
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | [T] Trading pretties for fodder
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Sending a CR for Lyla!

Sending a CR for Lyla!

You're welcome and thank you!

You're welcome and thank you!
@serebronaga Thanks for the trade!
@serebronaga Thanks for the trade!
@Saerielle Is Meir still available? She'll make a good mate for my other pastel nocturne :D
@Saerielle Is Meir still available? She'll make a good mate for my other pastel nocturne :D
@Aliceeng She's still available! Just be sure to set up the CR for her and then two other fodders for 1T! :D
@Aliceeng She's still available! Just be sure to set up the CR for her and then two other fodders for 1T! :D
@Saerielle Thanks! CR sent~
@Saerielle Thanks! CR sent~
@Saerielle Is Norva still available? I love her!
@Saerielle Is Norva still available? I love her!
@DragonsRKewl Yes she is! Just set up the trade for her. the second one for 1T ovo.
@DragonsRKewl Yes she is! Just set up the trade for her. the second one for 1T ovo.
@Saerielle Ok, thanks!
@Saerielle Ok, thanks!
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