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@Avalas My zelda game is actually spirit tracks. My sisters (the two youngest) both have a 3DS so if i want to play One of their games or Pokemon Omega Ruby I have to ask them if i can borrow their device. I did try leveling pokemon up evenly but it's hard for me because i would rather have a dominant, always used pokemon and progress farther than go slower, but i usually try to even them out once i beat the pokemon league/ all the gyms. I've never completed a pokedex (sadly) since i never really caught pokemon unless i had to or was bored or if they were legendaries. But my game on Omega Ruby is somewhat close to completing the regional pokedex.

No i have not tried it. Um... what is it? Ill be sure to check it out later. It sounds like something for writing.
@Avalas My zelda game is actually spirit tracks. My sisters (the two youngest) both have a 3DS so if i want to play One of their games or Pokemon Omega Ruby I have to ask them if i can borrow their device. I did try leveling pokemon up evenly but it's hard for me because i would rather have a dominant, always used pokemon and progress farther than go slower, but i usually try to even them out once i beat the pokemon league/ all the gyms. I've never completed a pokedex (sadly) since i never really caught pokemon unless i had to or was bored or if they were legendaries. But my game on Omega Ruby is somewhat close to completing the regional pokedex.

No i have not tried it. Um... what is it? Ill be sure to check it out later. It sounds like something for writing.

Aah, I've not had the chance to play that one! As for pokemon I was always the one that liked training pokemon up, breeding them then trading away the offspring. Usually I blast through the first few gyms, but after that I don't move on for the longest time. Since pokemon White and Black came about, I've tried to stay in an area until I have all the base pokemon. Makes filling out the pokedex a little easier for me as I hate backtracking.

NaNoWriMo is a good way to try and write a first draft of a novel/fanfiction. Essentially - you write an entire 50,000 word (or more) novel in a month (November). There's a lot of support on it, like word wars and whatnot. It helps because it's less to do with the editing and making everything consistent and more to do with getting the idea down on paper. I've only recently starting to write again, so I'm hoping to join up this year and finish it this time too. Fun and stressful. I think it works out at just over 3,000 words every day. I've known people that have written epic at 250,000+ during the month too.

You can also have whatever notes, or ideas already set out so long as you don't actually start writing till the 1st. And of course forums for any sort of plot help or general ideas. If you're really competitive you can find a team and see how to rank against the world in words per day. I recommend it if you're a bit like me that edits and deletes and never really gets past the first chapter.

Aah, I've not had the chance to play that one! As for pokemon I was always the one that liked training pokemon up, breeding them then trading away the offspring. Usually I blast through the first few gyms, but after that I don't move on for the longest time. Since pokemon White and Black came about, I've tried to stay in an area until I have all the base pokemon. Makes filling out the pokedex a little easier for me as I hate backtracking.

NaNoWriMo is a good way to try and write a first draft of a novel/fanfiction. Essentially - you write an entire 50,000 word (or more) novel in a month (November). There's a lot of support on it, like word wars and whatnot. It helps because it's less to do with the editing and making everything consistent and more to do with getting the idea down on paper. I've only recently starting to write again, so I'm hoping to join up this year and finish it this time too. Fun and stressful. I think it works out at just over 3,000 words every day. I've known people that have written epic at 250,000+ during the month too.

You can also have whatever notes, or ideas already set out so long as you don't actually start writing till the 1st. And of course forums for any sort of plot help or general ideas. If you're really competitive you can find a team and see how to rank against the world in words per day. I recommend it if you're a bit like me that edits and deletes and never really gets past the first chapter.
That sounds really cool. I'll check it out as soon as i am able.
i hate backtracking too, but in OR all the national pokemon appear on the routes you've already visited so you are forced to go back if you want to catch them all.

