
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | Gem Exchange | [B] 1:1050
Of course! It's actually 42,800t, but you were close haha. Setting up a CR in a moment! :)
Of course! It's actually 42,800t, but you were close haha. Setting up a CR in a moment! :)
@Abs0lute Thank you! Just goes to show that I shouldn't be trying to do math first thing in the morning lol
@Abs0lute Thank you! Just goes to show that I shouldn't be trying to do math first thing in the morning lol
> sasser
any pronouns
> accent shop
Buying 20 gems
Buying 20 gems
Gotcha, I'll send a CR in a bit! :)
Gotcha, I'll send a CR in a bit! :)
@Abs0lute may i buy 285 gems?
@Abs0lute may i buy 285 gems?
Of course! I'll set up a CR in a bit! :)
Of course! I'll set up a CR in a bit! :)
@Abs0lute Buying 1200g, how much treasure would that be?
@Abs0lute Buying 1200g, how much treasure would that be?
That'll be 1,284,000t! Sending a CR your way! :)
That'll be 1,284,000t! Sending a CR your way! :)