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TOPIC | Coldwind Tales
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Dunecrosser sighed as he watched his younger sister Vladana stare into the horizon.

Felix has had enough of Meredith for a lifetime, and took many dragons with him when he left the clan. Colvera killed Robin, Lancelot killed her and then disappeared.

There were broken bonds all around. Even at worst the clan had pockets of self made families but now, barring Tesla and his daughter Nadezda... And Gordan and Ljubica when he thought about it, everyone was a stranger to one another.

Meredith only had Courtmorta, Blackfyre and Ares left as her personal guard while Nightwing made another for Slackjaw. Idolon, Furiosa, Florenza and Argus were as talkative as previous soldiers, that is to say, they didn't talk, but they were loyal.

Dunecrosser looked at his moping sister again. He was troubled by their mother's leave too. He needed a clear head and advice.

Maybe it was time he visited uncle Sandwalker.
Dunecrosser sighed as he watched his younger sister Vladana stare into the horizon.

Felix has had enough of Meredith for a lifetime, and took many dragons with him when he left the clan. Colvera killed Robin, Lancelot killed her and then disappeared.

There were broken bonds all around. Even at worst the clan had pockets of self made families but now, barring Tesla and his daughter Nadezda... And Gordan and Ljubica when he thought about it, everyone was a stranger to one another.

Meredith only had Courtmorta, Blackfyre and Ares left as her personal guard while Nightwing made another for Slackjaw. Idolon, Furiosa, Florenza and Argus were as talkative as previous soldiers, that is to say, they didn't talk, but they were loyal.

Dunecrosser looked at his moping sister again. He was troubled by their mother's leave too. He needed a clear head and advice.

Maybe it was time he visited uncle Sandwalker.
(Eeeeeeeee- YES Yes, story time~! )
(Eeeeeeeee- YES Yes, story time~! )
The Winds of Change: PART 3-The Pillar of Strength


Biala let ouf a heavy sigh as she layed in her room. She was exhausted. It just seemed like her work was never ending and her mind was filled with all sort of issues that happened until now.

Months ago, Galyar's passing made a lot of turbulence within the clan. The Queen, Gioia, who was suppose to be the pillar of dragon group was the weakest link and everyone could sense that.

Her new orders that almost completely cut down the contacts with other dragon clans, as well as overexagerated security that made their life a true struggle, not just on economic and political level but also emotional one.

It wasn't strange to see some of the clanmembers sneak out every now and then to go see their family members from other clans. Biala knew about it but kept it a secret from Gioia so her paranoia wouldn't get worse.

Everyone seem to have distant themselves from their own Queen and turned to Biala for anything that they needed at the time. In fact, a lot of those were request on trying to bring Giogia to her senses. Biala did the best she could but so far there was only growth in trust between the two dragonesses rather than any other change within Gioia.

Things got worse from the moment some clan members decided to leave. Too many thought restriction kept them away from goals they wanted and the freedom previously offered by Galyar was what they were use to. Clan started to change it's size and numbers. Fortunately, there were some new arrivals who did not mind the strict rules and would feel safer under them.

Just when things seemed like they will get a little better, few clanmembers played a vicious game with Gioia. Solar and Lunar, a natural vile dragons that were kept at bay during Galyar's rule, made sure the Queens daily life was a living nightmare. They whispered and implied a hard truth about current situation. The more they started filling her mind with doubt and fear, the more Giogia started to crack. Luckily, Biala knew how to recall reassure her everything will be alright but it started to get harder and harder. If it was her rule, Biala would more than just banish the two mischievous dragons but Gioia's feeling toward any dragon that left was very hard to take.

The Queen was slowly loosing her mind and Biala was the new established pillar of the clan. Caught between neither the ruler nor a common clansmember, Biala was receiving bigger and bigger pressure on keeping things as they are.

Moonstruck's stubbornness and need of taking control into his own hands turned out to be more useful for the clan that previously assumed. However, Gioia would felt like her every attempt to make things alright were wrong, like everything she did was a mistake that had to be fixed by Moonstruck who liked to have everything played out perfectly.

Even Sky who was one of the most spirited and calmer members snapped one day. His daughter Fallstreak was a terrible mother and Sky simply wanted to address the issue. Behaving like she was a victim, Fallstreak attacked both her father and her son, Noctus. Sky was infuriated enough to chase her away from the clan for good, all by his own will and reason. Noctus, who already suffered a loss of his sister and closest friends from Slackjaw's clan, had his heart completely shattered by a mother he was sure sh loved him. Sky helped him recover but a poor dragon shut down from any social interaction within current clan. Noctus then left for good and moved to a smaller and calmer one that is Ryendal's.

Biala sighed once again after thinking back at everything that has happened. There was still the same tension and she was simply tired of it all. But her heart was that of a warrior and she refused to just quit here and now. Not just for the sake of bloodline but for the love of dragons she grew with from the very first day she stepped into the clan...



Gioia was outside. Having emotional breakdowns have turned so frequent she was no longer surprised by sudden urges to burst into tears. She would usually hide away in her quarters but at this point she was exhausted of her life so she stopped caring about who will see her like this.