i actually can get past the first chapter, it's easy for me to write beginnings and endings. I have lots of trouble writing the middle and making it actually interesting. But i know i can write a killer ending b/c I once wrote one so sad that it almost made my twin cry.
That sounds really cool. I'll check it out as soon as i am able.
i hate backtracking too, but in OR all the national pokemon appear on the routes you've already visited so you are forced to go back if you want to catch them all.

i actually can get past the first chapter, it's easy for me to write beginnings and endings. I have lots of trouble writing the middle and making it actually interesting. But i know i can write a killer ending b/c I once wrote one so sad that it almost made my twin cry.
Haha, that sounds like the opposite to me. I tend to have the middle, all the plots and whatnot set but it's just... Where's the best place or best POV to start this story with? Endings I like though, as much as I like writing really long trilogy types, I also tip my hat to anyone who can write a quick short story that has emotion. I'm not too great with shorter works.

Out of everything, I probably struggle with describing the setting. I'm not really into reading paragraphs of info-dumping on what a blade of grass looks like in the wind, so I find it a bit difficult to balance at times.

;--; That must have been sad, haha, I don't think I could make my twin cry. He's very much in the mindset of men don't cry, ever. Funerals and all included. I've seen him cry once, when we were kids. Then again, I've certainly never written a tragedy or angst story that ends badly. I'm a sucker for happy, albeit realistic, endings. By this point I've tortured my characters enough.
Haha, that sounds like the opposite to me. I tend to have the middle, all the plots and whatnot set but it's just... Where's the best place or best POV to start this story with? Endings I like though, as much as I like writing really long trilogy types, I also tip my hat to anyone who can write a quick short story that has emotion. I'm not too great with shorter works.

Out of everything, I probably struggle with describing the setting. I'm not really into reading paragraphs of info-dumping on what a blade of grass looks like in the wind, so I find it a bit difficult to balance at times.

;--; That must have been sad, haha, I don't think I could make my twin cry. He's very much in the mindset of men don't cry, ever. Funerals and all included. I've seen him cry once, when we were kids. Then again, I've certainly never written a tragedy or angst story that ends badly. I'm a sucker for happy, albeit realistic, endings. By this point I've tortured my characters enough.
I think that writing with enough emotion to make someone cry has to come from your knowledge, your own feelings. i can describe well if I'm in the mood but I think my best works are from when I write while being influenced by emotion. The ending i was talking about earlier was incredibly depressing and sad, made it you want to cry b/c I wrote down my feelings as i had some shocking news thrown at me earlier that day.

Well at least you know your brother's mindset could be a wonderful thing if you managed to write something that could break it. Although you'd probably have to be some satanic offspring of John Green to do that. I mean no offense if you take what i just said that way but, I have a mindset very similar to his and I don't really cry at all, but reading a book by John Green makes tear up and want to cry but I don't want my sisters to see so I sorta have to sit there and continue reading hoping that nobody notices that I am sitting in pain from the feels.

I suck at shorter works too unless I really have an idea. If i don't then i usually do something stupid based from a prompt. I think that setting in the beginning doesn't really matter if you're going to be moving them a lot. But depending on how the story starts the setting could be difficult. I can't say anything about POV b/c i suck and will accidentally switch between 1st person and 3rd person limited.
I think that writing with enough emotion to make someone cry has to come from your knowledge, your own feelings. i can describe well if I'm in the mood but I think my best works are from when I write while being influenced by emotion. The ending i was talking about earlier was incredibly depressing and sad, made it you want to cry b/c I wrote down my feelings as i had some shocking news thrown at me earlier that day.

Well at least you know your brother's mindset could be a wonderful thing if you managed to write something that could break it. Although you'd probably have to be some satanic offspring of John Green to do that. I mean no offense if you take what i just said that way but, I have a mindset very similar to his and I don't really cry at all, but reading a book by John Green makes tear up and want to cry but I don't want my sisters to see so I sorta have to sit there and continue reading hoping that nobody notices that I am sitting in pain from the feels.

