
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Coli - What do you do alongside?
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I was wondering what you guys are doing while playing the Coliseum?

If you are watching a series - which one is it currently?

I tried to do that, but I found that the Coliseum was a little too distracting to fully enjoy the experience, so I switched to audio dramas and audiobooks. I'm a big fan of those. Currently listening to one about Sherlock Holmes.
I was wondering what you guys are doing while playing the Coliseum?

If you are watching a series - which one is it currently?

I tried to do that, but I found that the Coliseum was a little too distracting to fully enjoy the experience, so I switched to audio dramas and audiobooks. I'm a big fan of those. Currently listening to one about Sherlock Holmes.
I'm selling almost everything, looking for OC Art!

Food network! ;D
Food network! ;D

water dom org
dom stats '23
I personally watch series alongside it, and I alternate between programs, so I'm currently watching arrested development, its always sunny in philadelphia, scream queens and the us office.
I personally watch series alongside it, and I alternate between programs, so I'm currently watching arrested development, its always sunny in philadelphia, scream queens and the us office.
i've always got a movie playing alongside it. Horror movies ahooooy.
i've always got a movie playing alongside it. Horror movies ahooooy.
I listen to music...usually Fall Out Boy or Arena. It lets me zone out enough to make the grinding bearable.
I listen to music...usually Fall Out Boy or Arena. It lets me zone out enough to make the grinding bearable.
Currently binge watching Sons of Anarchy. The, uh, violent scenes are easier to listen to than watch, but I'm addicted to the story so I can't stop. It's a good compromise.
Currently binge watching Sons of Anarchy. The, uh, violent scenes are easier to listen to than watch, but I'm addicted to the story so I can't stop. It's a good compromise.
I usually watch series while I coli. Usually just whatever is on the TV. I'm on very limited data so I can't really stream anything to watch. 8D
I usually watch series while I coli. Usually just whatever is on the TV. I'm on very limited data so I can't really stream anything to watch. 8D
Doing my 6 pages essay :'D
Doing my 6 pages essay :'D
Good_Shit_WCMale_Emoji_Size.png Lichtdrache.gif
I would watch Tokyo Ghoul but.. umm.. it's in Japanese with English subs so if i just listened to it I would have NO idea what's going on, so I usually listen to music.
I would watch Tokyo Ghoul but.. umm.. it's in Japanese with English subs so if i just listened to it I would have NO idea what's going on, so I usually listen to music.
xy | they/xem | +3 fr time | gen1s for sale
I usually watch stuff on Netflix, movies and tv shows and such, but these days I'm taking the time to catch up on some of the political debates and other political coverage I miss because I don't really do cable or newspapers. Although recently I got back into Man v Food and honestly I'm reminded how jealous I am of that man.

I am lucky though to have two monitors so I can have coli full screen on one and my show/movie up on the other monitor. It makes multi-tasking when doing coli an absolute breeze.
I usually watch stuff on Netflix, movies and tv shows and such, but these days I'm taking the time to catch up on some of the political debates and other political coverage I miss because I don't really do cable or newspapers. Although recently I got back into Man v Food and honestly I'm reminded how jealous I am of that man.

I am lucky though to have two monitors so I can have coli full screen on one and my show/movie up on the other monitor. It makes multi-tasking when doing coli an absolute breeze.
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