The tears streamed down her jaw and dropped onto the soil that was near Galyar's grave.

Everything was wrong.

She is a terrible queen.

No one trusts her.

She's weak.

Dragons were leaving her.

Everything was falling apart.

("... what is the point to keep this up...?")

She knew very well but she still asked herself this. An image of Galyar that smiled at her, the one who saw a great good in her came to her vision.

Something squeezed her heart and she writhed. It hurt her.

("... I can't... I am so sorry but I can't...")

Her body curled across the grass as she sobbed.

"I'm not the queen you saw me to be!!"

Her mind grew dark. She was not asleep. She just lost all of her senses at that moment.

But then, someone's voice shook her back to reality...

"Then make yourself a queen you wished to be."

Her eyes opened wide. Her sobbing seized and she quickly lifted her head to see who spoke. The words didn't reach her head but the voice did. What she saw was a young male guardian of blueish shades.

His violet eyes glimmered toward the crying dragoness and they were filled with warmth, despite the determent posture of the body and head held high.

For few seconds she was surprised. No, mesmerized? But then she realized the male was a complete stranger and an intruder. Her senses came back as she felt fear. Her position was lower and did not bother to rise up and assure dominance but Gioia quickly hopped to her feet anyways. Because her throat was dry from crying, she didn't had time to speak before male did.

"The answer is simple, isn't it? There is no need to worry, you will be okay only if you trust yourself more."

A sudden wind gust blew across the grassy field and the area was filled with a calming sound of leaves and grass flowing like ocean waves. Bamboo polls would gently whistle and make light hollow sounds.

The silent moment continues and neither of the dragons removed their eyes from one another.

Gioia was the first to have done that. Her irises wandered in confusion and she finally spoke.

"... who are you...? Why are you here?"

The male simply smiled but did not make another step closer toward the scared female.

"I am Warian. I've been observing your clan for some time now, Lady Gioia. As a vagabond guardian, you have to understand how much attention activities here in your drew me in to stay close. I admit, I firstly had to gain the trust of your hunter to be allowed in on territory like this, so I'm sorry for trespassing without your knowledge, hahah."

Not too further away, a familiar Mirror hid low in the grass. It was Electra who kept her emotionless eyes on the male this whole time, being ready to pounce at any monent.

But why did she allowed Warian inside?

"Oh, uh, please understand I mean no harm. I simply wanted to... ah, how do I put this..." the collective posture on the male was switched with awkwardness. He gently scratched his head with a clawtip of his wing. "I felt like offering you some company, you know? You looked really troubled."

Gioia couldn't say anything in reply. She was still very scared. There were no guards around and she didn't know this male. She wanted to shout and call for clanmembers to chase him away but...

... trust yourself more...

Those words suddenly rang in her head. Her mind was in a mess but those words surfaced for some reason. And with that, her thoughts started to settle, her muscles relaxed and her head slowly rose up to the same level of the males.

"... you want to... talk...?"

Warian immediately nodded. That assured Gioia even more.

She looked down then slowly moved, offering some space to her side.

Warian took it as invitation and he slowly set next to her, within needed distance of course. Even so, Electra's tail could be heard swaying in the grass as she kept her eyes close to the male.

This was all very strange. The only reason the Queen allowed it is because she finally started to feel like things have slow down and that her thoughts and emotion started to have some order. She haven't felt like this in a very long, long time...

"So... let's talk."
The Winds of Change: PART 3-The Pillar of Strength


Biala let ouf a heavy sigh as she layed in her room. She was exhausted. It just seemed like her work was never ending and her mind was filled with all sort of issues that happened until now.

Months ago, Galyar's passing made a lot of turbulence within the clan. The Queen, Gioia, who was suppose to be the pillar of dragon group was the weakest link and everyone could sense that.

Her new orders that almost completely cut down the contacts with other dragon clans, as well as overexagerated security that made their life a true struggle, not just on economic and political level but also emotional one.

It wasn't strange to see some of the clanmembers sneak out every now and then to go see their family members from other clans. Biala knew about it but kept it a secret from Gioia so her paranoia wouldn't get worse.

Everyone seem to have distant themselves from their own Queen and turned to Biala for anything that they needed at the time. In fact, a lot of those were request on trying to bring Giogia to her senses. Biala did the best she could but so far there was only growth in trust between the two dragonesses rather than any other change within Gioia.

Things got worse from the moment some clan members decided to leave. Too many thought restriction kept them away from goals they wanted and the freedom previously offered by Galyar was what they were use to. Clan started to change it's size and numbers. Fortunately, there were some new arrivals who did not mind the strict rules and would feel safer under them.

Just when things seemed like they will get a little better, few clanmembers played a vicious game with Gioia. Solar and Lunar, a natural vile dragons that were kept at bay during Galyar's rule, made sure the Queens daily life was a living nightmare. They whispered and implied a hard truth about current situation. The more they started filling her mind with doubt and fear, the more Giogia started to crack. Luckily, Biala knew how to recall reassure her everything will be alright but it started to get harder and harder. If it was her rule, Biala would more than just banish the two mischievous dragons but Gioia's feeling toward any dragon that left was very hard to take.

