
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
Hello! My flight, light, has dominance this week. It's my first dominance with the light flight and to 'celebrate' (in a sense) I've decided to open up a full discount shop for the week. [u][b]How to Order:[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]Please do not order if you're just going to take the gene/scroll and sell it back for profit. If you're not going to do that, keep reading! [*]Ping me (@Salience) in this thread with your order. [*]Send me a PM with the items wanted as the subject line and the payment attached. [*]I will accept up to 50% of the payment in gems! 1 gem = 250t. [*][b]At least half of the payment must be treasure. [/b] [/LIST] While tips of any kind are deeply appreciated, they are not required. :3 [u][b]PRICES[/b][/u] [b]Breed Change Scrolls:[/b] [item=Breed Change: Pearlcatcher] [item=Breed Change: Ridgeback] Pearlcatcher/Ridgeback: 225,000 [item=Breed Change: Snapper] [item=Breed Change: Spiral] Snapper/Spiral: 292,500 [item=Breed Change: Skydancer] Skydancers: 360,000 [item=Breed Change: Guardian] [item=Breed Change: Mirror] [item=Breed Change: Tundra] [item=Breed Change: Fae] Starter Breeds: 45,000 [b]Primary Genes:[/b] [item=Primary Gene: Speckle] [item=Primary Gene: Tiger] [item=Primary Gene: Clown] Speckle: 112,500 Tiger: 121,500 Clown: 157,500 [b]Secondary Genes:[/b] [item=Secondary Gene: Stripes] [item=Secondary Gene: Freckle] [item=Secondary Gene: Eye Spot] [item=Secondary Gene: Seraph] Stripes: 81,000 Freckle: 81,000 Eye Spot: 99,000 Seraph: 112,500 [b]Tertiary Genes:[/b] [item=Tertiary Gene: Gembond][item=Tertiary Gene: Underbelly] Gembond: 180,000 Underbelly: 135,000 [b]Other:[/b] For treasure marketplace apparel, familiars, or battle items: take the full price of the item and multiply it by 0.9 - that's the full discount price you need to send.

My flight, light, has dominance this week. It's my first dominance with the light flight and to 'celebrate' (in a sense) I've decided to open up a full discount shop for the week.

How to Order:
  • Please do not order if you're just going to take the gene/scroll and sell it back for profit. If you're not going to do that, keep reading!
  • Ping me (@Salience) in this thread with your order.
  • Send me a PM with the items wanted as the subject line and the payment attached.
  • I will accept up to 50% of the payment in gems! 1 gem = 250t.
  • At least half of the payment must be treasure.

While tips of any kind are deeply appreciated, they are not required. :3


Breed Change Scrolls:

Breed Change: Pearlcatcher Breed Change: Ridgeback
Pearlcatcher/Ridgeback: 225,000

Breed Change: Snapper Breed Change: Spiral
Snapper/Spiral: 292,500

Breed Change: Skydancer
Skydancers: 360,000

Breed Change: Guardian Breed Change: Mirror Breed Change: Tundra Breed Change: Fae
Starter Breeds: 45,000

Primary Genes:
Primary Gene: Speckle Primary Gene: Tiger Primary Gene: Clown
Speckle: 112,500
Tiger: 121,500
Clown: 157,500

Secondary Genes:
Secondary Gene: Stripes Secondary Gene: Freckle Secondary Gene: Seraph
Stripes: 81,000
Freckle: 81,000
Eye Spot: 99,000
Seraph: 112,500

Tertiary Genes:
Tertiary Gene: Gembond Tertiary Gene: Underbelly
Gembond: 180,000
Underbelly: 135,000

For treasure marketplace apparel, familiars, or battle items: take the full price of the item and multiply it by 0.9 - that's the full discount price you need to send.

Aigis: tiger gene - COMPLETED
Starscream: stripe gene x2 - COMPLETED
Maki: tiger gene - COMPLETED*
kanamine: skydancer scroll - COMPLETED*
minnyrin: speckle gene - COMPLETED
fishspeakers: clown gene - COMPLETED*
Smara: seraph gene - COMPLETED
AyleeFish: eyespot gene, freckle gene - COMPLETED
Niharike: gembond gene x4 - COMPLETED
Aralynia: underbelly gene - COMPLETED
Chrestomanci: clown gene, freckle gene - COMPLETED
Lemonade: gembond gene x2 - COMPLETED
Cheese: gembond - COMPLETED
chippit: underbelly gene - COMPLETED
steelkitty: gembond gene - COMPLETED
lenz: tiger gene - COMPLETED
Kalani: gembond gene - COMPLETED

Aigis: tiger gene - COMPLETED
Starscream: stripe gene x2 - COMPLETED
Maki: tiger gene - COMPLETED*
kanamine: skydancer scroll - COMPLETED*
minnyrin: speckle gene - COMPLETED
fishspeakers: clown gene - COMPLETED*
Smara: seraph gene - COMPLETED
AyleeFish: eyespot gene, freckle gene - COMPLETED
Niharike: gembond gene x4 - COMPLETED
Aralynia: underbelly gene - COMPLETED
Chrestomanci: clown gene, freckle gene - COMPLETED
Lemonade: gembond gene x2 - COMPLETED
Cheese: gembond - COMPLETED
chippit: underbelly gene - COMPLETED
steelkitty: gembond gene - COMPLETED
lenz: tiger gene - COMPLETED
Kalani: gembond gene - COMPLETED
Hello ;3 I'm just going to buy a Tiger gene if that's alright. I'll send the money over.
Hello ;3 I'm just going to buy a Tiger gene if that's alright. I'll send the money over.
Pretend I wrote something here.
@Aigis: sounds good to me :3
@Aigis: sounds good to me :3

May I get two Stripes genes from you? :D I'll go ahead and send the treasure your way!

May I get two Stripes genes from you? :D I'll go ahead and send the treasure your way!
@Starscream: Can do!
@Starscream: Can do!
All orders have been completed thusfar =w=
All orders have been completed thusfar =w=
@Salience Thanks so much! It was great doing business with you~
@Salience Thanks so much! It was great doing business with you~
@Starscream: Likewise! Thank you for your business :D may you scroll pretty striped things.
@Starscream: Likewise! Thank you for your business :D may you scroll pretty striped things.

Sending the treasure for a Tiger scroll ^^

Sending the treasure for a Tiger scroll ^^