
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Auction House Selling Quantity Glitch
I put in some gold to sell i changed the quantity to 1 before i even put in my price. When i sent it it took my remaining 7 gold rather than just the 1. It sold in seconds so i couldn't cancel it .

If could get gold replaced id send the 20,000 treasure to who ever i should. That was how much i ment to sell 1 gold for. In fact i put one up for that amount then when tried to put 2nd one up it glitched and sent them all .
I put in some gold to sell i changed the quantity to 1 before i even put in my price. When i sent it it took my remaining 7 gold rather than just the 1. It sold in seconds so i couldn't cancel it .

If could get gold replaced id send the 20,000 treasure to who ever i should. That was how much i ment to sell 1 gold for. In fact i put one up for that amount then when tried to put 2nd one up it glitched and sent them all .
Unfortunately the AH has been having some issues lately.
I would highly recommend (If you haven't already) sending a ticket through the contact us link at the bottom of every page.
I am not sure if they can do anything, but that is certainly a glitch they should be aware of.
Unfortunately the AH has been having some issues lately.
I would highly recommend (If you haven't already) sending a ticket through the contact us link at the bottom of every page.
I am not sure if they can do anything, but that is certainly a glitch they should be aware of.
@Jaspard - Is it possible that you double clicked the item? I know that double clicking resets all the fields, and with how laggy FR tends to be these days, that can lead to quite a delay before the fields reset. Maybe you could have double clicked by accident, set the quantity to one, then the fields reset and the quantity reverted to all instead of just one, and you didn't notice it and put in the price and pressed accept?
@Jaspard - Is it possible that you double clicked the item? I know that double clicking resets all the fields, and with how laggy FR tends to be these days, that can lead to quite a delay before the fields reset. Maybe you could have double clicked by accident, set the quantity to one, then the fields reset and the quantity reverted to all instead of just one, and you didn't notice it and put in the price and pressed accept?
@Eido - I don't think that was my problem. when it happened it was running nice and smooth for me . Tho i don't think that's what happened i cant say that i'm 100 percent that it didn't happen. after all site has gone from perfect too laggy before , it did shut down 30 min or an hour later tho so i'm not sure . I had a glitch with my gathering turns earlier as well, so i'm leaning towards thinking site is just glitchy atm while readjusting to new members
@Eido - I don't think that was my problem. when it happened it was running nice and smooth for me . Tho i don't think that's what happened i cant say that i'm 100 percent that it didn't happen. after all site has gone from perfect too laggy before , it did shut down 30 min or an hour later tho so i'm not sure . I had a glitch with my gathering turns earlier as well, so i'm leaning towards thinking site is just glitchy atm while readjusting to new members
@ Atlas - thanks i had not thought of that
@ Atlas - thanks i had not thought of that