

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Blood n Steal (Open) Fantasy Roleplay
It seemed that Seyri and Fannor were in luck - their target had yet to notice them barreling towards him from below. He was probably far too distracted from the barrage of attacks coming at him from the horizontal to pay attention to the white bundle of feathers and fur headed his way. Seyri was silently thankful that her plan was working; if it wasn't for the complete idiocy of her fellow recruits, she would probably be facing a bad hit from the red-eyed fiends. Thank goodness she couldn't make out too much of their fearsome forms through the clouds or else she might have turned Fannor around at the last second. Instead, she pulled out one of her daggers and, with one hand still gripping the feathers on Fannor's neck, the other held the blade aloft and prepared for a sweep at their target. As soon as they flew past their opposing pair, Seyri swiped at the vampire's legs with her dagger. They were flying too fast for her to be sure if she had hit, but she knew she had picked had good spot. The legs were important in maintaining balance on a mount, and aside from directly dragging him off that creepy pegasus it was the best plan she had. Without looking back, Seyri directed Fannor back down into another bunch of clouds. The camouflage of his white coat against the puffs of clouds would hopefully prevent any backlash that Seyri suspected she could get from performing such a daring assault, especially if she hadn't managed to knock her target off. Heart racing, she slowed Fannor to a gliding pace in the cold, damp air of the cloud they were hiding in and turned to get a look at what she had managed to do.

((@midnight305 - moved to a new place and starting school soon, but I'm still gonna try to get in posts when I can!))
It seemed that Seyri and Fannor were in luck - their target had yet to notice them barreling towards him from below. He was probably far too distracted from the barrage of attacks coming at him from the horizontal to pay attention to the white bundle of feathers and fur headed his way. Seyri was silently thankful that her plan was working; if it wasn't for the complete idiocy of her fellow recruits, she would probably be facing a bad hit from the red-eyed fiends. Thank goodness she couldn't make out too much of their fearsome forms through the clouds or else she might have turned Fannor around at the last second. Instead, she pulled out one of her daggers and, with one hand still gripping the feathers on Fannor's neck, the other held the blade aloft and prepared for a sweep at their target. As soon as they flew past their opposing pair, Seyri swiped at the vampire's legs with her dagger. They were flying too fast for her to be sure if she had hit, but she knew she had picked had good spot. The legs were important in maintaining balance on a mount, and aside from directly dragging him off that creepy pegasus it was the best plan she had. Without looking back, Seyri directed Fannor back down into another bunch of clouds. The camouflage of his white coat against the puffs of clouds would hopefully prevent any backlash that Seyri suspected she could get from performing such a daring assault, especially if she hadn't managed to knock her target off. Heart racing, she slowed Fannor to a gliding pace in the cold, damp air of the cloud they were hiding in and turned to get a look at what she had managed to do.

((@midnight305 - moved to a new place and starting school soon, but I'm still gonna try to get in posts when I can!))
(@drasi that is fine.I understand I got a job and stuff too so it's cool)

Though Power had been fighting off the ones coming straight at him he hadn't been expecting the attack from below at such a high speed. The slash to the leg had cut deep regardless of how fast she was going and had almost knocked him over the side of Night,but he had kept his grip on him as he had lended slightly his leg giving him a lot of problems now with it being wounded and bleeding. It would take a while for it to heal and he couldn't deal with it while he was in this air. "darn it"He muttered as him and Night watched as the pair had slipped back into the clouds. Not going to let them have the advantage this time as he had usured Night towards the clouds as he rose one of his hands to shot a electric blast at the girl.~I bet you forgot to mention I had powers too huh?"He asked Recca.

Recca smirked~Nope ,but there about to find out huh?~He asked.
(@drasi that is fine.I understand I got a job and stuff too so it's cool)

Though Power had been fighting off the ones coming straight at him he hadn't been expecting the attack from below at such a high speed. The slash to the leg had cut deep regardless of how fast she was going and had almost knocked him over the side of Night,but he had kept his grip on him as he had lended slightly his leg giving him a lot of problems now with it being wounded and bleeding. It would take a while for it to heal and he couldn't deal with it while he was in this air. "darn it"He muttered as him and Night watched as the pair had slipped back into the clouds. Not going to let them have the advantage this time as he had usured Night towards the clouds as he rose one of his hands to shot a electric blast at the girl.~I bet you forgot to mention I had powers too huh?"He asked Recca.

Recca smirked~Nope ,but there about to find out huh?~He asked.

Seyri took a moment to examine her dagger and finally noticed the red stains along its edge. So she had managed to make a hit with her attack. She felt a little flutter of newfound confidence with this observation, but it didn't last long before it was struck down by none other than a blast of electricity shot past her a little too close for comfort. Fannor darted to the side to avoid it, knocking Seyri off-balance and nearly throwing her off of him completely. That was too close she thought as she wrapped her arms around his feathered neck in order to stay on, eliciting a flustered screech from her mount. It wasn't a very bright idea to do such a thing to a griffin, but Seyri knew she would fall off otherwise. As soon as she regained her balance, she uttered a quick apology to him to placate his annoyance. It worked well enough, for he headed towards a different clump of clouds at her urging. She got enough of a glimpse of her enemy between the clouds to plan out another attack. Her previous shot from below had been successful, and although it wasn't the best idea to pull the same stunt twice, she knew that if she did anything within his line of sight he would probably send another bolt of electricity at her. That was the absolute last thing that she wanted. Positioning herself directly beneath him again, she pulled out her dagger and pointed Fannor upward for their next attack. This time she aimed for his pegasus's legs as she flew by - maybe enough of a jolt from his mount would be enough to knock him off.

