

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Blood n Steal (Open) Fantasy Roleplay
Seyri was relieved when she felt Spike move off of her. Her breath was finally coming back at a steady pace, and she was able to sit up. She took Spike's proffered hand and got back on her feet only to notice how much damage she had actually done to the trainer. He was bleeding in more places than one, and she could probably count on a few small bruises her punches might have left. Trainer or not, this demon had a lot of endurance.

"My name is Seyri." She paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should mention her last name, but there was no point in hiding it. It was on the rosters - all they had to do was look it up. What were the chances of any of them recognizing it, anyway? "Seyri Anjelos, and I'll be okay, thank you. Just need some rest 's all." And a lot of it she thought as she brushed some dirt off her shoulder. "Wait, we were fighting for a whole hour?!" It hadn't felt like it had been that long. In her mind it had barely lasted a few minutes, but being so focused for so long probably had the effect of dulling her sense of time. She looked around the dueling area to see that some of the onlookers had remained, softly chatting with each other about this or that. She silently hoped that none of them would take this opportunity to challenge her to another fight. She was spent, and she didn't think she could handle another fight, let alone pick up her own daggers. Where had those things gone, anyway?

((@midnight305 - my parents were just super strict when I was young, so I could only use the computer on the weekends. Plus I shared it with my siblings, so that was even more of a limit, but yeah, kids these days really don't understand how lucky they are. I didn't even have a computer until I was in fifth grade, yet my niece has been playing around with an iPad since she was three. @_@ it's insane.))
Seyri was relieved when she felt Spike move off of her. Her breath was finally coming back at a steady pace, and she was able to sit up. She took Spike's proffered hand and got back on her feet only to notice how much damage she had actually done to the trainer. He was bleeding in more places than one, and she could probably count on a few small bruises her punches might have left. Trainer or not, this demon had a lot of endurance.

"My name is Seyri." She paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should mention her last name, but there was no point in hiding it. It was on the rosters - all they had to do was look it up. What were the chances of any of them recognizing it, anyway? "Seyri Anjelos, and I'll be okay, thank you. Just need some rest 's all." And a lot of it she thought as she brushed some dirt off her shoulder. "Wait, we were fighting for a whole hour?!" It hadn't felt like it had been that long. In her mind it had barely lasted a few minutes, but being so focused for so long probably had the effect of dulling her sense of time. She looked around the dueling area to see that some of the onlookers had remained, softly chatting with each other about this or that. She silently hoped that none of them would take this opportunity to challenge her to another fight. She was spent, and she didn't think she could handle another fight, let alone pick up her own daggers. Where had those things gone, anyway?

((@midnight305 - my parents were just super strict when I was young, so I could only use the computer on the weekends. Plus I shared it with my siblings, so that was even more of a limit, but yeah, kids these days really don't understand how lucky they are. I didn't even have a computer until I was in fifth grade, yet my niece has been playing around with an iPad since she was three. @_@ it's insane.))
(@drasi I know right....they have sell phones and xboxs and wiis and every single other game system you can think of with every single new game out you can think of plus a tablet,plus a laptop or computer plus a phone....hell I didn't even get a cell phone till I was 16 and it was for emergency use only .My mom made me take it with me when I went on my long walks or bike rides where I would be gone all day or all night. And it was the indestructible nokia too hehe...sell phones now a days god forbid you drop it and it breaks into a million peices lol .All the stuff I have now I had to buy for myself. There was no getting it as a gift for my birthday or just cuss.)

Since Domino was talking to this new recruit Spike took it upon himself to excuse himself as he walked over to her and handed her her dagger that he had pulled out from his shoulder making blood splatter onto the ground."See ya around"He said with a smirk on his face as he walked off after handing her the dagger to get some well needed rest and healing.

Domino shook his head at him and then nodded to what Seyri said."Oh...well I am impressed I wasn't sure if they was going to send anyone from there or not....glad to see they did....your a wonderful fighter...and yeah it was an hour....very impressive....your welcome to go rest now if ya want....and to find your sleeping quarters as well as the food tent...which will be served in about 20 about an hour we are going to go over selecting mounts for our recruits...."Domino added

(sorry if it's a crappy post I took a nap and it didn't help me fell any better I am all blah right so completely drained)
(@drasi I know right....they have sell phones and xboxs and wiis and every single other game system you can think of with every single new game out you can think of plus a tablet,plus a laptop or computer plus a phone....hell I didn't even get a cell phone till I was 16 and it was for emergency use only .My mom made me take it with me when I went on my long walks or bike rides where I would be gone all day or all night. And it was the indestructible nokia too hehe...sell phones now a days god forbid you drop it and it breaks into a million peices lol .All the stuff I have now I had to buy for myself. There was no getting it as a gift for my birthday or just cuss.)

Since Domino was talking to this new recruit Spike took it upon himself to excuse himself as he walked over to her and handed her her dagger that he had pulled out from his shoulder making blood splatter onto the ground."See ya around"He said with a smirk on his face as he walked off after handing her the dagger to get some well needed rest and healing.

