

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | Just droppin' in =)
Hello everybody =)

A good friend of mine draws awesome dragons and she told me "These are my babies on Flight Rising" - so I got curious and ended up here during the last registration period. So far I've taken quite a liking to FR and I enjoy it very much!

I love drawing and inventing stories, currently I'm working on my webcomics (unfortunately none of them are available in English yet, sorry =( ) and since I'll have to draw dragons for that too, I want to see as many different dragons as possible - so basically FR is kind of a "How to draw your dragon" to me, too! ;)

I'm looking forward to lots of fun on FR!

Hello everybody =)

A good friend of mine draws awesome dragons and she told me "These are my babies on Flight Rising" - so I got curious and ended up here during the last registration period. So far I've taken quite a liking to FR and I enjoy it very much!

I love drawing and inventing stories, currently I'm working on my webcomics (unfortunately none of them are available in English yet, sorry =( ) and since I'll have to draw dragons for that too, I want to see as many different dragons as possible - so basically FR is kind of a "How to draw your dragon" to me, too! ;)

I'm looking forward to lots of fun on FR!


Hello! Welcome to FR! :)

Hello! Welcome to FR! :)
[quote name="Rexi" date=2015-05-26 15:49:32] @CleoSan Hello! Welcome to FR! :) [/quote] Thank you, Rexi =) It's always nice to get a reaction to an introduction post (I've been to forums where noone ever bothered to answer), so thank you very much for your answer! =)
Rexi wrote on 2015-05-26:

Hello! Welcome to FR! :)

Thank you, Rexi =) It's always nice to get a reaction to an introduction post (I've been to forums where noone ever bothered to answer), so thank you very much for your answer! =)
@CleoSan Welcome! ^^
@CleoSan Welcome! ^^
[quote name="Waterfallen" date=2015-05-26 16:22:59] @CleoSan Welcome! ^^ [/quote] Thank you very much! =)
Waterfallen wrote on 2015-05-26:
@CleoSan Welcome! ^^

Thank you very much! =)