

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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@Scryzee @Rivornel

Swampfire and Icewater wordlessly waded in the waters at the edge of their land. Icewater had led them here: it seemed that even though the Tundra had left his wandering days behind, he still felt the call. Swampfire didn't really understand why her Charge was so interested in the world outside this one they had now, but she would never tell him that.
@Scryzee @Rivornel

Swampfire and Icewater wordlessly waded in the waters at the edge of their land. Icewater had led them here: it seemed that even though the Tundra had left his wandering days behind, he still felt the call. Swampfire didn't really understand why her Charge was so interested in the world outside this one they had now, but she would never tell him that.

Aurora swam underneath the water, her long, lithe body curling through seaweed. The spiral dragon rose up out of the water to breathe, then curled back down and turned to form another curl underwater. She dove close to the bottom, filling her claws with any pretty object she found, which was mainly shiny rocks and whatever debris she found that had a slight twinkle. She hugged the objects to her slim chest to keep them safe as she corkscrewed up for air again. She blinked her large, ocean-blue eyes at the sight of a male and female dragon, then gave a gasp and dropped all of her new treasure in surprise. "Oh no!" She exclaimed, then dove back underwater to catch them again. Once she had her souveniers in order, she carefully rose back to the surface and crawled on three legs into shallow water, her fourth clutching her valuables. "S-So sorry-" She began, her voice fast and fluttering, "I didn't expect to see you there. I thought I was all alone, you see, and I have been for awhile, I- ooagh!" She flipped the wrappings around her head mid-sentence, causing the wet end to slap her in the face. She coughed, then shook her head free and looked down in an ashamed fashion. "Ahem... Who are you two?"

Aurora swam underneath the water, her long, lithe body curling through seaweed. The spiral dragon rose up out of the water to breathe, then curled back down and turned to form another curl underwater. She dove close to the bottom, filling her claws with any pretty object she found, which was mainly shiny rocks and whatever debris she found that had a slight twinkle. She hugged the objects to her slim chest to keep them safe as she corkscrewed up for air again. She blinked her large, ocean-blue eyes at the sight of a male and female dragon, then gave a gasp and dropped all of her new treasure in surprise. "Oh no!" She exclaimed, then dove back underwater to catch them again. Once she had her souveniers in order, she carefully rose back to the surface and crawled on three legs into shallow water, her fourth clutching her valuables. "S-So sorry-" She began, her voice fast and fluttering, "I didn't expect to see you there. I thought I was all alone, you see, and I have been for awhile, I- ooagh!" She flipped the wrappings around her head mid-sentence, causing the wet end to slap her in the face. She coughed, then shook her head free and looked down in an ashamed fashion. "Ahem... Who are you two?"
@Waterfallen @Rivornel ((OoC: I'll be using these two for my roleplay, posting here just so you don't have to visit my clan page. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] )) The shimmering Skydancer watched the trio from not too far away, his azure eyes faintly glowing underneath his hood. He was urged to confront them, though a sharp glance from the dark Guardian next to him told him otherwise. They both decided to wait a little longer, or until one of them noticed they had company.
@Waterfallen @Rivornel

((OoC: I'll be using these two for my roleplay, posting here just so you don't have to visit my clan page.


The shimmering Skydancer watched the trio from not too far away, his azure eyes faintly glowing underneath his hood. He was urged to confront them, though a sharp glance from the dark Guardian next to him told him otherwise. They both decided to wait a little longer, or until one of them noticed they had company.
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@Rivornel @Scryzze

Swampfire had come to stand between Aurora and Icewater, her dark blue eyes narrowed in a suspicious glare. From behind her, Icewater cleared his throat, before answering slowly. "I am Icewater, and this is Swampfire." He paused, trying to think of how to explain. When he finally figured it out, he continued, "I love to see new things, so I came here. Swampfire wants me safe, so she came too."
The Guardian nodded at her Charge's words, before asking, "And you, Spiral? What is your name?"
@Rivornel @Scryzze

Swampfire had come to stand between Aurora and Icewater, her dark blue eyes narrowed in a suspicious glare. From behind her, Icewater cleared his throat, before answering slowly. "I am Icewater, and this is Swampfire." He paused, trying to think of how to explain. When he finally figured it out, he continued, "I love to see new things, so I came here. Swampfire wants me safe, so she came too."
The Guardian nodded at her Charge's words, before asking, "And you, Spiral? What is your name?"
@Waterfallen @Rivornel @Scryzze:

At least this time, Volantis thought to himself, my size is an asset rather than a hinderance. He flapped his wings a few times, trying to stay aloft; the last time he had eaten was at the very edge of the Starwood Strand, where the rich, magic-infused flora of that wood ended and where the realm of the Plaguebringer began, and the globe of pine sap and golden amber he was carrying wasn't making it any easier to stay hovering, half-shadowed by the pines. Usually he didn't mind going to such distances, at least for faes, to gather the material to repair his den--he found pine sap much easier for that purpose than trying to separate it from the stubborn, arcane-infused trees of the strand--but usually he didn't see others on those admittedly infrequent trips, either. I can't just leave, though, else...