Domino shook his head at him and then nodded to what Seyri said."Oh...well I am impressed I wasn't sure if they was going to send anyone from there or not....glad to see they did....your a wonderful fighter...and yeah it was an hour....very impressive....your welcome to go rest now if ya want....and to find your sleeping quarters as well as the food tent...which will be served in about 20 about an hour we are going to go over selecting mounts for our recruits...."Domino added

(sorry if it's a crappy post I took a nap and it didn't help me fell any better I am all blah right so completely drained)
Seyri hesitated for a second before taking her dagger back from Spike. Seeing him so casually pull it out and hand it back to her was a little intimidating, to say the least. He didn't even make a sound, just let the blood spatter and handed the dirtied blade to her like it was nothing. All she could manage to his farewell was a small nod to let him know she had heard him. Her attention returned back to Domino only to be surprised yet again. He seemed to know about her little region of homeland, but he didn't seem all too concerned that they didn't send one of their actual warriors. Surely one of her half-brothers or sisters would have made a far better impression, but her actions over the past hour appeared to have alleviated any doubts about their contribution to the cause. At least, that's what Seyri was going to assume. She couldn't tell if Domino was just pretending to know about the Anjelos House, but part of her was kind of glad he had encouraged her to step up and prove herself this evening. Maybe making a name for herself so early wasn't so bad after all. It was going to make laying low difficult, though.

Once Domino had left her to her own devices, Seyri headed off to her tent to tend to some of her wounds. A cold rag to the back of the head, a few bandages, and a fresh change of clothes did wonders to her energy, and by the time she finished dinner she was more than ready to examine the mounts that she could choose from as a recruit. The fact that it was finally cold enough for her to put on a jacket and special covers over her wings only made her even more content now. Standing amongst the others, she patiently waited for instructions on where to go and what to do. She was only familiar with the heavyset, furry horses that served as warriors' mounts in her homeland, and maybe the occasional pegasus for special events. Surely an army in the middle of a desert wouldn't rely on mounts that thrived in cold environments, so Seyri was more than a little curious about what they would have to offer.

((@midnight305 - Sorry about the late reply! I started a new job and it has zapped almost all of my energy. Hope this works for now!))
Seyri hesitated for a second before taking her dagger back from Spike. Seeing him so casually pull it out and hand it back to her was a little intimidating, to say the least. He didn't even make a sound, just let the blood spatter and handed the dirtied blade to her like it was nothing. All she could manage to his farewell was a small nod to let him know she had heard him. Her attention returned back to Domino only to be surprised yet again. He seemed to know about her little region of homeland, but he didn't seem all too concerned that they didn't send one of their actual warriors. Surely one of her half-brothers or sisters would have made a far better impression, but her actions over the past hour appeared to have alleviated any doubts about their contribution to the cause. At least, that's what Seyri was going to assume. She couldn't tell if Domino was just pretending to know about the Anjelos House, but part of her was kind of glad he had encouraged her to step up and prove herself this evening. Maybe making a name for herself so early wasn't so bad after all. It was going to make laying low difficult, though.

Once Domino had left her to her own devices, Seyri headed off to her tent to tend to some of her wounds. A cold rag to the back of the head, a few bandages, and a fresh change of clothes did wonders to her energy, and by the time she finished dinner she was more than ready to examine the mounts that she could choose from as a recruit. The fact that it was finally cold enough for her to put on a jacket and special covers over her wings only made her even more content now. Standing amongst the others, she patiently waited for instructions on where to go and what to do. She was only familiar with the heavyset, furry horses that served as warriors' mounts in her homeland, and maybe the occasional pegasus for special events. Surely an army in the middle of a desert wouldn't rely on mounts that thrived in cold environments, so Seyri was more than a little curious about what they would have to offer.

((@midnight305 - Sorry about the late reply! I started a new job and it has zapped almost all of my energy. Hope this works for now!))
(Oh it's ok I kinda figured it was either,work,vacation,or school @drasi )

"You know you should really not try to show off infront of them Spike.I mean look at theses wounds.I was surprised you was still standing at all."Said the nurse in the tent that he had gone to.

Spike smirked. "Eh you know me....if you don't freak them out and know that things will be hard then they will get killed in real battle....,but I am impressed with that girl....she is sure to be great on the battle field."He said with a laugh as he let the nurse clean and dress his wounds which would probably take a day or two to heal completely.

*The load speakers had gone off throughout the camp to notify where the recruits needed to go. As it had came on clearly it had directed the recruits to go to the edge of camp near the mouth of Dragons Nest where more vegetation was growing and leading into the forest. ****

At the location Evil and Recca was already going through the lot of animals they had brought with them to train with the recruits which was a lot of different types as well as different breeds some he was sure the rookies never seen before. Among them wore dragons,unicorns, pegasus, griffins, ligers(fantasy ones)vrilios (sp)(my made up creature) nightmares, hippogriffs, ect. Some looks more tame then others however which was going to be there new challenge to round there new mount up and get it ready for battle..and for those who couldn't get a mount was to use the pack animals .

