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TOPIC | any bioshock fans tho...
I only recently started playing Bioshock but I'm so in love with it already. Only problem is I'm the type of person that gets scared easily, but the adrenaline from watching/playing scary stuff is addicting lol ;v;
I only recently started playing Bioshock but I'm so in love with it already. Only problem is I'm the type of person that gets scared easily, but the adrenaline from watching/playing scary stuff is addicting lol ;v;
Love Bioshock so much. I have all three games, a metal book of the first one, and a replica skyhook from Infinite (alas, made of plastic, but still).

First one was the best in my opinion and I don't hate the second as much as many seem to. I enjoyed the third one but it didn't really feel like a Bioshock game... probably because the vigors were just kind of there, rather than integrated like in 1&2.

I really need to replay them though, it's been too long.
Love Bioshock so much. I have all three games, a metal book of the first one, and a replica skyhook from Infinite (alas, made of plastic, but still).

First one was the best in my opinion and I don't hate the second as much as many seem to. I enjoyed the third one but it didn't really feel like a Bioshock game... probably because the vigors were just kind of there, rather than integrated like in 1&2.

I really need to replay them though, it's been too long.
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omg I forgot I posted here. I'm glad this thread is still kicking!

@Dulzura Art books are so good for drawing and design inspiration! I learn a bunch every time I look through one. Infinite also has a pretty good art book. There's some nice concept work for the vigor bottles and enemies. The environment painting are also really impressive.

Aaaa I'm glad it got you in to art too! It's a tough dream but it's a good one.
omg I forgot I posted here. I'm glad this thread is still kicking!

@Dulzura Art books are so good for drawing and design inspiration! I learn a bunch every time I look through one. Infinite also has a pretty good art book. There's some nice concept work for the vigor bottles and enemies. The environment painting are also really impressive.

Aaaa I'm glad it got you in to art too! It's a tough dream but it's a good one.
I absolutely love Bioshock! I'm not actually a gamer at all, but a friend convinced me to try the first one about a year ago and I enjoyed it far more than I had anticipated. So I ended up buying the whole series and blasting through them. I did an analysis of the first game in a media class after that... basically I'll fawn about it all day.

I'm actually replaying the second now. Still bitter that I can't get Minerva's Den.
I absolutely love Bioshock! I'm not actually a gamer at all, but a friend convinced me to try the first one about a year ago and I enjoyed it far more than I had anticipated. So I ended up buying the whole series and blasting through them. I did an analysis of the first game in a media class after that... basically I'll fawn about it all day.

I'm actually replaying the second now. Still bitter that I can't get Minerva's Den.
xxxxxxxxxxx saccharine | she/they
plague wildclaw enthusiast.

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@RoboticHarmonics I agree, they are so great to learn from! I should check out the infinite one, saw some good concepts around! Yeah The vigor bottle designs are fascinating!
I love environment design ;o; ty for telling me.

Yes it is a tough dream, so we should try our best! :))
@RoboticHarmonics I agree, they are so great to learn from! I should check out the infinite one, saw some good concepts around! Yeah The vigor bottle designs are fascinating!
I love environment design ;o; ty for telling me.

Yes it is a tough dream, so we should try our best! :))

I haven't played it myself because I'm too uncoordinated to play videogames properly, but I watched my boyfriend play through all of them, and we've discussed theories and aspects of the game and just GAH I LOVE IT ALL
I still love the first two to death, BUT INFINITE THO

Anyway yes you're not alone! Bioshock is probs the best series, along with Portal. I'm just also a huge fan of that and can't pick between them though ;u;

I haven't played it myself because I'm too uncoordinated to play videogames properly, but I watched my boyfriend play through all of them, and we've discussed theories and aspects of the game and just GAH I LOVE IT ALL
I still love the first two to death, BUT INFINITE THO

Anyway yes you're not alone! Bioshock is probs the best series, along with Portal. I'm just also a huge fan of that and can't pick between them though ;u;
@LittleDoctor and anyone else unsure if they should play the second Bioshock: Do it!! You get to explore more of Rapture (as it continues to fall apart), meet more of Rapture's citizens, new gameplay aspects (the hack tool is different, you've got some new cool guns), new enemies, same great ambience and the best part: you play as a BIG DADDY!! I mean if that itself doesn't convince you then I don't know what will! :'D
Obviously it can't top the first Bioshock (Bioshock was perfect, the plot twist will forever leave me floored!) but it's still worth it! I'm halfway through my second playthrough right now. :D

@Saccharine I'm curious about your analysis of Bioshock. If you don't mind me asking, what sort of things did you have to say about it?

