
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Shame A dragon above you!
@sommewan It's not a phase, mom. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

It's not a phase, mom.

@vriskittles [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]I conceal my ice cold soul with my appearance. Everybody is too distracted by the flames to realize how little I care about their problems, they should've thought of those problems before they became peasants!!! [/i][/center]


I conceal my ice cold soul with my appearance. Everybody is too distracted by the flames to realize how little I care about their problems, they should've thought of those problems before they became peasants!!!
A k i r b e a k raffle- 4kt or 6 gems a ticket. Prizes to be unlocked!!!!
@Nike [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I never close doors when leaving rooms even if im asked to. I always leave them open KNOWING THE DRAGON INSIDe preFERS TO NOT -- *devious cacking*

I never close doors when leaving rooms even if im asked to. I always leave them open KNOWING THE DRAGON INSIDe preFERS TO NOT -- *devious cacking*
Click me for a secret, hehe
@Nike [url=] [img][/img] [/url] " I have to keep my wings tucked in at all times because my Light Blades hit other dragons and knock stuff off of my lair's walls.." (( AH NINJA'D )) @Neprinny [url=] [img][/img] [/url] " I'm not allowed in tight spaces because my embers set things and dragons on fire.."


" I have to keep my wings tucked in at all times because my Light Blades hit other dragons and knock stuff off of my lair's walls.."

(( AH NINJA'D ))



" I'm not allowed in tight spaces because my embers set things and dragons on fire.."
@MissHolmes [img][/img] Playing golf is a great pleasure, annoying are only the bills for broken windows.


Playing golf is a great pleasure, annoying are only the bills for broken windows.
@Evantalia [img][/img] I like hiding in the dark.... mostly because I don't want to do chores.

I like hiding in the dark.... mostly because I don't want to do chores.
@Scoutzi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm only two days old and I've already decided that I'm the boss around here. I have all the other hatchlings doing my bidding.


I'm only two days old and I've already decided that I'm the boss around here. I have all the other hatchlings doing my bidding.
Check out my little hatchery! I also have a bio/lore shop, link in the hatchery~
[center]@LunarEcho [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "I get so excited when near a lake, river or sea that I drag others into the water with me to swim, regardles of whether they can or not."[/center]


"I get so excited when near a lake, river or sea that I drag others into the water with me to swim, regardles of whether they can or not."
"Just here to collect silly little dragons in my silly little lair"
Imagine highlighting a forum signature.

Permas are mostly in my hibden
[s]@LunarEcho [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I am the queen around here, and ain't nobody gonna deny it. Felicia over there can go eat dirt if she denies it, and you.. Yes you! Behind that screen, you can go eat dirt-- Or better, MUD! If youd deny that I'm the queen. I rule this clan, and being awesome is my best trait. *Sassy snapping*[/s] NINJA'D! @AestheticTotem [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I have the appearance of a cursed soul, and well, I am. I creep out every single dragon in the clan, and I really enjoy it. I especially love pretending that I'm Krampus on Christmas and well, trying to eat the hatchlings. I-I get scolded a lot for that..


I am the queen around here, and ain't nobody gonna deny it. Felicia over there can go eat dirt if she denies it, and you.. Yes you! Behind that screen, you can go eat dirt-- Or better, MUD! If youd deny that I'm the queen. I rule this clan, and being awesome is my best trait. *Sassy snapping*




I have the appearance of a cursed soul, and well, I am. I creep out every single dragon in the clan, and I really enjoy it. I especially love pretending that I'm Krampus on Christmas and well, trying to eat the hatchlings. I-I get scolded a lot for that..
@Alpine [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I flew into the sun. Insisted that it was fate, destiny, and utterly poetic. But it was simply a bad idea. Especially since I'm an ice flight dragon.


I flew into the sun.
Insisted that it was fate, destiny, and utterly poetic.
But it was simply a bad idea.
Especially since I'm an ice flight dragon.
A pixel lantern adopt made by Celeana, #368748. Link to current dragon avatar.
This lair focuses on collecting auraboas and aberrations. Honorable shoutout to ridgebacks and spirals, my first loves.