(Oh it's ok I kinda figured it was either,work,vacation,or school @drasi )

"You know you should really not try to show off infront of them Spike.I mean look at theses wounds.I was surprised you was still standing at all."Said the nurse in the tent that he had gone to.

Spike smirked. "Eh you know me....if you don't freak them out and know that things will be hard then they will get killed in real battle....,but I am impressed with that girl....she is sure to be great on the battle field."He said with a laugh as he let the nurse clean and dress his wounds which would probably take a day or two to heal completely.

*The load speakers had gone off throughout the camp to notify where the recruits needed to go. As it had came on clearly it had directed the recruits to go to the edge of camp near the mouth of Dragons Nest where more vegetation was growing and leading into the forest. ****

At the location Evil and Recca was already going through the lot of animals they had brought with them to train with the recruits which was a lot of different types as well as different breeds some he was sure the rookies never seen before. Among them wore dragons,unicorns, pegasus, griffins, ligers(fantasy ones)vrilios (sp)(my made up creature) nightmares, hippogriffs, ect. Some looks more tame then others however which was going to be there new challenge to round there new mount up and get it ready for battle..and for those who couldn't get a mount was to use the pack animals .

Seyri had to push her way through the crowd of recruits towards the front in order to see the new mounts. Her height made it difficult to see over many of the other recruits' shoulders, but as soon as she found her way to the front, she was surprised to see such a variety of creatures milling about. They hardly looked restrained. Seyri had been expecting them to be in some kind of makeshift stable or paddock, but there was nothing of the sort for these creatures. They were all just there in the big field wandering aimlessly in the dying light of the dusk.

Their instructions were simple enough: wrangle a mount and train it during their time at the camp. Such a thing was easier said than done, though. Some of the more overzealous recruits were already rushing towards their mount of choice, and Seyri witnessed more than a few injuries as she analyzed the field for an appropriate mount for herself. The first thing she did was immediately dismiss the pegasi - they reminded her far too much of the elegant creatures her siblings rode whenever they had fancy guests over. She knew that she was going to want a mount with wings, though. Flying had been something she had always wanted to do, but her own wings were useless in that department. Partnering with a creature that could make up for her worst insecurity would be more than ideal. All she had to do was figure out exactly which one would match.

There! About twenty meters away from her stood a graceful griffin the color of snow dotted with flecks of gray and black. His feathers were of the strength and beauty that Seyri had only dreamed of when she was younger, and his eyes held an old wisdom and pride that she felt she could never fully understand. Still, she took a breath and made a few cautious steps towards him. As soon as she had started moving, the griffin's eyes locked on her as if he knew exactly what she was planning. His wings spread as if he was preparing to take off in flight, so Seyri did the only reasonable thing she could think of and stopped. Averting her eyes from his gaze, she kept her head ducked down and waited a few moments before taking another step forward. It was an old trick she had remembered from some books in her father's library, and as her heart raced in her chest she could only hope those books hadn't lied to her. Another step, then another, yet she didn't hear the sound of flapping wings leaving her behind. Soon enough, she found herself close enough to the griffin to reach out and touch him. Cautiously she held out her hand and waited for the fate this creature had decided for her. She wasn't stupid enough to try to wrangle him with a rope like she had seen some of the other recruits try to do with many of the other creatures on the field. That kind of tactic worked better with regular horses and some of the smaller dragons. A griffin required more respect unless you wanted your hand bitten off before you could ever touch one of them. Seyri's heart skipped a beat at the thought; she definitely didn't want her time away from home cut short because a griffin decided that her hand was a symbol of a ready-to-eat meal instead of a symbol of the future partnership she was hoping for. The seconds ticked away at a painstakingly slow rate, but eventually Seyri felt it. The pointed edge of the beak pressed against the back of the hand she had outstretched, gently guiding her had toward his gracefully feathered neck and shoulder. He palm ended up resting on his shoulder, but her breaths were coming in short inhales and exhales. She should have partnered up with someone for this part. The griffin appeared to have accept her presence for the time being, but that was subject to change in the event of any false moves Seyri could pull. This was much further than Seyri had ever thought she could go. She gave a few gentle pats and rubs to the feathers then started leaning more and more of her weight closer to him until he started to make nervous movements of his own. His rear legs began to prance and his head swerved to look back at her with cold eyes. Seyri couldn't tell if she had done something but she put her back at her sides and her gaze dropped back toward the ground. A few more aching moments passed by before Seyri could feel the feathers of his wings pressed against her back, urging her back towards the body of the griffin. She was now standing directly at the griffin's side. He gracefully lowered his shoulders to an appropriate height for her to put one leg over and mount him properly. Seyri felt a new flush of pride as her griffin stood back up with her proudly mounted atop his back. It was quite the achievement, but the griffin had taken a liking to her meant a lot to Seyri. She gripped a few feathers on his neck, not too hard for him to make a fuss, but remained still, uninterested in whatever was supposed to happen next. Now that Seyri was on his back she had expected him to take off into the air and show her the world that her broken wings never could have. Something like that was far too romantic for this play, though, so Seyri remained seated atop her new griffin and decided to wait for whatever was to come next. There was no use in trying to make demands to a griffin (that was just asking for death), so that left her with waiting for an oder soldier to come along and explain what happens next, or simply wait for her new partner to decide where he wanted to go. She knew it was going to take a long time before they had developed enough of a partnership for him to listen to her commands. In the meantime, Seyri had already decided on a name for the creature

