
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | Fairygore Coli & Level Services (Hiatus)
@Nocturnalnatures Your dragon is complete, sending CR now!
@Nocturnalnatures Your dragon is complete, sending CR now!
@Frostlightles Beginning your grind now. Will probably take a break between the two hours, so expect the CRs in about 4ish. :)
@Frostlightles Beginning your grind now. Will probably take a break between the two hours, so expect the CRs in about 4ish. :)
No worries. Thank you!
No worries. Thank you!
Hello! I'm back for another slot :)

Username: Mirna
Payment Type: Treasure
# of Dragons: 44
Fodder or Level 25?: Fodder - to level 7
Starting Level: 1
Other: N/A
Hello! I'm back for another slot :)

Username: Mirna
Payment Type: Treasure
# of Dragons: 44
Fodder or Level 25?: Fodder - to level 7
Starting Level: 1
Other: N/A
Grey cat holding Wind Flight banner, by squidragon #48487
@Mirna I can take 24 for now, I'm expecting more returned nests today and want to make sure I can accommodate.
@Mirna I can take 24 for now, I'm expecting more returned nests today and want to make sure I can accommodate.
I sent the first 24 ^^ I can send the next 20 over after I take those 24 back
I sent the first 24 ^^ I can send the next 20 over after I take those 24 back
Grey cat holding Wind Flight banner, by squidragon #48487
Sent the second batch of 20!
Sent the second batch of 20!
Grey cat holding Wind Flight banner, by squidragon #48487

Username: Lightcottage
Payment Type: Treasure
# of Dragons: 5
Fodder or Level 25?: Fodder to level 10
Starting Level: 1
Other: Thank you!

Username: Lightcottage
Payment Type: Treasure
# of Dragons: 5
Fodder or Level 25?: Fodder to level 10
Starting Level: 1
Other: Thank you!
@Lightcottage I can take them now!
@Lightcottage I can take them now!
Username: RukaWilliams
Payment Type: Gems
# of Dragons: 3
Fodder or Level 25?: 25
Starting Level: 20
Other: That's 300g for all 3 right?
Username: RukaWilliams
Payment Type: Gems
# of Dragons: 3
Fodder or Level 25?: 25
Starting Level: 20
Other: That's 300g for all 3 right?
sig_by_baelfin_dci8azj_by_rukawilliams-dci918z.jpg ______ Ruka Williams
Adopts // Art Shop // Accents-Skins

Ruka ` +`` `` + Certified Weirdo
+ 0 FR~ ~ ~ `` For the HORDE!
Artist+ + + + + Hoof Trimming