I suck at shorter works too unless I really have an idea. If i don't then i usually do something stupid based from a prompt. I think that setting in the beginning doesn't really matter if you're going to be moving them a lot. But depending on how the story starts the setting could be difficult. I can't say anything about POV b/c i suck and will accidentally switch between 1st person and 3rd person limited.
No offence felt, no worries! ;D

I'm not entirely sure I could make my brother cry. I don't know if he's the type to cry over books/movies/games and the like. Somewhat, I cry over computer games more than books, but I admit that I was sobbing at the end of Lord of the Flies, purely because I was so relieved it was all over for the MC.

I don't tend to let my family or friends read what I write all that much. I'm not fussed with having it ripped a part in a writing workshop or online but... having someone I know personally read something I wrote that isn't 'finished'? The perfectionist in me screams.

Love 3rd person, mainly limited as I find it easier than omniscient. But I do know I can sometimes use the wrong tenses and it bugs me more than anything. I'm not a fan of writing in first person, but don't mind reading it. Always find it awkward to describe other characters in 1st person. I'm not an observant person by any stretch -- so describing people on physical appearance makes me pause. (For example: red-headed friend dyed her hair brunette didn't notice till she told me on the second day.)

Is there anything you're working on at the minute? I'm trying to get through the beginning of the first chapter of a new fantasy I've in mind. Mainly about society vs individualism and hidden strength in people and whatnot.
No offence felt, no worries! ;D

I'm not entirely sure I could make my brother cry. I don't know if he's the type to cry over books/movies/games and the like. Somewhat, I cry over computer games more than books, but I admit that I was sobbing at the end of Lord of the Flies, purely because I was so relieved it was all over for the MC.

I don't tend to let my family or friends read what I write all that much. I'm not fussed with having it ripped a part in a writing workshop or online but... having someone I know personally read something I wrote that isn't 'finished'? The perfectionist in me screams.

Love 3rd person, mainly limited as I find it easier than omniscient. But I do know I can sometimes use the wrong tenses and it bugs me more than anything. I'm not a fan of writing in first person, but don't mind reading it. Always find it awkward to describe other characters in 1st person. I'm not an observant person by any stretch -- so describing people on physical appearance makes me pause. (For example: red-headed friend dyed her hair brunette didn't notice till she told me on the second day.)

Is there anything you're working on at the minute? I'm trying to get through the beginning of the first chapter of a new fantasy I've in mind. Mainly about society vs individualism and hidden strength in people and whatnot.
I don't like letting other people read my works either. I guess it's because i'm worried or something I just don't want to have people look down on my work. I just don't know. My writing is really personal at times so it's hard for me to share.
Describing is fun but i'm not very observant either. but describing people seem to make them more alive and easier to imagine.
I am sort of. It's about a kingdom that's divided into dark and light and each side hates the other. So far it's not very developed but i do have a beginning going.
I don't like letting other people read my works either. I guess it's because i'm worried or something I just don't want to have people look down on my work. I just don't know. My writing is really personal at times so it's hard for me to share.
Describing is fun but i'm not very observant either. but describing people seem to make them more alive and easier to imagine.
I am sort of. It's about a kingdom that's divided into dark and light and each side hates the other. So far it's not very developed but i do have a beginning going.
There are works you'll probably write that you'll hide away and others you'll show to the world but wished you hadn't. I've a few stories I wrote but are locked away on my hard drive for no one to see. My main problem is I'm not very eloquent when speaking so how I speak is very different from how I write and I think that's where the weirdness comes from. At least for me.

Oh yes, definitely I mean for me it's a love hate relationship, I of course need to describe people, places and whatnot but because of my lack of observation skills I tend to be very minimalist when writing about it. Never was one to read pages and pages of say, a feast and all of the food, or write paragraphs on clothes because I naturally never acknowledge that around me.