The Queen was slowly loosing her mind and Biala was the new established pillar of the clan. Caught between neither the ruler nor a common clansmember, Biala was receiving bigger and bigger pressure on keeping things as they are.

Moonstruck's stubbornness and need of taking control into his own hands turned out to be more useful for the clan that previously assumed. However, Gioia would felt like her every attempt to make things alright were wrong, like everything she did was a mistake that had to be fixed by Moonstruck who liked to have everything played out perfectly.

Even Sky who was one of the most spirited and calmer members snapped one day. His daughter Fallstreak was a terrible mother and Sky simply wanted to address the issue. Behaving like she was a victim, Fallstreak attacked both her father and her son, Noctus. Sky was infuriated enough to chase her away from the clan for good, all by his own will and reason. Noctus, who already suffered a loss of his sister and closest friends from Slackjaw's clan, had his heart completely shattered by a mother he was sure sh loved him. Sky helped him recover but a poor dragon shut down from any social interaction within current clan. Noctus then left for good and moved to a smaller and calmer one that is Ryendal's.

Biala sighed once again after thinking back at everything that has happened. There was still the same tension and she was simply tired of it all. But her heart was that of a warrior and she refused to just quit here and now. Not just for the sake of bloodline but for the love of dragons she grew with from the very first day she stepped into the clan...



Gioia was outside. Having emotional breakdowns have turned so frequent she was no longer surprised by sudden urges to burst into tears. She would usually hide away in her quarters but at this point she was exhausted of her life so she stopped caring about who will see her like this.

The tears streamed down her jaw and dropped onto the soil that was near Galyar's grave.

Everything was wrong.

She is a terrible queen.

No one trusts her.

She's weak.

Dragons were leaving her.

Everything was falling apart.

("... what is the point to keep this up...?")

She knew very well but she still asked herself this. An image of Galyar that smiled at her, the one who saw a great good in her came to her vision.

Something squeezed her heart and she writhed. It hurt her.

("... I can't... I am so sorry but I can't...")

Her body curled across the grass as she sobbed.

"I'm not the queen you saw me to be!!"

Her mind grew dark. She was not asleep. She just lost all of her senses at that moment.

But then, someone's voice shook her back to reality...

"Then make yourself a queen you wished to be."

Her eyes opened wide. Her sobbing seized and she quickly lifted her head to see who spoke. The words didn't reach her head but the voice did. What she saw was a young male guardian of blueish shades.

His violet eyes glimmered toward the crying dragoness and they were filled with warmth, despite the determent posture of the body and head held high.

For few seconds she was surprised. No, mesmerized? But then she realized the male was a complete stranger and an intruder. Her senses came back as she felt fear. Her position was lower and did not bother to rise up and assure dominance but Gioia quickly hopped to her feet anyways. Because her throat was dry from crying, she didn't had time to speak before male did.

"The answer is simple, isn't it? There is no need to worry, you will be okay only if you trust yourself more."

A sudden wind gust blew across the grassy field and the area was filled with a calming sound of leaves and grass flowing like ocean waves. Bamboo polls would gently whistle and make light hollow sounds.

The silent moment continues and neither of the dragons removed their eyes from one another.

Gioia was the first to have done that. Her irises wandered in confusion and she finally spoke.

"... who are you...? Why are you here?"

The male simply smiled but did not make another step closer toward the scared female.

"I am Warian. I've been observing your clan for some time now, Lady Gioia. As a vagabond guardian, you have to understand how much attention activities here in your drew me in to stay close. I admit, I firstly had to gain the trust of your hunter to be allowed in on territory like this, so I'm sorry for trespassing without your knowledge, hahah."

Not too further away, a familiar Mirror hid low in the grass. It was Electra who kept her emotionless eyes on the male this whole time, being ready to pounce at any monent.

But why did she allowed Warian inside?

"Oh, uh, please understand I mean no harm. I simply wanted to... ah, how do I put this..." the collective posture on the male was switched with awkwardness. He gently scratched his head with a clawtip of his wing. "I felt like offering you some company, you know? You looked really troubled."

Gioia couldn't say anything in reply. She was still very scared. There were no guards around and she didn't know this male. She wanted to shout and call for clanmembers to chase him away but...

... trust yourself more...

Those words suddenly rang in her head. Her mind was in a mess but those words surfaced for some reason. And with that, her thoughts started to settle, her muscles relaxed and her head slowly rose up to the same level of the males.

"... you want to... talk...?"

Warian immediately nodded. That assured Gioia even more.

She looked down then slowly moved, offering some space to her side.

Warian took it as invitation and he slowly set next to her, within needed distance of course. Even so, Electra's tail could be heard swaying in the grass as she kept her eyes close to the male.

This was all very strange. The only reason the Queen allowed it is because she finally started to feel like things have slow down and that her thoughts and emotion started to have some order. She haven't felt like this in a very long, long time...

"So... let's talk."
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