Seyri took a moment to examine her dagger and finally noticed the red stains along its edge. So she had managed to make a hit with her attack. She felt a little flutter of newfound confidence with this observation, but it didn't last long before it was struck down by none other than a blast of electricity shot past her a little too close for comfort. Fannor darted to the side to avoid it, knocking Seyri off-balance and nearly throwing her off of him completely. That was too close she thought as she wrapped her arms around his feathered neck in order to stay on, eliciting a flustered screech from her mount. It wasn't a very bright idea to do such a thing to a griffin, but Seyri knew she would fall off otherwise. As soon as she regained her balance, she uttered a quick apology to him to placate his annoyance. It worked well enough, for he headed towards a different clump of clouds at her urging. She got enough of a glimpse of her enemy between the clouds to plan out another attack. Her previous shot from below had been successful, and although it wasn't the best idea to pull the same stunt twice, she knew that if she did anything within his line of sight he would probably send another bolt of electricity at her. That was the absolute last thing that she wanted. Positioning herself directly beneath him again, she pulled out her dagger and pointed Fannor upward for their next attack. This time she aimed for his pegasus's legs as she flew by - maybe enough of a jolt from his mount would be enough to knock him off.
It seemed he had almost hit the girl as he watched her disappear into an other patch of clouds which would be even harder to target where she went into them now since it was a larger patch then the other one. He sighed slightly and turned Night away from the clouds as he was contemplating which area he should go to next. Assuming she might come from below again he kept a quick eye out for any movement or sound that might catch his ears from below,but it proved hard since he still had the others to worry about who was trying there hardest to knock him off and left Night distracted. His mount didn't see the girl till the last minute and had tried to move out of the way,but his hind leg had got slashed by the dagger which caused him to jerk in a violent moving which had landed Power knocked off the side with one hand grabbing onto the mane of Night who had let out a loud snarly neighing screech from the pain.He had to admit he was very impressed with this girl as he had grabbed onto Night's lower mane to lift himself back up.Impossible to do in the air. "Dive...."He muttered to Night as he had let go. It would be easier to land on his mount from the air then it would be to try to climb his way back on without any momentum to push himself back up.

Recca was smirking this whole time at what he seen and you could tell the other recruits had got jealous and wanted to make sure he didn't land back on his mount and so took to the attack while the enemy was down...and came rushing at him at once.

"It seems like there working more as a team now"Power told himself as he watched the others come at him. He wondered what Recca would say he just told them to knock him off,but it looked like they was taking the next step on there own.Whichever that would be he wondered if they would try to capture him or kill him. Surely Recca would just assume a capture. Right?

Power smirked at the idea as he fell and watched as one came charging in dangerously close as Night was now beside him he lifted his arm ad sent a blast out at the closet recruit before landing on top of Night.Sure it was a bit painful,but he would get over it. Now he was in completely view very close to the ground and below the cloud line. But instead of going back up to meet the other recruits he went straight for Recca.

(@drasi )
It seemed he had almost hit the girl as he watched her disappear into an other patch of clouds which would be even harder to target where she went into them now since it was a larger patch then the other one. He sighed slightly and turned Night away from the clouds as he was contemplating which area he should go to next. Assuming she might come from below again he kept a quick eye out for any movement or sound that might catch his ears from below,but it proved hard since he still had the others to worry about who was trying there hardest to knock him off and left Night distracted. His mount didn't see the girl till the last minute and had tried to move out of the way,but his hind leg had got slashed by the dagger which caused him to jerk in a violent moving which had landed Power knocked off the side with one hand grabbing onto the mane of Night who had let out a loud snarly neighing screech from the pain.He had to admit he was very impressed with this girl as he had grabbed onto Night's lower mane to lift himself back up.Impossible to do in the air. "Dive...."He muttered to Night as he had let go. It would be easier to land on his mount from the air then it would be to try to climb his way back on without any momentum to push himself back up.

Recca was smirking this whole time at what he seen and you could tell the other recruits had got jealous and wanted to make sure he didn't land back on his mount and so took to the attack while the enemy was down...and came rushing at him at once.

"It seems like there working more as a team now"Power told himself as he watched the others come at him. He wondered what Recca would say he just told them to knock him off,but it looked like they was taking the next step on there own.Whichever that would be he wondered if they would try to capture him or kill him. Surely Recca would just assume a capture. Right?

Power smirked at the idea as he fell and watched as one came charging in dangerously close as Night was now beside him he lifted his arm ad sent a blast out at the closet recruit before landing on top of Night.Sure it was a bit painful,but he would get over it. Now he was in completely view very close to the ground and below the cloud line. But instead of going back up to meet the other recruits he went straight for Recca.

(@drasi )
(@drasi )
(@drasi )
@drasi @midnight305
@drasi @midnight305