"Fannor," she said softly, "Your name with me is Fannor." She paused for a second as she remembered things from another book. "I shall call you Fannor, but it is your choice to respond to it if it is to your liking." As much as she tried to keep her voice steady and even, she nearly tore off her calm façade. The grifin's only response was a low rumble in a chest, one that Seyri assumed meant approval. "Fannor, then." The rumbles echoed in Seyri's ears once more. Good, now that that was taken care of, Seyri was back at being at a loss. Every move she was thinking of was bound to get her kicked off. A griffin was no horse, so just how was she supposed to approach the actual way of flying with him?

{{@midnight305 - I added a hyperlink to a picture of the griffin to the italicized first mention of griffin in this post just so you can see what kind of creature I'm talking about in particular. Sorry if this post is a little weird. I was pretty tired when I wrote it.))
Seyri had to push her way through the crowd of recruits towards the front in order to see the new mounts. Her height made it difficult to see over many of the other recruits' shoulders, but as soon as she found her way to the front, she was surprised to see such a variety of creatures milling about. They hardly looked restrained. Seyri had been expecting them to be in some kind of makeshift stable or paddock, but there was nothing of the sort for these creatures. They were all just there in the big field wandering aimlessly in the dying light of the dusk.

Their instructions were simple enough: wrangle a mount and train it during their time at the camp. Such a thing was easier said than done, though. Some of the more overzealous recruits were already rushing towards their mount of choice, and Seyri witnessed more than a few injuries as she analyzed the field for an appropriate mount for herself. The first thing she did was immediately dismiss the pegasi - they reminded her far too much of the elegant creatures her siblings rode whenever they had fancy guests over. She knew that she was going to want a mount with wings, though. Flying had been something she had always wanted to do, but her own wings were useless in that department. Partnering with a creature that could make up for her worst insecurity would be more than ideal. All she had to do was figure out exactly which one would match.

There! About twenty meters away from her stood a graceful griffin the color of snow dotted with flecks of gray and black. His feathers were of the strength and beauty that Seyri had only dreamed of when she was younger, and his eyes held an old wisdom and pride that she felt she could never fully understand. Still, she took a breath and made a few cautious steps towards him. As soon as she had started moving, the griffin's eyes locked on her as if he knew exactly what she was planning. His wings spread as if he was preparing to take off in flight, so Seyri did the only reasonable thing she could think of and stopped. Averting her eyes from his gaze, she kept her head ducked down and waited a few moments before taking another step forward. It was an old trick she had remembered from some books in her father's library, and as her heart raced in her chest she could only hope those books hadn't lied to her. Another step, then another, yet she didn't hear the sound of flapping wings leaving her behind. Soon enough, she found herself close enough to the griffin to reach out and touch him. Cautiously she held out her hand and waited for the fate this creature had decided for her. She wasn't stupid enough to try to wrangle him with a rope like she had seen some of the other recruits try to do with many of the other creatures on the field. That kind of tactic worked better with regular horses and some of the smaller dragons. A griffin required more respect unless you wanted your hand bitten off before you could ever touch one of them. Seyri's heart skipped a beat at the thought; she definitely didn't want her time away from home cut short because a griffin decided that her hand was a symbol of a ready-to-eat meal instead of a symbol of the future partnership she was hoping for. The seconds ticked away at a painstakingly slow rate, but eventually Seyri felt it. The pointed edge of the beak pressed against the back of the hand she had outstretched, gently guiding her had toward his gracefully feathered neck and shoulder. He palm ended up resting on his shoulder, but her breaths were coming in short inhales and exhales. She should have partnered up with someone for this part. The griffin appeared to have accept her presence for the time being, but that was subject to change in the event of any false moves Seyri could pull. This was much further than Seyri had ever thought she could go. She gave a few gentle pats and rubs to the feathers then started leaning more and more of her weight closer to him until he started to make nervous movements of his own. His rear legs began to prance and his head swerved to look back at her with cold eyes. Seyri couldn't tell if she had done something but she put her back at her sides and her gaze dropped back toward the ground. A few more aching moments passed by before Seyri could feel the feathers of his wings pressed against her back, urging her back towards the body of the griffin. She was now standing directly at the griffin's side. He gracefully lowered his shoulders to an appropriate height for her to put one leg over and mount him properly. Seyri felt a new flush of pride as her griffin stood back up with her proudly mounted atop his back. It was quite the achievement, but the griffin had taken a liking to her meant a lot to Seyri. She gripped a few feathers on his neck, not too hard for him to make a fuss, but remained still, uninterested in whatever was supposed to happen next. Now that Seyri was on his back she had expected him to take off into the air and show her the world that her broken wings never could have. Something like that was far too romantic for this play, though, so Seyri remained seated atop her new griffin and decided to wait for whatever was to come next. There was no use in trying to make demands to a griffin (that was just asking for death), so that left her with waiting for an oder soldier to come along and explain what happens next, or simply wait for her new partner to decide where he wanted to go. She knew it was going to take a long time before they had developed enough of a partnership for him to listen to her commands. In the meantime, Seyri had already decided on a name for the creature