Still deciding what to do, he retreated a little more into the forest, his dark colors meshing well-enough with the stalwart pines.

(First RP post on FL...I hope it's decent.)
@Waterfallen @Rivornel @Scryzze:

At least this time, Volantis thought to himself, my size is an asset rather than a hinderance. He flapped his wings a few times, trying to stay aloft; the last time he had eaten was at the very edge of the Starwood Strand, where the rich, magic-infused flora of that wood ended and where the realm of the Plaguebringer began, and the globe of pine sap and golden amber he was carrying wasn't making it any easier to stay hovering, half-shadowed by the pines. Usually he didn't mind going to such distances, at least for faes, to gather the material to repair his den--he found pine sap much easier for that purpose than trying to separate it from the stubborn, arcane-infused trees of the strand--but usually he didn't see others on those admittedly infrequent trips, either. I can't just leave, though, else...

Still deciding what to do, he retreated a little more into the forest, his dark colors meshing well-enough with the stalwart pines.

(First RP post on FL...I hope it's decent.)
@Waterfallen @Scryzze

Aurora rose up on two legs to look over her treasure, picking a tiny crab off of one of her rocks to send it back in the water behind her. "Name's Aurora." She said simply, throwing more junk over her shoulder that didn't belong in her treasure pile. Once her treasure was sorted, she poured it all in a bag she had tied around her waist and secured it thoroughly. She shrunk back a bit as the Guardian approached, her tail curling itself into tight spirals in nervous habit. "I-It's nice to meet you!" Aurora added, letting out a nervous laugh. "Both of you- Guardian, is Icewater your Charge?" She took a step back, obviously intimidated by Swampfire, but as always, her mouth just kept running. It was almost as if the more scared she got the more she talked. "That's so romantic! A-At least, if you don't mind me saying it- I always thought it was romantic when a Guardian took a dragon as their Charge rather than a place or an object. Of course, if your relationship is completely platonic then I apologize! I just- uh- oh, I'm soaking wet. Pardon me, pardon me!" She quickly crawled past the two to get to shore and shake herself dry, flapping her wings to speed up the process.

"Lovely day for a swim! Haha- ... Oh dear. We have company, friends." Aurora's volume did a decrescendo as she noticed the dark-scaled Guardian and his Skydancer friend nearby. The Guardian looked fierce and formidable, which only made Aurora even more uneasy, while the Skydancer looked regal and almost eased her worry. She cleared her throat, then straightened out to make herself look larger.
@Waterfallen @Scryzze

Aurora rose up on two legs to look over her treasure, picking a tiny crab off of one of her rocks to send it back in the water behind her. "Name's Aurora." She said simply, throwing more junk over her shoulder that didn't belong in her treasure pile. Once her treasure was sorted, she poured it all in a bag she had tied around her waist and secured it thoroughly. She shrunk back a bit as the Guardian approached, her tail curling itself into tight spirals in nervous habit. "I-It's nice to meet you!" Aurora added, letting out a nervous laugh. "Both of you- Guardian, is Icewater your Charge?" She took a step back, obviously intimidated by Swampfire, but as always, her mouth just kept running. It was almost as if the more scared she got the more she talked. "That's so romantic! A-At least, if you don't mind me saying it- I always thought it was romantic when a Guardian took a dragon as their Charge rather than a place or an object. Of course, if your relationship is completely platonic then I apologize! I just- uh- oh, I'm soaking wet. Pardon me, pardon me!" She quickly crawled past the two to get to shore and shake herself dry, flapping her wings to speed up the process.

"Lovely day for a swim! Haha- ... Oh dear. We have company, friends." Aurora's volume did a decrescendo as she noticed the dark-scaled Guardian and his Skydancer friend nearby. The Guardian looked fierce and formidable, which only made Aurora even more uneasy, while the Skydancer looked regal and almost eased her worry. She cleared her throat, then straightened out to make herself look larger.
@Waterfallen @Rivornel @Scryzze:

Well, this is certainly going to end well. Though Volantis did not speak, and though he was quite certain that no one had spotted him yet, his crest moved in its usual pattern to represent to any imaginary faes around his usual emotion: 'gloomy sarcasm'. He didn't quite understand why the spiral's voice suddenly got so low--she, from the sound of her voice, didn't look scared, really, which is what his association with other species told him usually was the cause of such an abrupt adjustment--but he could understand enough, as she was currently in close proximity with two pairs of very, very large dragons. Perhaps not so anymore, with her new length, but--

