
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
Welcome to the Lunar Frost Caverns's Trading Post!

I am basically selling items and trinkets under almost every category in the HOARD section, except food.

Table of Contents:
* Welcome & Rules
* Apparel
* Skins & Accents
* Materials
* Familiars
* Other Items
* Special Items
* Sale Section
* Links & Affiliates
* Open

1. I accept payment in both treasure and gems
650icon_treasure_zpsg3jeaonz.png :1icon_gems_zpsjqspvxdw.png ratio
2. I do check all pricing so please don't try to scam me.
3. I am more than willing to haggle on everything here except the familiars.
4. Lastly but certainly not least, please abide by FR ToS! :D
Welcome to the Lunar Frost Caverns's Trading Post!

I am basically selling items and trinkets under almost every category in the HOARD section, except food.

Table of Contents:
* Welcome & Rules
* Apparel
* Skins & Accents
* Materials
* Familiars
* Other Items
* Special Items
* Sale Section
* Links & Affiliates
* Open

1. I accept payment in both treasure and gems
650icon_treasure_zpsg3jeaonz.png :1icon_gems_zpsjqspvxdw.png ratio
2. I do check all pricing so please don't try to scam me.
3. I am more than willing to haggle on everything here except the familiars.
4. Lastly but certainly not least, please abide by FR ToS! :D
gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
Apparel Section:

Apparel Section:

gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
Skins & Accents Section:

Skins & Accents Section:

gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
[center][size=5][u][b]Materials Section:[/b][/u][/size][/center] ---------------------------------------------------- [b]BO (best offer)[/b] - [i]I check pricing in MP/AH.[/i] [item=Clay]x17 | [item=Shale]x27 | [item=Obsidian]x80 | [item=Salt]x47 | [item=Gravel]x66 | [item=Nickel Ore]x47 | [item=Iron Ore]x50 | [item=Copper Ore]x9 | [item=Squirrel Skull]x40 | [item=Chimera Fangs]x64 | [item=Bone Fragments]x147 | [item=Sparrow Skull]x75 | [item=Pine Branch]x95 | [item=Dried Cedar Branch]x4 | [item=Intact Parchment]x40 | [item=Tattered Parchment]x23 | [item=Mangled Textile]x56 | [item=Moth-Eaten Rug]x108 | [item=Birch Twigs]x50 | [item=Driftwood Branch]x14 | [item=Crumbling Leather]x23 | [item=Cracked Leather]x98 | [item=Moldy Leather]x28 | [item=Rotting Leather]x62 | [item=Birch Logs]x13 | [item=Cedar Logs]x1 | [item=Pine Logs]x70 | [item=Fir Logs]x37 | [item=Bamboo Shoot]x46 | [item=Bamboo Cluster]x6 | [item=Redwood Kindling]x110 | [item=Redwood Log]x55 | [item=Smooth Pebbles]x62 | [item=Round Pebbles]x13 | [item=Skipping Stone]x51 | [item=Perfect Skipping Stone]x48 | [item=Blue Quartz]x43 | [item=Lead Ore]x70 | [item=Clay Fertility Statue]x33 | [item=Stone Fertility Statue]x103 | [item=Intact Clay Relief]x31 | [item=Intact Stone Relief]x30 | [item=Small Legbones]x111 | [item=Small Ribcage]x23 | [item=Sanded Ash Plank]x7 | [item=Sanded Birch Plank]x7 | [item=Sanded Cedar Plank]x1 | [item=Sanded Pine Plank]x108 | [item=Iron Belt Buckle]x4 | [item=Rusted Iron Belt Buckle]x72 | [item=Fancy Silver-Plated Buckle]x14 | [item=Warbeast Tusk]x38 | [item=Toridae Chew Toy]x26 | [item=Fragile Antler]x2 | [item=Seeker broach]x22 | [item=Seeker Orb]x14 | [item=Red Linen Fabric Scrap]x15 | [item=Faded Blue Fabric]x27 | [item=White Linen Fabric Scrap]x151 | [item=Bronze Fabric Scrap]x103 | [item=Tattered interloper Scrap]x3 | [item=Ragged Skirmisher Scrap]x19 | [item=Shattered Ceramic Shard]x12 | [item=Broken Pottery Piece]x28 | [item=Wavespun Cloth]x10 | [item=Rippling Cloth]x14 | [item=Powerful Serthis Poison]x13 | [item=Lumen Wiring]x1 | [item=Mistral Glove]x21 | [item=Black Iron Segment]x5 | [item=Coppercoil Segment]x16 | [item=Tracker Engine]x3 | [item=Steelhound Core]x5 | [item=Construction Armor]x8 | [item=Sentinel Armor]x19 | [item=Battered Book of Fables]x9
Materials Section:

