GlitterGod I've been having everyone send the treasure first, if that's okay with you ^^;
GlitterGod I've been having everyone send the treasure first, if that's okay with you ^^;
Red like roses fills my dreams
GlitterGod no problem! Thanks for buying! ^^
Red like roses fills my dreams
Bumping for a fresh batch! :D
Bumping for a fresh batch! :D
Red like roses fills my dreams
Could I get 250 gems please, of you have that many left?
Could I get 250 gems please, of you have that many left?
Forgive me for being so socially awkward
Firestar9 Yep, definitely! I've got lots and lots and lots, I'm just recycling an old thread for credibility's sake "OTL
That'll be 170kt please~ ^^
Firestar9 Yep, definitely! I've got lots and lots and lots, I'm just recycling an old thread for credibility's sake "OTL
That'll be 170kt please~ ^^
Red like roses fills my dreams
I'd like...everything you have left. 9040?
I'd like...everything you have left. 9040?
PrimePhoton O.O yep! 6147200t please! ^w^
Red like roses fills my dreams