

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | i'm not great at topic titles sorry
I'm Lantern, feel free to shorten that any which way you'd like (Lan, Tern, Lant, etc. etc.). I'm 18 years old and triple A (asexual, aromantic, agender) as heck. You can just use they/them or "it" for pronouns. I think dragons are super dope, so when I was told about this site I stuck it in my favorites and waited for a registration window. Lo and behold, I have arrived.

I'm probably not a super exciting person. Mostly I just sit around reading stuff on the internet with podcasts playing in the background. So if you need random factoids or for someone to word vomit about nothing in particular for hours at a time, I'm your creature. I like questions, conversations, and general debates too, I'm just awful at starting them. Always happy to join in though.

I think I'm mostly interested in breeding aesthetic dragons and loitering around the forums tbh.
I'm Lantern, feel free to shorten that any which way you'd like (Lan, Tern, Lant, etc. etc.). I'm 18 years old and triple A (asexual, aromantic, agender) as heck. You can just use they/them or "it" for pronouns. I think dragons are super dope, so when I was told about this site I stuck it in my favorites and waited for a registration window. Lo and behold, I have arrived.

I'm probably not a super exciting person. Mostly I just sit around reading stuff on the internet with podcasts playing in the background. So if you need random factoids or for someone to word vomit about nothing in particular for hours at a time, I'm your creature. I like questions, conversations, and general debates too, I'm just awful at starting them. Always happy to join in though.

I think I'm mostly interested in breeding aesthetic dragons and loitering around the forums tbh.

Hey, I'm new here too! Your topic title is actually pretty good imo, it stands out! I'm pretty excited about the dragons as well. Especially breeding them. Well anyway, just thought I'd say hi!

Hey, I'm new here too! Your topic title is actually pretty good imo, it stands out! I'm pretty excited about the dragons as well. Especially breeding them. Well anyway, just thought I'd say hi!
@LanternLight Hey there, as a fellow member of the Light Flight, welcome to Flight Rising! I hope you are ready for lots and lots of dragons in your future. 'Cause that's what's going to happen.

By the way, do you have a favorite breed yet?
@LanternLight Hey there, as a fellow member of the Light Flight, welcome to Flight Rising! I hope you are ready for lots and lots of dragons in your future. 'Cause that's what's going to happen.

By the way, do you have a favorite breed yet?

Ay, welcome to you too then friend.


I'm always ready for a surplus of dragons. Looks like I'm going to have to find a fairly stable way to make money though. Lair expansions look pretty expensive overall.

As for a favorite breed, from what I've seen so far (looking at other peoples' lairs and reading the encyclopedia), I have two. Visually, my favorite is Coatl. I think they look pretty great with most combinations of genes and colors. Lore-wise, I like Nocturnes a lot. That said, I have a major bias towards bats. Bats are fantastic and I am prepared to fill my lair with them if I can.

Ay, welcome to you too then friend.


I'm always ready for a surplus of dragons. Looks like I'm going to have to find a fairly stable way to make money though. Lair expansions look pretty expensive overall.

As for a favorite breed, from what I've seen so far (looking at other peoples' lairs and reading the encyclopedia), I have two. Visually, my favorite is Coatl. I think they look pretty great with most combinations of genes and colors. Lore-wise, I like Nocturnes a lot. That said, I have a major bias towards bats. Bats are fantastic and I am prepared to fill my lair with them if I can.
@LanternLight Coatls are fairly popular in the community, so there's always a variety of stock available. The problem is that they have a 35-day breeding cooldown. And hey, bat-dragons are awesome. I'd have more of them in my lair, but it's the other way around for me. I've just got one for now. I like Nocturnes visually, but their lore doesn't quite suit my tastes. I'm very lore-centric, and I'd have a hard time justifying a large number of Nocturne dragons in my Light Flight lair.
@LanternLight Coatls are fairly popular in the community, so there's always a variety of stock available. The problem is that they have a 35-day breeding cooldown. And hey, bat-dragons are awesome. I'd have more of them in my lair, but it's the other way around for me. I've just got one for now. I like Nocturnes visually, but their lore doesn't quite suit my tastes. I'm very lore-centric, and I'd have a hard time justifying a large number of Nocturne dragons in my Light Flight lair.
@lanternlight hello! welcome to flight rising! i sent you a crossroads for a dragon if you want it ^^
@lanternlight hello! welcome to flight rising! i sent you a crossroads for a dragon if you want it ^^