"Fannor," she said softly, "Your name with me is Fannor." She paused for a second as she remembered things from another book. "I shall call you Fannor, but it is your choice to respond to it if it is to your liking." As much as she tried to keep her voice steady and even, she nearly tore off her calm façade. The grifin's only response was a low rumble in a chest, one that Seyri assumed meant approval. "Fannor, then." The rumbles echoed in Seyri's ears once more. Good, now that that was taken care of, Seyri was back at being at a loss. Every move she was thinking of was bound to get her kicked off. A griffin was no horse, so just how was she supposed to approach the actual way of flying with him?

{{@midnight305 - I added a hyperlink to a picture of the griffin to the italicized first mention of griffin in this post just so you can see what kind of creature I'm talking about in particular. Sorry if this post is a little weird. I was pretty tired when I wrote it.))
(Oh no your fine. Nice pick his beautiful @drasi )

"Well would you look at that...."Recca said to Evil as he saw Seyri the girl from before training with Spike seem to have luck with mounting a griffin one of the type of creatures that demanded a lot of respect and extra care and he watched her nervously approach the griffin before she had stopped and lowered her head as she moved closer to the beast and put her hand out. He smirked to himself as this girl seemed to give more and more promise for there cause and it made him feel happy that a recuit was smart enough to approch theses creatures calmly which he was surpized some even knew how to do.It required reading and research and by the looks of it not many people here seemed to have done there research.They wore diving headfirst into things and not thinking twice upon the dangers that they might face. Several of the recruits had to be taken to the nurses tent before they wore foolish enough to try to rangle the wild beasts without respect. He should know he did it once,but after awhile managed to mount a dark green male griffin which he took a lot of pride in. He was getting older now,but he still held so much strength in him. He shook his head as some more recruits had gotten done and he sighed and looked to his older brother. "Not much is showing promise except the girl from before"He stated as he moved towards the field where more creatures wore."Think we should stop the session and tell them that they all failed for this...except the ones already on mounts?"He asked.

Evil nodded"It is disappointing "He added as he followed after him."You want to do the flying lesson or do you want me to?"He asked.

Recca laughed."Well is don't look like Fireblood is ready at all...his having to much fun guess no one knew that he was your that is amusing...better go get him before some of those kiddies get burned to badly"He added.

Evil shook his head."Well at least there keeping the other animals in line...he can have some fun...he deserves it"He added.

Recca nodded as he walked towards Seyri and the mount she had mounted.

"Well well look at sure are well educated .I'm you ready to ride?"He asked her as he made a whistling noise and you could see the a bright big green mass heading there way. "Hope you others are ready to"He called to the few that had managed to mount one of theses great beasts. They all looked nervous when he had said ready to fly because he knew some of them was still nervous just by being on the backs of theses wonderful creatures.
(Oh no your fine. Nice pick his beautiful @drasi )

"Well would you look at that...."Recca said to Evil as he saw Seyri the girl from before training with Spike seem to have luck with mounting a griffin one of the type of creatures that demanded a lot of respect and extra care and he watched her nervously approach the griffin before she had stopped and lowered her head as she moved closer to the beast and put her hand out. He smirked to himself as this girl seemed to give more and more promise for there cause and it made him feel happy that a recuit was smart enough to approch theses creatures calmly which he was surpized some even knew how to do.It required reading and research and by the looks of it not many people here seemed to have done there research.They wore diving headfirst into things and not thinking twice upon the dangers that they might face. Several of the recruits had to be taken to the nurses tent before they wore foolish enough to try to rangle the wild beasts without respect. He should know he did it once,but after awhile managed to mount a dark green male griffin which he took a lot of pride in. He was getting older now,but he still held so much strength in him. He shook his head as some more recruits had gotten done and he sighed and looked to his older brother. "Not much is showing promise except the girl from before"He stated as he moved towards the field where more creatures wore."Think we should stop the session and tell them that they all failed for this...except the ones already on mounts?"He asked.

Evil nodded"It is disappointing "He added as he followed after him."You want to do the flying lesson or do you want me to?"He asked.

Recca laughed."Well is don't look like Fireblood is ready at all...his having to much fun guess no one knew that he was your that is amusing...better go get him before some of those kiddies get burned to badly"He added.

Evil shook his head."Well at least there keeping the other animals in line...he can have some fun...he deserves it"He added.

Recca nodded as he walked towards Seyri and the mount she had mounted.

