking me up shivering. Suddenly things are racing again, and my hands are covered in cold sweat. Robyn. My gut twists. I hope she's alright. I have to- She could be anywhere by now. It doesn't matter.

I have to find Robyn.
^^^ the loves of my life whoops
Robyn Prince

"Stay still!"

For only a second longer I continued my desperate struggle with the creature pinning me to the floor, before I listened to the voice, and let my body go limp. The sound of a gunshot exploded in my ears and the monster was blasted off of me. Blood and sinew splattered on me as the bullet tore through it. I could hear the thing land some distance away from me, foot steps, another explosion of noise, and then for a brief moment I heard nothing. Nothing but my own ragged breathing.

"I'm Officer Kaller, and you should be Robyn Prince. . . You're father was Michael Prince."

It took me a moment to register that someone was standing over me, hand outstretched, that the person had probably saved me. I could still barely believe I was alive. Unhurt. I blinked up at the man, Officer Kaller, and tried to think of a response to his words.

[+] Take Officer Kaller's hand.

Instead of responding I grabbed the officer's hand and allowed myself to be pulled off the floor. Still shaking, I let go of his hand, and stumbled sideways to lean against the wall. My whole body was alive with shivers. I wrapped my arms around my chest and stayed pressed against the wall.

- -

[+] Explain further to calm Robyn down.
[-] Leave Robyn to have a mental breakdown.
Robyn Prince

"Stay still!"

For only a second longer I continued my desperate struggle with the creature pinning me to the floor, before I listened to the voice, and let my body go limp. The sound of a gunshot exploded in my ears and the monster was blasted off of me. Blood and sinew splattered on me as the bullet tore through it. I could hear the thing land some distance away from me, foot steps, another explosion of noise, and then for a brief moment I heard nothing. Nothing but my own ragged breathing.

"I'm Officer Kaller, and you should be Robyn Prince. . . You're father was Michael Prince."

It took me a moment to register that someone was standing over me, hand outstretched, that the person had probably saved me. I could still barely believe I was alive. Unhurt. I blinked up at the man, Officer Kaller, and tried to think of a response to his words.

[+] Take Officer Kaller's hand.

Instead of responding I grabbed the officer's hand and allowed myself to be pulled off the floor. Still shaking, I let go of his hand, and stumbled sideways to lean against the wall. My whole body was alive with shivers. I wrapped my arms around my chest and stayed pressed against the wall.

- -

[+] Explain further to calm Robyn down.
[-] Leave Robyn to have a mental breakdown.
Patrick Kaller, Frederick Huntington
- -
[+] Explain further to calm Robyn down.

Even after he helped Robyn to her feet, she still seemed as helpless as the bleating worms from the previous hall. She stood shaking, using the wall next to her for support. He pondered a moment whether the horrors from a moment ago, or the truth he was about to pour out at her would destabilize her more. Officer Kaller's form began to slump and a grim expression took hold of his features.

"Sigh. . . I-I . . . ."

He hesitated a moment longer before readying himself for his next words:

"I killed your Father."

Despite the desperation and excitement of the last few minutes, when those words echoed out, a silence immediately gripped them. The girl was swimming in her own thoughts, frozen. Her eyes would dart from Officer Kaller to her own feet, and an old crutch on the ground at random intervals. Was she planning to attack him? Would she respond badly if he moved. All he could do was wait for Robyn to decide her poise.

The icy situation was broken by a roar above their heads and a loud clamor of rushing limbs. Immediately, sporadic location along the walls, ceiling, and floor burst open as a half-dozen bagworm creatures poured into the room. They entered the room from their various burrows and quickly began moving away from the source of the sound. they seemed like a herd stampeding to escape a predator. Their chorus of bleating was terrifyingly intense, but as they squirmed down the hall towards Officer Kaller, they redirected themselves quickly. At first, Officer Kaller surmised that they could have learned to fear all kinds of contact; However, his theory was swiftly felled when he observed them crawling noticeably closer to Robyn. Not only did they seem vaguely comfortable with her presence, but the figure within the worms pressed from inside to grasp at her.

Officer Kaller was first to move, he had watched this freakshow to proceed one time too many already. He would NOT wait for what he knew came next. He grabbed Robyn by the hand and tugged her along as he bolted out of the hall. Kaller felt bad that the girl hadn't been given more than a moment's peace to digest the information he had given her. He also admired her for not breaking completely down, especially in this place. Mental stability seemed to be a leaky tap that was being bashed apart by a cackling eight-legged man-creature with knives who wants your blood. Officer Kaller chuckled despite himself. Was that humor? HERE? What the hell's wrong with me? PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! You're a detective not some wisecracker, now focus. Something is possibly going to try to kill you.

As if to answer that thought, he could hear the gleeful massacre occurring the hallway they put behind them. A few short bleating cries rose up, but were quickly replaced by a menacing roar. Unlike the knife creature from before, this roar could be felt. The prospect of an even more dangerous predator on their heels sent them quickly towards the entrance of the building. The path of footprints now becoming a guiding track to safety. A fact that unsettled Kaller slightly was that there appeared to be a second set of footprints. These were much bigger, and upon running nearer to this new trail did he notice an odd detail: These footprints must be my own! I know the tread of my shoes by heart, what kind of detective would I be otherwise? And. . . I DO remember going along the outside of the stairs so nothing could jump me around the corner. But HOW? I didn't step on any blood and I'm not leaving even the tiniest trace now!