BO (best offer) - I check pricing in MP/AH.

Clay x17 | Shale x27 | Obsidian x80 | Salt x47 | Gravel x66 | Nickel Ore x47 | Iron Ore x50 | Copper Ore x9 | Squirrel Skull x40 | Chimera Fangs x64 | Bone Fragments x147 | Sparrow Skull x75 | Pine Branch x95 | Dried Cedar Branch x4 | Intact Parchment x40 | Tattered Parchment x23 | Mangled Textile x56 | Moth-Eaten Rug x108 | Birch Twigs x50 | Driftwood Branch x14 | Crumbling Leather x23 | Cracked Leather x98 | Moldy Leather x28 | Rotting Leather x62 | Birch Logs x13 | Cedar Logs x1 | Pine Logs x70 | Fir Logs x37 | Bamboo Shoot x46 | Bamboo Cluster x6 | Redwood Kindling x110 | Redwood Log x55 | Smooth Pebbles x62 | Round Pebbles x13 | Skipping Stone x51 | Perfect Skipping Stone x48 | Blue Quartz x43 | Lead Ore x70 | Clay Fertility Statue x33 | Stone Fertility Statue x103 | Intact Clay Relief x31 | Intact Stone Relief x30 | Small Legbones x111 | Small Ribcage x23 | Sanded Ash Plank x7 | Sanded Birch Plank x7 | Sanded Cedar Plank x1 | Sanded Pine Plank x108 | Iron Belt Buckle x4 | Rusted Iron Belt Buckle x72 | Fancy Silver-Plated Buckle x14 | Warbeast Tusk x38 | Toridae Chew Toy x26 | Fragile Antler x2 | x22 | Seeker Orb x14 | Red Linen Fabric Scrap x15 | Faded Blue Fabric x27 | White Linen Fabric Scrap x151 | Bronze Fabric Scrap x103 | Tattered Interloper Scrap x3 | Ragged Skirmisher Scrap x19 | Shattered Ceramic Shard x12 | Broken Pottery Piece x28 | Wavespun Cloth x10 | Rippling Cloth x14 | Powerful Serthis Poison x13 | Lumen Wiring x1 | Mistral Glove x21 | Black Iron Segment x5 | Coppercoil Segment x16 | Tracker Engine x3 | Steelhound Core x5 | Construction Armor x8 | Sentinel Armor x19 | Battered Book of Fables x9
gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
Familiars Section:

Familiars Section:

gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
[center][size=5][u][b]Other Items Section:[/b][/u][/size][/center] ---------------------------------------------------- [b]BO (Best Offer)[/b] [item=Broken Clay Pot]x14 | [item=Stone Arrowhead]x10 | [item=Crumbling Relief]x6 | [item=Black Pawn]x10 | [item=White Pawn]x11 | [item=White knight]x10 | [item=Black Knight]x10 | [item=Black Bishop]x1 | [item=White Bishop]x10 | [item=Black Rook]x10 | [item=White Rook]x15 | [item=White Queen]x3 | [item=Black King]x1 | [item=White King]x7 | [item=Amber-Trapped Fly]x18 | [item=Amber-Trapped Mosquito]x22 | [item=Trilobite Fossil]x10 | [item=Scroll Case]x13 | [item=Battered Scroll Case]x10 | [item=Harpy Masque]x10 | [item=Broken Bottle]x17 | [item=Fossilized Fish]x13 | [item=Sea Scorpion Fossil]x12 | [item=Dickinsonia Vendian]x16 | [item=Ornate Porcelain Jar]x10 | [item=Painted Porcelain Jar]x10 | [item=Half-Moon Spectacles]x10 | [item=Shattered Reading Spectacles]x10 | [item=Canopic Jar]x13 | [item=Intact Clay Pot]x4 | [item=Parched Clay Jar]x10 | [item=Empty Inkwell]x10 | [item=Forgotten Poet's Tools]x10 | [item=Used Cartography Ink]x19 | [item=Blackened warninghorn]x10 | [item=damaged battlehorn]x10 | [item=chimera relic]x14 | [item=battered gauntlet]x10 | [item=brawler gauntlet]x9 | [item=pulsing relic]x10 | [item=aquatic relic]x5 | [item=golden collar]x10 | [item=otherworldly collar]x6 | [item=kelp tender plush]x14 | [item=mammertee plushie]x8 | [item=phytocat toy]x10 | [item=aviar fragment]x4 | [item=aviar cave painting]x10 | [item=discarded ribbon]x21 | [item=good eater award]x9 | [item=ghostly aura]x14 | [item=battered shields]x10 | [item=expertly-crafted spear]x8 | [item=ebon-edged spear]x10 | [item=decorative centaur quiver]x9 | [item=simple raptorik sash]x1 | [item=airborne warrior belt]x10 | [item=black hainu collar]x1 | [item=hainu collar]x10 | [item=decorative rasa shard]x10 | [item=rasa pottery fragment]x4 | [item=mirror]x2 | [item=nocturne puppet]x3 | [item=bottled embers]x5 | [item=jar of vapors]x7 | [item=magi casting rod]x2 | [item=mender's healing staff]x1
Other Items Section:

BO (Best Offer)

Broken Clay Pot x14 | Stone Arrowhead x10 | Crumbling Relief x6 | Black Pawn x10 | White Pawn x11 | White Knight x10 | Black Knight x10 | Black Bishop x1 | White Bishop x10 | Black Rook x10 | White Rook x15 | White Queen x3 | Black King x1 | White King x7 | Amber-trapped Fly x18 | Amber-trapped Mosquito x22 | Trilobite Fossil x10 | Scroll Case x13 | Battered Scroll Case x10 | Harpy Masque x10 | Broken Bottle x17 | Fossilized Fish x13 | Sea Scorpion Fossil x12 | Dickinsonia Vendian x16 | Ornate Porcelain Jar x10 | Painted Porcelain Jar x10 | Half-Moon Spectacles x10 | Shattered Reading Spectacles x10 | Canopic Jar x13 | Intact Clay Pot x4 | Parched Clay Jar x10 | Empty Inkwell x10 | Forgotten Poet's Tools x10 | Used Cartography Ink x19 | Blackened Warninghorn x10 | Damaged Battlehorn x10 | Chimera Relic x14 | Battered Gauntlet x10 | Brawler Gauntlet x9 | Pulsing Relic x10 | Aquatic Relic x5 | Golden Collar x10 | Otherworldly Collar x6 | Kelp Tender Plush x14 | Mammertee Plushie x8 | Phytocat Toy x10 | Aviar Fragment x4 | Aviar Cave Painting x10 | Discarded Ribbon x21 | Good Eater Award x9 | Ghostly Aura x14 | Battered Shields x10 | Expertly-Crafted Spear x8 | Ebon-Edged Spear x10 | Decorative Centaur Quiver x9 | Simple Raptorik Sash x1 | Airborne Warrior Belt x10 | Black Hainu Collar x1 | Hainu Collar x10 | Decorative Rasa Shard x10 | Rasa Pottery Fragment x4 | Mirror x2 | Nocturne Puppet x3 | Bottled Embers x5 | Jar of Vapors x7 | Magi Casting Rod x2 | Mender's Healing Staff x1
gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
Special Items Section

Special Items Section

gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
$$ Sale Section $$

$$ Sale Section $$

gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!
gvQdifp.png · FR+2
· Artist & Lore Writer
· They/Them
· ♥Taken♥
leaves_by_lizziecat1279-d9luwyz.png · FREE EGGS
Nature Thread!