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TOPIC | tips f.getting faster mana in coliseum ?
u have to wait 3 or 4 turns to use your manaspell in second slot, are there items for getting mana faster ?
u have to wait 3 or 4 turns to use your manaspell in second slot, are there items for getting mana faster ?
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Unfortunately there is to way to get it faster (it's called 'breath' in game) than just using the energy stone over and over. The energy stone is the battle stone at the top, either Scratch, Meditate or Anticipate.
Unfortunately there is to way to get it faster (it's called 'breath' in game) than just using the energy stone over and over. The energy stone is the battle stone at the top, either Scratch, Meditate or Anticipate.
foxofwonders.png __TDmCtlK.png __instagram-logo.png __Twitter_logo_bird_transparent_png.png __FR+9
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@Artistichooves there are no items that provide breath, but you can get breath faster depending on what move you use. Meditate generates 30 breath (up to 60 if you use Disclipline stones at higher levels), but cuts your attack power in half.
@Artistichooves there are no items that provide breath, but you can get breath faster depending on what move you use. Meditate generates 30 breath (up to 60 if you use Disclipline stones at higher levels), but cuts your attack power in half.

If you use a caster, though, there is a stone that gives you a 50% chance of doubling the breath increase from Meditate.

If you use a caster, though, there is a stone that gives you a 50% chance of doubling the breath increase from Meditate.
+10 FR T
IKTR: while I do have a fandragon tab my whole lair is filled with refs
@Foxofwonders @naga @emputti thanks ^^
@Foxofwonders @naga @emputti thanks ^^
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Wanted to clarify that meditate does not cut attack power in half, but reduces it by 75%. This only goes for physical moves. Magical moves like contuse, elemental bolts and elemental 'special moves' are not affected.
Wanted to clarify that meditate does not cut attack power in half, but reduces it by 75%. This only goes for physical moves. Magical moves like contuse, elemental bolts and elemental 'special moves' are not affected.
foxofwonders.png __TDmCtlK.png __instagram-logo.png __Twitter_logo_bird_transparent_png.png __FR+9
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@Foxofwonders whoops, my mistake.
@Foxofwonders whoops, my mistake.