:3 If you ever need to bounce some ideas around, you can shoot me a mail. Brainstorming is fun. I'm tempted to start my story at the end; and then jump back, and slowly allow the reader to realise how on earth MC and company managed to get into the situation in the first place. But then I panic and realise I'd have lots of names and terminology that's new, and I go back to my first choice.
There are works you'll probably write that you'll hide away and others you'll show to the world but wished you hadn't. I've a few stories I wrote but are locked away on my hard drive for no one to see. My main problem is I'm not very eloquent when speaking so how I speak is very different from how I write and I think that's where the weirdness comes from. At least for me.

Oh yes, definitely I mean for me it's a love hate relationship, I of course need to describe people, places and whatnot but because of my lack of observation skills I tend to be very minimalist when writing about it. Never was one to read pages and pages of say, a feast and all of the food, or write paragraphs on clothes because I naturally never acknowledge that around me.

:3 If you ever need to bounce some ideas around, you can shoot me a mail. Brainstorming is fun. I'm tempted to start my story at the end; and then jump back, and slowly allow the reader to realise how on earth MC and company managed to get into the situation in the first place. But then I panic and realise I'd have lots of names and terminology that's new, and I go back to my first choice.
I also have a writing style different from how i talk. But I don't talk much to begin with so... but I realize that I cuss a lot in my head (which I'm sort of ashamed of) but for me it allows me to become my character in some way, shape, or form.

I never could write paragraphs about clothes. God, no i can't even get a matching outfit half the time. A quick description is all I need on clothes.

As for starting your story at the end, I think that's a good idea. You can purposely leave out key details to set the mood and keep the reader interested. Don't panic because you're not confident. You can always go back repeatedly to make sure it's correct.

Brainstorming is only fun to me if you have someone else to do it with. I hate brainstorming by myself because there is nobody to bounce ideas off of. If you want to contact me (or if I want to contact you) we'll have to figure out what media to use.
I also have a writing style different from how i talk. But I don't talk much to begin with so... but I realize that I cuss a lot in my head (which I'm sort of ashamed of) but for me it allows me to become my character in some way, shape, or form.

I never could write paragraphs about clothes. God, no i can't even get a matching outfit half the time. A quick description is all I need on clothes.

As for starting your story at the end, I think that's a good idea. You can purposely leave out key details to set the mood and keep the reader interested. Don't panic because you're not confident. You can always go back repeatedly to make sure it's correct.

Brainstorming is only fun to me if you have someone else to do it with. I hate brainstorming by myself because there is nobody to bounce ideas off of. If you want to contact me (or if I want to contact you) we'll have to figure out what media to use.
The only sort of clothes I describe, are things that may hinder movement/health (so character A has a reason for tripping or stumbling rather on thin air/ending up with hypothermia or heat stroke), or if it's regarded as something else in the world. For example, most people would notice someone wearing a crown because that's symbolised power/monarchy for hundreds of years.

That's my problem, and why I never leave the chapter 1 stage for so long. I edit and edit and I just never seem to go anywhere. I think my current version is only roughly 1600 words. Love dialogue though. Looooove. But like you said it's a confidence thing, so here's hoping that the more I write on it the less anxious I'll be by the end.

Well, we could just use the PM system here, granted its not... instant messaging but it does allow for longer more in-depth replies I suppose. o-o
The only sort of clothes I describe, are things that may hinder movement/health (so character A has a reason for tripping or stumbling rather on thin air/ending up with hypothermia or heat stroke), or if it's regarded as something else in the world. For example, most people would notice someone wearing a crown because that's symbolised power/monarchy for hundreds of years.

That's my problem, and why I never leave the chapter 1 stage for so long. I edit and edit and I just never seem to go anywhere. I think my current version is only roughly 1600 words. Love dialogue though. Looooove. But like you said it's a confidence thing, so here's hoping that the more I write on it the less anxious I'll be by the end.

Well, we could just use the PM system here, granted its not... instant messaging but it does allow for longer more in-depth replies I suppose. o-o
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