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TOPIC | New Fairground Game Suggestion
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I haven't yet been able to find a search function for the forums, and as such, I will post this idea as a separate topic since I haven't been able to find something similar 7 pages back that I was willing to go searching for it manually.

Anyway, the idea is simple, I think the fairgrounds needs an infinite runner style game. For those who've never played that sort of thing, the idea is simple. Basically it's an auto scrolling level from an old 2-d game. The player's control tends to be a jump style thing, though considering the more...aerodynamic nature of most dragons, it might be best if instead it were flight style sort of thing, with you controlling upward motion as a sustained thing(Basically, hold down a button to go up, once you let go it naturally falls down to the bottom of the screen).

Prizes would be pretty simple, just coins littering a path, which you grab as you pass through, with ever increasing number of obstacles and the like, but also an ever rising coin sort of thing. Say start at each coin is a single coin, but as you go farther and faster, that doubles to 2, then 4, then 8, etc, up to say, 128 a coin. Gives you incentive to keep going on a good run.

The real thing to do here would be stage design. Start out with just one, say do Dragonhome first, with a stage design evoking that area, but then add new stages as you designed them, based off the various God's Domains. You could even hold mini competitions once every realm had its own map, like say, the Flight with the most coins collected in its stage gets bonus coins in the game for that week or the like.

I will state here, I could not design something like this, it's just a suggestion for another game to play on the Fairgrounds. Still, I am curious to see what others think of it.
I haven't yet been able to find a search function for the forums, and as such, I will post this idea as a separate topic since I haven't been able to find something similar 7 pages back that I was willing to go searching for it manually.

Anyway, the idea is simple, I think the fairgrounds needs an infinite runner style game. For those who've never played that sort of thing, the idea is simple. Basically it's an auto scrolling level from an old 2-d game. The player's control tends to be a jump style thing, though considering the more...aerodynamic nature of most dragons, it might be best if instead it were flight style sort of thing, with you controlling upward motion as a sustained thing(Basically, hold down a button to go up, once you let go it naturally falls down to the bottom of the screen).

Prizes would be pretty simple, just coins littering a path, which you grab as you pass through, with ever increasing number of obstacles and the like, but also an ever rising coin sort of thing. Say start at each coin is a single coin, but as you go farther and faster, that doubles to 2, then 4, then 8, etc, up to say, 128 a coin. Gives you incentive to keep going on a good run.

The real thing to do here would be stage design. Start out with just one, say do Dragonhome first, with a stage design evoking that area, but then add new stages as you designed them, based off the various God's Domains. You could even hold mini competitions once every realm had its own map, like say, the Flight with the most coins collected in its stage gets bonus coins in the game for that week or the like.

I will state here, I could not design something like this, it's just a suggestion for another game to play on the Fairgrounds. Still, I am curious to see what others think of it.
Different style levels would be wonderful, but I picture this game as a windy game soaring through the twisting crescendo. I guess a thunder style level might be cool as well!
Different style levels would be wonderful, but I picture this game as a windy game soaring through the twisting crescendo. I guess a thunder style level might be cool as well!
Ooh, yes please.
Ooh, yes please.
Ooh, I support
Ooh, I support
Oh lordy, Support!
Oh lordy, Support!
Helicopter re-skinned with dragons and a coin safe line.
Helicopter re-skinned with dragons and a coin safe line.
I like this idea too!
I like this idea too!
Support! Classic game style, shouldn't require anything groundbreaking in terms of development I'd assume? Although I'd love to see an aesthetic for each flight, art assets there might take awhile. Even if rolled out over time it'd be cool. What you pick up could change for each flight, too; maybe you could pick up something that looked like the Festive Favor Currency?

Like, it'd be called Festive Frenzy or something; the poor dragon main character has no currency to buy cool favors for the festival, collect as many as you can while avoiding obstacles!

Yeah, I mean, the short version is I very much support.

Support! Classic game style, shouldn't require anything groundbreaking in terms of development I'd assume? Although I'd love to see an aesthetic for each flight, art assets there might take awhile. Even if rolled out over time it'd be cool. What you pick up could change for each flight, too; maybe you could pick up something that looked like the Festive Favor Currency?

Like, it'd be called Festive Frenzy or something; the poor dragon main character has no currency to buy cool favors for the festival, collect as many as you can while avoiding obstacles!

Yeah, I mean, the short version is I very much support.

Support for dragon QWOP fairgrounds game
Support for dragon QWOP fairgrounds game
Artist Formerly Known As Nakkurusu
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