"Well well look at sure are well educated .I'm you ready to ride?"He asked her as he made a whistling noise and you could see the a bright big green mass heading there way. "Hope you others are ready to"He called to the few that had managed to mount one of theses great beasts. They all looked nervous when he had said ready to fly because he knew some of them was still nervous just by being on the backs of theses wonderful creatures.
Seyri was still lost in thought when she heard Recca's voice praising her. Impressive? When she looked around, she could see that only about half of the recruits had managed to find a mount and actually settle into a stable posture on them, but few of them had been able to soothe the prideful tempers of the wary griffins. She even saw a few recruits on the ground with bleeding injuries, although there were far more recruits with wounded prides instead.

"R-ride?" Seyri stuttered. That was exactly why she was on top of Fannor, but she was still at a loss about how to actually get the powerful creature to move at her will. Fannor had been tolerant of her slight shifts in position, but she wasn't sure how long that would last before he figured out just how terrified she actually was. The sight of a green flying creature barreling toward them wasn't too encouraging, either. "Okay, I guess it's now or never!" Seyri said as she wrapped her arms around Fannor's neck and squeezed her legs at his side. Signals similar to this worked on pegasi, and Fannor seemed to understand it well enough as he bounded a few steps forward on his heavy talons and paws before giving one final push and lifting off the ground. A few flaps of his wings later and they were making their way high into the skies.

Seyri kept her eyes closed for the first few moments, heart pounding in her chest as she silently prayed that she wouldn't fall off from this high up. The injuries on the recruits below weren't so bad compared to falling to her death. Finally she opened her eyes and sat up a little to take in the sights below. They weren't too high up, but it was still enough to make Seyri slightly dizzy. She gripped Fannor's feathers a little tighter, eliciting a small screech and a few uncomfortable flaps of his wings from him.

"S-sorry!" Seyri said as she loosened her grip. Fannor steadied himself and maintained his hovering position, flapping his wings to a steady bounce that Seyri was surprised wasn't making her feel sick. She gave him a pat on the shoulder to let him know everything was okay in her position, but it barely felt like he even noticed.

"Okay, what now....?" Seyri looked around at the other riders that were up in the air. Some of them were still struggling to steady their mounts, but most were like her, holding a steady position in the air and trying to keep themselves from falling off.

((@midnight305 - sorry this took so long! I've been dealing with a lot lately, but I haven't forgotten this RP!))
Seyri was still lost in thought when she heard Recca's voice praising her. Impressive? When she looked around, she could see that only about half of the recruits had managed to find a mount and actually settle into a stable posture on them, but few of them had been able to soothe the prideful tempers of the wary griffins. She even saw a few recruits on the ground with bleeding injuries, although there were far more recruits with wounded prides instead.

"R-ride?" Seyri stuttered. That was exactly why she was on top of Fannor, but she was still at a loss about how to actually get the powerful creature to move at her will. Fannor had been tolerant of her slight shifts in position, but she wasn't sure how long that would last before he figured out just how terrified she actually was. The sight of a green flying creature barreling toward them wasn't too encouraging, either. "Okay, I guess it's now or never!" Seyri said as she wrapped her arms around Fannor's neck and squeezed her legs at his side. Signals similar to this worked on pegasi, and Fannor seemed to understand it well enough as he bounded a few steps forward on his heavy talons and paws before giving one final push and lifting off the ground. A few flaps of his wings later and they were making their way high into the skies.

Seyri kept her eyes closed for the first few moments, heart pounding in her chest as she silently prayed that she wouldn't fall off from this high up. The injuries on the recruits below weren't so bad compared to falling to her death. Finally she opened her eyes and sat up a little to take in the sights below. They weren't too high up, but it was still enough to make Seyri slightly dizzy. She gripped Fannor's feathers a little tighter, eliciting a small screech and a few uncomfortable flaps of his wings from him.

"S-sorry!" Seyri said as she loosened her grip. Fannor steadied himself and maintained his hovering position, flapping his wings to a steady bounce that Seyri was surprised wasn't making her feel sick. She gave him a pat on the shoulder to let him know everything was okay in her position, but it barely felt like he even noticed.

"Okay, what now....?" Seyri looked around at the other riders that were up in the air. Some of them were still struggling to steady their mounts, but most were like her, holding a steady position in the air and trying to keep themselves from falling off.

((@midnight305 - sorry this took so long! I've been dealing with a lot lately, but I haven't forgotten this RP!))
(@Drasi I understand *hugs*)

Once the green mass had came closer you could see it looked to be an old green griffin that had black around his neck and tail as well as his claws and paws. Recca had mounted him as soon as he landed and took to the sky with the other recruits as they all still seemed nervous but he was impressed with how far they had gotten this far.

" all are all the lucky bunch that has managed to find a mount,mount it and get it in the sky without falling to your death"He said as he looked around at them with a big smirk on his face"This is Achilles he has been my trusted friend and mount for many years now and more to come.So I hope you all will have the same experace with yours....theses creatures will now be your mount from now till you must take good care of them and treat them with respect. If any of you fail this...then the creature will surely kill you. Theses creatures do not take kindly to trusting someone on there backs just to be that in mind..."He said as he turned the griffin to look over at an old family friend that was heading there way on a demon looking pegasus. Which most was known to be very deadly. "Your test today will be to knock that guy"He said pointing to Power and the demon horse Night with his hand. "Off his mount without being that and we will go to the next might be dead....they don't play nicely with others...well...the horse don't anyways"He said with a laugh.