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as his body gave way, lack of food finally getting to him, causing him to do two dreadful things: first, he freefell for a few moments, disturbing the branches of the trees and causing them to rustle; second, and much, much more importantly, his concentration wavered, causing him to drop his precious globe of amber sap from where it was hovering near him...where it then started to roll towards the shoreline he was spectating.
@Waterfallen @Rivornel @Scryzze:

Well, this is certainly going to end well. Though Volantis did not speak, and though he was quite certain that no one had spotted him yet, his crest moved in its usual pattern to represent to any imaginary faes around his usual emotion: 'gloomy sarcasm'. He didn't quite understand why the spiral's voice suddenly got so low--she, from the sound of her voice, didn't look scared, really, which is what his association with other species told him usually was the cause of such an abrupt adjustment--but he could understand enough, as she was currently in close proximity with two pairs of very, very large dragons. Perhaps not so anymore, with her new length, but--

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as his body gave way, lack of food finally getting to him, causing him to do two dreadful things: first, he freefell for a few moments, disturbing the branches of the trees and causing them to rustle; second, and much, much more importantly, his concentration wavered, causing him to drop his precious globe of amber sap from where it was hovering near him...where it then started to roll towards the shoreline he was spectating.
@Panthalassa @Waterfallen @Rivornel

The Skydancer's wings folded behind him, covering his back as if it were a shimmering gold cape. He took a step forward, though a inaudible signal from his companion halted him once more. The Guardian stepped in front, doing his best to appear a bit more friendly. His golden eyes scanned over the trio before flitting to the side, noticing the movement of the branches. He stayed silent and watched them as the shimmering Skydancer approached uneasily and introduced himself.
"I will have to apologize for staying back like that; my friend here is a bit wary of other dragons." The dark Guardian said nothing in reply. "Well... my name is Skyshine, and this is the Gatekeeper." He finished his short introduction with a light bow, the light reflecting off his skin.
@Panthalassa @Waterfallen @Rivornel

The Skydancer's wings folded behind him, covering his back as if it were a shimmering gold cape. He took a step forward, though a inaudible signal from his companion halted him once more. The Guardian stepped in front, doing his best to appear a bit more friendly. His golden eyes scanned over the trio before flitting to the side, noticing the movement of the branches. He stayed silent and watched them as the shimmering Skydancer approached uneasily and introduced himself.
"I will have to apologize for staying back like that; my friend here is a bit wary of other dragons." The dark Guardian said nothing in reply. "Well... my name is Skyshine, and this is the Gatekeeper." He finished his short introduction with a light bow, the light reflecting off his skin.
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@Panthalassa @Rivornel @Scryzze

Swampfire turned her head to see the dragons Aurora had seen. A large, dark-scaled Guardian and a Skydancer. Interesting. She listened to the introductions, keeping her gaze on the other Guardian as she spoke. "Well, if you have been there long enough, I'm sure you've heard our names." Blue eyes narrowed as she rumbled at the duo, wondering exactly how long they had been there. She mentally made a note to be pay more attention.

Icewater smiled at the strangers and sniffed the air. None of these dragons smelled like friends or enemies. The tundra male sat and waited to see what else would be said, but was distracted by a rustling noise in some trees. Curious, he made his way over to the noise, leaving Swampfire's side without her noticing.
@Panthalassa @Rivornel @Scryzze

Swampfire turned her head to see the dragons Aurora had seen. A large, dark-scaled Guardian and a Skydancer. Interesting. She listened to the introductions, keeping her gaze on the other Guardian as she spoke. "Well, if you have been there long enough, I'm sure you've heard our names." Blue eyes narrowed as she rumbled at the duo, wondering exactly how long they had been there. She mentally made a note to be pay more attention.

Icewater smiled at the strangers and sniffed the air. None of these dragons smelled like friends or enemies. The tundra male sat and waited to see what else would be said, but was distracted by a rustling noise in some trees. Curious, he made his way over to the noise, leaving Swampfire's side without her noticing.
@Waterfallen @Rivornel @Scryzze:

If his crest was gamely showing off his distress from losing his precious amber, then it intensified even more as the tundra started lumbering his way to where he perched. Oh, Starseer, why does this always happen? Perhaps, if he tried to fly, he would somehow find the strength to fly far, far away...

"Of course not," he muttered to himself, falling another few meters and knocking even more branches before landing in a heap on the needled ground.
@Waterfallen @Rivornel @Scryzze:

If his crest was gamely showing off his distress from losing his precious amber, then it intensified even more as the tundra started lumbering his way to where he perched. Oh, Starseer, why does this always happen? Perhaps, if he tried to fly, he would somehow find the strength to fly far, far away...

"Of course not," he muttered to himself, falling another few meters and knocking even more branches before landing in a heap on the needled ground.
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