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Everyone in my family can play an instrument but me XD I kind of feel out of place because of it. At least I can write and draw XD.
Everyone in my family can play an instrument but me XD I kind of feel out of place because of it. At least I can write and draw XD.
@Slyias I'm the only person in my family that draws o_o My mom thinks I'm really weird since I draw dragons all the time rather than normal stuff like....I dunno. Cats.
@Slyias I'm the only person in my family that draws o_o My mom thinks I'm really weird since I draw dragons all the time rather than normal stuff like....I dunno. Cats.
"Even in the bitterest, blackest crevices of night, even in the most violent turmoils, the most painful struggles, and the most bleak circumstances, the sun will always reveal itself in the morning."
I draw in the anime style it looks like anime mixed in with a bit of realism. I suck at drawing cats XD.
I draw in the anime style it looks like anime mixed in with a bit of realism. I suck at drawing cats XD.

Ah, sorry for the late reply. >.> I fell asleep face-first on my keyboard. Whoopsie~
Ughh, did I drool on it? Ick. *sprays keyboard with antibacterial stuff*

I draw a lot of anime humans...although, it's difficult to get their anatomy right :P

Ah, sorry for the late reply. >.> I fell asleep face-first on my keyboard. Whoopsie~
Ughh, did I drool on it? Ick. *sprays keyboard with antibacterial stuff*

I draw a lot of anime humans...although, it's difficult to get their anatomy right :P
"Even in the bitterest, blackest crevices of night, even in the most violent turmoils, the most painful struggles, and the most bleak circumstances, the sun will always reveal itself in the morning."
Ha thats okay my mouse isn't working right XD it stopped working correctly about noonish yesterday. now it either does double clicks or triple clicks and its killer trying to copy text like dragon ID numbers OnO. I wish it would work. Its being a butt.
Ha thats okay my mouse isn't working right XD it stopped working correctly about noonish yesterday. now it either does double clicks or triple clicks and its killer trying to copy text like dragon ID numbers OnO. I wish it would work. Its being a butt.

Ughhh, that must be annoying. If my mouse started double clicking everything, I would throw my hands up, chuck it out a window, and instantly go buy a new one xD Thankfully mouses aren't very expensive.

Ughhh, that must be annoying. If my mouse started double clicking everything, I would throw my hands up, chuck it out a window, and instantly go buy a new one xD Thankfully mouses aren't very expensive.
"Even in the bitterest, blackest crevices of night, even in the most violent turmoils, the most painful struggles, and the most bleak circumstances, the sun will always reveal itself in the morning."
I'm stuck with this one because I dumbly spent my babysitting money on a night out with my friends that I rarely get to see. We saw big hero six. My parents refuse to buy me a new one even thought they are like 3-8$. They have cut me off I'm on my own when it comes to monies TnT. I'll have one in like the next month or so or when someone finally calls back giving me a job that I have been searching for for over 6 months now. Also I'll click something and it won't click it but when it does it tries to open it 3 times whoo for glitchy mouse that I'm going to be stuck with for awhile XD
I'm stuck with this one because I dumbly spent my babysitting money on a night out with my friends that I rarely get to see. We saw big hero six. My parents refuse to buy me a new one even thought they are like 3-8$. They have cut me off I'm on my own when it comes to monies TnT. I'll have one in like the next month or so or when someone finally calls back giving me a job that I have been searching for for over 6 months now. Also I'll click something and it won't click it but when it does it tries to open it 3 times whoo for glitchy mouse that I'm going to be stuck with for awhile XD

Man, rough spot to be in :/ Pretty much all my money has been sucked away because of gas. I wish you luck on your job hunting and your mouse hunting!

Man, rough spot to be in :/ Pretty much all my money has been sucked away because of gas. I wish you luck on your job hunting and your mouse hunting!
"Even in the bitterest, blackest crevices of night, even in the most violent turmoils, the most painful struggles, and the most bleak circumstances, the sun will always reveal itself in the morning."
Thanks. Its going to be killer trying to make an avatar on XD it will jump everwhere and the colors will be wrong and all that jazz. Oh fun XD. I can't wait until one of my dragons is ready to breed hes going to be my dragons baby daddy he makes all the beautiful babies! His name is Crystallos hes going to make so many pretty dragon babies.
Thanks. Its going to be killer trying to make an avatar on XD it will jump everwhere and the colors will be wrong and all that jazz. Oh fun XD. I can't wait until one of my dragons is ready to breed hes going to be my dragons baby daddy he makes all the beautiful babies! His name is Crystallos hes going to make so many pretty dragon babies.

Want to continue the conversation over messages? It'll be easier.

((Sorry for the late reply again :L Fell asleep and had a full day of stuff))

Want to continue the conversation over messages? It'll be easier.

((Sorry for the late reply again :L Fell asleep and had a full day of stuff))
"Even in the bitterest, blackest crevices of night, even in the most violent turmoils, the most painful struggles, and the most bleak circumstances, the sun will always reveal itself in the morning."
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