This would force the recruits to work together to obtain a goal. If they wore smart enough to figure it out. He also wondered if some of them was educated about demon pegasus which they wore unlike normal ones since they possessed sharp fangs then normal teeth and some even possessed dangerous poisons if bit. Which in this case Night was one of them. But he could always choose not to inject a victim with poisons. Power on the other hand was a well known warrior skilled in the arts of war and battle as well for running for his life by enemies of the crown. He was a rough looking man.Stood over 6 feet tail with long black hair and cold looking blood red eyes and was usually dressed a suit even if it was in battle. He was a vampire so not many things could kill him. He also favored the sword most the time if he wasn't sueing his fangs.

"Good luck.....go get em!"Recca ordered as he would remain in the air with his mount to study the movements theses recruits made and how well they worked towards a goal or not. He would ad this to there charts later.
(@Drasi I understand *hugs*)

Once the green mass had came closer you could see it looked to be an old green griffin that had black around his neck and tail as well as his claws and paws. Recca had mounted him as soon as he landed and took to the sky with the other recruits as they all still seemed nervous but he was impressed with how far they had gotten this far.

" all are all the lucky bunch that has managed to find a mount,mount it and get it in the sky without falling to your death"He said as he looked around at them with a big smirk on his face"This is Achilles he has been my trusted friend and mount for many years now and more to come.So I hope you all will have the same experace with yours....theses creatures will now be your mount from now till you must take good care of them and treat them with respect. If any of you fail this...then the creature will surely kill you. Theses creatures do not take kindly to trusting someone on there backs just to be that in mind..."He said as he turned the griffin to look over at an old family friend that was heading there way on a demon looking pegasus. Which most was known to be very deadly. "Your test today will be to knock that guy"He said pointing to Power and the demon horse Night with his hand. "Off his mount without being that and we will go to the next might be dead....they don't play nicely with others...well...the horse don't anyways"He said with a laugh.

This would force the recruits to work together to obtain a goal. If they wore smart enough to figure it out. He also wondered if some of them was educated about demon pegasus which they wore unlike normal ones since they possessed sharp fangs then normal teeth and some even possessed dangerous poisons if bit. Which in this case Night was one of them. But he could always choose not to inject a victim with poisons. Power on the other hand was a well known warrior skilled in the arts of war and battle as well for running for his life by enemies of the crown. He was a rough looking man.Stood over 6 feet tail with long black hair and cold looking blood red eyes and was usually dressed a suit even if it was in battle. He was a vampire so not many things could kill him. He also favored the sword most the time if he wasn't sueing his fangs.

"Good luck.....go get em!"Recca ordered as he would remain in the air with his mount to study the movements theses recruits made and how well they worked towards a goal or not. He would ad this to there charts later.
Seyri listened to Recca's instructions as well as she could despite the wind whipping away some of the sounds. Fannor was going to be her mount for, well, forever, so it was a good thing she had managed a decent first impression with him. He seemed to have settled into an easy flapping rhythm, but as soon as Recca mentioned a test Fannor began to feel uneasy beneath Seyri. She looked in the direction Recca had indicated to see what looked to be the demonic version of the pegasi that she was accustomed to seeing in her homeland. Seeing such a warped version of a familiar creature sent a chill down Seyri's spine. She had to knock the rider off of that thing? Fannor must have sensed her uneasiness for he began to grumble his own frustration.

"It'll be alright," Seyri said as she gave him a calming pat on the shoulder. "We just gotta work as a team, no problem. I trust you to help me figure this one out." With that, Seyri leaned forward and headed in the direction of her target alongside her fellow recruits. Her soft and respectful words seemed to have worked on Fannor, for his whole demeanor altered to adapt to the new situation. Eyes forward, ears pointed back to hear directions, and every muscle ready to move at a moment's notice, it already felt like Fannor had done things like this before. How old was he? Seyri had to wonder at that as she swooped by her target to get a better look at him. He appeared to be a vampire - yet another feature that made Seyri's stomach flip. The Anjelos family hadn't had good relations with those creatures in many, many years. This was supposed to be a training exercise, but part of Seyri was beginning to think it was all some ploy to throw her off balance, make the new camp starlet an example in more ways than one.

Now that Seyri had taken in the situation, she decided her best option was an assault from below. Too many of her fellow recruits were thinking like they were on a flat flied. All of their attacks where straight and direct on a horizontal path to their enemy, and each looked to be fended off with ease. Idiots. You couldn't think like an infantryman in the skies. Seyri direct Fannor to a point where they would be shrouded by the clouds on the way up. With luck, they could knock that vampire off with the added element of surprise. On the other hand, it was risky enough to cause Seyri to fall to her death if they failed. She doubted Fannor trusted her enough to chase her down and save her.