Also, right now I'm reading the book - Rapture, by John Shirley. It's a prequel to the first game, and it's interesting to see the different perspectives and meet all the characters in a different light. His descriptions of people are a bit boring (more telling than showing, but at least he describes them well), but otherwise it's just fun to be back in Rapture. :)

(if anyone ever wants to talk Bioshock, I am a million times down! * u * It's my favourite game and I don't know many people who play it, so I don't get to nerd about it much.)
@LittleDoctor and anyone else unsure if they should play the second Bioshock: Do it!! You get to explore more of Rapture (as it continues to fall apart), meet more of Rapture's citizens, new gameplay aspects (the hack tool is different, you've got some new cool guns), new enemies, same great ambience and the best part: you play as a BIG DADDY!! I mean if that itself doesn't convince you then I don't know what will! :'D
Obviously it can't top the first Bioshock (Bioshock was perfect, the plot twist will forever leave me floored!) but it's still worth it! I'm halfway through my second playthrough right now. :D

@Saccharine I'm curious about your analysis of Bioshock. If you don't mind me asking, what sort of things did you have to say about it?

Also, right now I'm reading the book - Rapture, by John Shirley. It's a prequel to the first game, and it's interesting to see the different perspectives and meet all the characters in a different light. His descriptions of people are a bit boring (more telling than showing, but at least he describes them well), but otherwise it's just fun to be back in Rapture. :)

(if anyone ever wants to talk Bioshock, I am a million times down! * u * It's my favourite game and I don't know many people who play it, so I don't get to nerd about it much.)
Aw YISS, I LOVE BioShock!!! I've been hooked since I first played the first game! x3
It's definitely one of my alltime favourite games. I mean the story is complex and unpredictable and I just love the characters too! The Luteces really did it to me in Infinite.
Aw YISS, I LOVE BioShock!!! I've been hooked since I first played the first game! x3
It's definitely one of my alltime favourite games. I mean the story is complex and unpredictable and I just love the characters too! The Luteces really did it to me in Infinite.

Well, I covered a lot of topics in the analysis! It was centered on the first game, and was largely an excuse for me to geek out about the aspects of storytelling and artistic design that make it such a wonderful game. But I also discussed how it can be interpreted as a criticism of political extremism - and, perhaps most notably, the philosophy of Objectivism by Ayn Rand (there are a LOT of references to her books in the first game).

I actually just finished reading the book by John Shirley as well! I pretty much agree with all of your comments on it.

As I'm replaying the second game, I can't help but think about how my various FR dragons would behave if they were suddenly cast into Rapture and their Sornieth magic didn't work. Crossovers are fun!

Well, I covered a lot of topics in the analysis! It was centered on the first game, and was largely an excuse for me to geek out about the aspects of storytelling and artistic design that make it such a wonderful game. But I also discussed how it can be interpreted as a criticism of political extremism - and, perhaps most notably, the philosophy of Objectivism by Ayn Rand (there are a LOT of references to her books in the first game).

I actually just finished reading the book by John Shirley as well! I pretty much agree with all of your comments on it.

As I'm replaying the second game, I can't help but think about how my various FR dragons would behave if they were suddenly cast into Rapture and their Sornieth magic didn't work. Crossovers are fun!
xxxxxxxxxxx saccharine | she/they
plague wildclaw enthusiast.

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›› avatar dragon
@saccharine That's so interesting - it'd definitely be fun to geek over! (Thanks for indulging my curiosity!)
@saccharine That's so interesting - it'd definitely be fun to geek over! (Thanks for indulging my curiosity!)