Kaller was developing a rising curiosity for how this place could twist his very groundings in reality. Once again, the creature seemed to have been stopped by a simple barrier of a closed door. Kaller was beginning to suspect the knife creature COULDN'T go anywhere those worms were not. It was chasing them, but they in turn were paving the way for it.

Kaller was snapped from his thoughts when he realized they were standing outside the hospital's main doorway. He re-solidified his serious demeanor and spoke to Robyn,

"I understand if you need time for you're thoughts, but this place is too dangerous for a unarmed civilian by herself. I also understand, that you may think I am dangerous. The reason I came for you here is because I need you're help. You're father Michael Prince and a narcotics officer named. . . Thomas Gucci. . ." Kaller's voiced caught and his expression grew vulnerable as he spoke the second name. ". . . They were involved in something. Well, you're father was, and Tom was figuring it out." Kaller took another pause, his eyes glassy. "Now Tom is. . . and I don't know enough, you're the only one who can help me fill in the gaps. I need your help Robyn." He looked at her with pleading eyes, but he knew that if she decided to leave him, he wouldn't force her to stay.

[=] Stay with Officer Kaller.
[=] Leave Officer Kaller peacefully.
[=] Incapacitate Officer Kaller and run.
Patrick Kaller, Frederick Huntington
- -
[+] Explain further to calm Robyn down.

Even after he helped Robyn to her feet, she still seemed as helpless as the bleating worms from the previous hall. She stood shaking, using the wall next to her for support. He pondered a moment whether the horrors from a moment ago, or the truth he was about to pour out at her would destabilize her more. Officer Kaller's form began to slump and a grim expression took hold of his features.

"Sigh. . . I-I . . . ."

He hesitated a moment longer before readying himself for his next words:

"I killed your Father."

Despite the desperation and excitement of the last few minutes, when those words echoed out, a silence immediately gripped them. The girl was swimming in her own thoughts, frozen. Her eyes would dart from Officer Kaller to her own feet, and an old crutch on the ground at random intervals. Was she planning to attack him? Would she respond badly if he moved. All he could do was wait for Robyn to decide her poise.

The icy situation was broken by a roar above their heads and a loud clamor of rushing limbs. Immediately, sporadic location along the walls, ceiling, and floor burst open as a half-dozen bagworm creatures poured into the room. They entered the room from their various burrows and quickly began moving away from the source of the sound. they seemed like a herd stampeding to escape a predator. Their chorus of bleating was terrifyingly intense, but as they squirmed down the hall towards Officer Kaller, they redirected themselves quickly. At first, Officer Kaller surmised that they could have learned to fear all kinds of contact; However, his theory was swiftly felled when he observed them crawling noticeably closer to Robyn. Not only did they seem vaguely comfortable with her presence, but the figure within the worms pressed from inside to grasp at her.

Officer Kaller was first to move, he had watched this freakshow to proceed one time too many already. He would NOT wait for what he knew came next. He grabbed Robyn by the hand and tugged her along as he bolted out of the hall. Kaller felt bad that the girl hadn't been given more than a moment's peace to digest the information he had given her. He also admired her for not breaking completely down, especially in this place. Mental stability seemed to be a leaky tap that was being bashed apart by a cackling eight-legged man-creature with knives who wants your blood. Officer Kaller chuckled despite himself. Was that humor? HERE? What the hell's wrong with me? PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! You're a detective not some wisecracker, now focus. Something is possibly going to try to kill you.

As if to answer that thought, he could hear the gleeful massacre occurring the hallway they put behind them. A few short bleating cries rose up, but were quickly replaced by a menacing roar. Unlike the knife creature from before, this roar could be felt. The prospect of an even more dangerous predator on their heels sent them quickly towards the entrance of the building. The path of footprints now becoming a guiding track to safety. A fact that unsettled Kaller slightly was that there appeared to be a second set of footprints. These were much bigger, and upon running nearer to this new trail did he notice an odd detail: These footprints must be my own! I know the tread of my shoes by heart, what kind of detective would I be otherwise? And. . . I DO remember going along the outside of the stairs so nothing could jump me around the corner. But HOW? I didn't step on any blood and I'm not leaving even the tiniest trace now!

Kaller was developing a rising curiosity for how this place could twist his very groundings in reality. Once again, the creature seemed to have been stopped by a simple barrier of a closed door. Kaller was beginning to suspect the knife creature COULDN'T go anywhere those worms were not. It was chasing them, but they in turn were paving the way for it.

Kaller was snapped from his thoughts when he realized they were standing outside the hospital's main doorway. He re-solidified his serious demeanor and spoke to Robyn,

"I understand if you need time for you're thoughts, but this place is too dangerous for a unarmed civilian by herself. I also understand, that you may think I am dangerous. The reason I came for you here is because I need you're help. You're father Michael Prince and a narcotics officer named. . . Thomas Gucci. . ." Kaller's voiced caught and his expression grew vulnerable as he spoke the second name. ". . . They were involved in something. Well, you're father was, and Tom was figuring it out." Kaller took another pause, his eyes glassy. "Now Tom is. . . and I don't know enough, you're the only one who can help me fill in the gaps. I need your help Robyn." He looked at her with pleading eyes, but he knew that if she decided to leave him, he wouldn't force her to stay.

[=] Stay with Officer Kaller.
[=] Leave Officer Kaller peacefully.
[=] Incapacitate Officer Kaller and run.
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