"Alright, Fannor, let's go!" Sey'ri said. They glided down towards a patch of hazy clouds. Seyri could barely make out the silhouette of the demonic pegasus above them, but once she felt like they were in the right spot, Seyri directed Fannor to fly straight up to their target. She had drawn one of her daggers and had it pointed up, anticipating a fight that could occur if their initial hit wasn't enough to know the rider off. With one last deep breath they were through the clouds and barreling up into the sky straight towards their target. Their red, demonic eyes put Seyri's nerves on edge and made her small wings shudder on her back, but she forced herself to stay calm as they made their ascent directly to the dangling legs of the pegasus.

((@midnight305 - If there's any mistakes in this one, I apologize. I was very tired when I wrote it. *hugs*))
Seyri listened to Recca's instructions as well as she could despite the wind whipping away some of the sounds. Fannor was going to be her mount for, well, forever, so it was a good thing she had managed a decent first impression with him. He seemed to have settled into an easy flapping rhythm, but as soon as Recca mentioned a test Fannor began to feel uneasy beneath Seyri. She looked in the direction Recca had indicated to see what looked to be the demonic version of the pegasi that she was accustomed to seeing in her homeland. Seeing such a warped version of a familiar creature sent a chill down Seyri's spine. She had to knock the rider off of that thing? Fannor must have sensed her uneasiness for he began to grumble his own frustration.

"It'll be alright," Seyri said as she gave him a calming pat on the shoulder. "We just gotta work as a team, no problem. I trust you to help me figure this one out." With that, Seyri leaned forward and headed in the direction of her target alongside her fellow recruits. Her soft and respectful words seemed to have worked on Fannor, for his whole demeanor altered to adapt to the new situation. Eyes forward, ears pointed back to hear directions, and every muscle ready to move at a moment's notice, it already felt like Fannor had done things like this before. How old was he? Seyri had to wonder at that as she swooped by her target to get a better look at him. He appeared to be a vampire - yet another feature that made Seyri's stomach flip. The Anjelos family hadn't had good relations with those creatures in many, many years. This was supposed to be a training exercise, but part of Seyri was beginning to think it was all some ploy to throw her off balance, make the new camp starlet an example in more ways than one.

Now that Seyri had taken in the situation, she decided her best option was an assault from below. Too many of her fellow recruits were thinking like they were on a flat flied. All of their attacks where straight and direct on a horizontal path to their enemy, and each looked to be fended off with ease. Idiots. You couldn't think like an infantryman in the skies. Seyri direct Fannor to a point where they would be shrouded by the clouds on the way up. With luck, they could knock that vampire off with the added element of surprise. On the other hand, it was risky enough to cause Seyri to fall to her death if they failed. She doubted Fannor trusted her enough to chase her down and save her.

"Alright, Fannor, let's go!" Sey'ri said. They glided down towards a patch of hazy clouds. Seyri could barely make out the silhouette of the demonic pegasus above them, but once she felt like they were in the right spot, Seyri directed Fannor to fly straight up to their target. She had drawn one of her daggers and had it pointed up, anticipating a fight that could occur if their initial hit wasn't enough to know the rider off. With one last deep breath they were through the clouds and barreling up into the sky straight towards their target. Their red, demonic eyes put Seyri's nerves on edge and made her small wings shudder on her back, but she forced herself to stay calm as they made their ascent directly to the dangling legs of the pegasus.

((@midnight305 - If there's any mistakes in this one, I apologize. I was very tired when I wrote it. *hugs*))
(@drasi nah your all good. lol)

~Power don't kill any of my recruits or I'll kill you old man~He said sending it to Power's mind as he watched the group go to throw Power off Night.He had to admit not many had skills enough to attack in the air as some was acting as if it was a flat playing field and he shook his head to himself .He would remain in the air to aid those who might fall to there death.But he wasn't about to tell them that so that they would rely on him to save there sorry butts. Though he was more and more impressed with how Seyri handled herself instead of following the others on a straight path to Power she had choose to attack from below and use the clouds as her cover.

~Don't worry I wont kill your recruits boy~He replied back with a smirk on his face as he had easily fending the attackers off that was coming straight at him. He even manged to get a couple from above. "That goes for you to Night....."He said with a laugh as the horse just huffed at him before he had lashed out at an other nearest rider with his fangs grabbing into a shoulder of one that was passing by unaware of the attack from below.
(@drasi nah your all good. lol)

~Power don't kill any of my recruits or I'll kill you old man~He said sending it to Power's mind as he watched the group go to throw Power off Night.He had to admit not many had skills enough to attack in the air as some was acting as if it was a flat playing field and he shook his head to himself .He would remain in the air to aid those who might fall to there death.But he wasn't about to tell them that so that they would rely on him to save there sorry butts. Though he was more and more impressed with how Seyri handled herself instead of following the others on a straight path to Power she had choose to attack from below and use the clouds as her cover.

~Don't worry I wont kill your recruits boy~He replied back with a smirk on his face as he had easily fending the attackers off that was coming straight at him. He even manged to get a couple from above. "That goes for you to Night....."He said with a laugh as the horse just huffed at him before he had lashed out at an other nearest rider with his fangs grabbing into a shoulder of one that was passing by unaware of the attack from below.