Yeah the breeding cooldown is going to kill me, can't lie. I hadn't initially been thinking about lore pertaining to my lair specifically when looking at them. I had just been thinking about it standalone. But you raise a good point there. Reading more about the Light territory, I imagine that they'd like living in the shadow of the Sundial, scheduling their day around moving along with the shadow.

The Mirrorlight Promenade would probably have a lot of places to build their super-hidden dens. Hollowed out pillars, for example, would be really cool. I guess it kind of depends on how big the dragons are, and how big the pillars are. The Hewn City is apparently gripped in perpetual shade, so them considering it to be a stone facsimile of the shadow flight territory doesn't seem too terribly out of character.

Or they could simply be carriers of light to other flights. Maybe they wander the shadow territories leading lost dragons by lantern light. That might be flowery speculation in favor of my chosen username, but hey. I think there are ways to weasel the bats into any situation if you dig deep enough.


Whoops, posted a bit early there, sorry. Thank you for Leona! She's gorgeous. Honestly white, maize, ivory, and gold are my favorite colors so far.
(Sweet LoL reference too. I used to main Leona actually. Haven't played League in a million years though.)

Yeah the breeding cooldown is going to kill me, can't lie. I hadn't initially been thinking about lore pertaining to my lair specifically when looking at them. I had just been thinking about it standalone. But you raise a good point there. Reading more about the Light territory, I imagine that they'd like living in the shadow of the Sundial, scheduling their day around moving along with the shadow.

The Mirrorlight Promenade would probably have a lot of places to build their super-hidden dens. Hollowed out pillars, for example, would be really cool. I guess it kind of depends on how big the dragons are, and how big the pillars are. The Hewn City is apparently gripped in perpetual shade, so them considering it to be a stone facsimile of the shadow flight territory doesn't seem too terribly out of character.

Or they could simply be carriers of light to other flights. Maybe they wander the shadow territories leading lost dragons by lantern light. That might be flowery speculation in favor of my chosen username, but hey. I think there are ways to weasel the bats into any situation if you dig deep enough.


Whoops, posted a bit early there, sorry. Thank you for Leona! She's gorgeous. Honestly white, maize, ivory, and gold are my favorite colors so far.
(Sweet LoL reference too. I used to main Leona actually. Haven't played League in a million years though.)
@lanternlight glad you like her! i actually did not know leona was the name of a league character, i just thought it sounded nice so i named her that :P and maize and gold are one of my favorite colors too! they always look nice on every dragon
@lanternlight glad you like her! i actually did not know leona was the name of a league character, i just thought it sounded nice so i named her that :P and maize and gold are one of my favorite colors too! they always look nice on every dragon
@LanternLight I think Coatls can be a little more difficult to work with, lore-wise, given that they have their own language that's entirely different from the traditional draconic that rest of the breeds use.

I like your lantern idea, as contrived as it may sound in this case. And there's always a way to incorporate different breeds of different flights into a lair. It's fun (and challenging) to conceive even a few of those possibilities for our own clans!

Anyways, I'm logging off for now, but we can always chat later. You seem interested in FR lore, so we can probably be friends.
@LanternLight I think Coatls can be a little more difficult to work with, lore-wise, given that they have their own language that's entirely different from the traditional draconic that rest of the breeds use.

I like your lantern idea, as contrived as it may sound in this case. And there's always a way to incorporate different breeds of different flights into a lair. It's fun (and challenging) to conceive even a few of those possibilities for our own clans!

Anyways, I'm logging off for now, but we can always chat later. You seem interested in FR lore, so we can probably be friends.