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TOPIC | leveling and training by jovielle
[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F]welcome to my coliseum services! currently i offer customized leveling and training that can be tailored to suit your needs. if you want it, i can probably do it. don't be afraid to ask. i'm available to answer any questions you might have either on this thread or through private messages. just be sure to ping me if you comment in this thread so i don't accidentally overlook it! i also have skype, so feel free to ask for that if you prefer it. [/color] [/font][/size] ----- [center][font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F][b]*currently my services are OPEN*[/b][/color] [/font][/size][/center] ----- [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] before we jump right into business, i'll introduce myself! i go by jovi or jovielle. spending time in the coliseum is actually my favorite part of FR - i find it very zen and calming. the repetitiveness is relaxing to me. overall i'm very easy to work with, and i really enjoy getting to know people on this game. one thing i do [i]promise[/i] to everyone who trusts me with their dragons: [b]i will always be professional, honest, and respectful. i also promise to do my best to keep you up-to-date on the progress and when i estimate i'll be finished.[/b] in return, all i ask is that you [b]remember i am a human being with a life outside of the internet[/b]and you will do your best to return the level of respect i give to you. [u]its also very important to keep in mind that this is still a game that is meant to be fun for all of us.[/u] [/color] [/font][/size] ----- [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] ~be sure to ping me if you post in this thread!! ~if you'd like to have a dragon leveled, please fill in the form below and post it to this thread. ~i accept gems at a 1:350 ratio. ~i will only train one dragon at a time, but i do have a wait list. ~payment is due in full when i complete the training in order to get your dragon back. ~im willing to send one of my dragons as collateral, just ask. [/color] [/font][/size] ----- [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F]the prices are standardized and are the same for everyone, though i will do discounts for returning customers. if you wish to have a dragon leveled, just copy and paste this form, fill in the info and post it in this thread. as soon as i see it, we can either start training or get you put on the waiting list! :) *remember, i only do one dragon at a time, so if you have more than one you want leveled, you'll have to fill out a new one for each dragon. [code] [b]Dragon name/ID number?[/b] [b]What is its current level?[/b] [b]What level do you want it to be trained up to?[/b] @jovielle [/code] [/color] [/font][/size]

welcome to my coliseum services! currently i offer customized leveling and training that can be tailored to suit your needs. if you want it, i can probably do it. don't be afraid to ask. i'm available to answer any questions you might have either on this thread or through private messages. just be sure to ping me if you comment in this thread so i don't accidentally overlook it! i also have skype, so feel free to ask for that if you prefer it.

*currently my services are OPEN*


before we jump right into business, i'll introduce myself! i go by jovi or jovielle. spending time in the coliseum is actually my favorite part of FR - i find it very zen and calming. the repetitiveness is relaxing to me. overall i'm very easy to work with, and i really enjoy getting to know people on this game.

one thing i do promise to everyone who trusts me with their dragons: i will always be professional, honest, and respectful. i also promise to do my best to keep you up-to-date on the progress and when i estimate i'll be finished.

in return, all i ask is that you remember i am a human being with a life outside of the internetand you will do your best to return the level of respect i give to you. its also very important to keep in mind that this is still a game that is meant to be fun for all of us.


~be sure to ping me if you post in this thread!!
~if you'd like to have a dragon leveled, please fill in the form below and post it to this thread.
~i accept gems at a 1:350 ratio.
~i will only train one dragon at a time, but i do have a wait list.
~payment is due in full when i complete the training in order to get your dragon back.
~im willing to send one of my dragons as collateral, just ask.



the prices are standardized and are the same for everyone, though i will do discounts for returning customers. if you wish to have a dragon leveled, just copy and paste this form, fill in the info and post it in this thread. as soon as i see it, we can either start training or get you put on the waiting list! :)

*remember, i only do one dragon at a time, so if you have more than one you want leveled, you'll have to fill out a new one for each dragon.
[b]Dragon name/ID number?[/b] [b]What is its current level?[/b] [b]What level do you want it to be trained up to?[/b] @jovielle

1. Open




Lavender / Maru / Marimo for Kyotosorae [3 levels ea.; 9 total]
Leaflet for AimzVador [3 levels]
Rizzi for Vowfaice [3 levels]
RedShirt for TheStryder [25 levels]


1. Open




Lavender / Maru / Marimo for Kyotosorae [3 levels ea.; 9 total]
Leaflet for AimzVador [3 levels]
Rizzi for Vowfaice [3 levels]
RedShirt for TheStryder [25 levels]

f i r s t:

s e c o n d:

t hi r d:
f i r s t:

s e c o n d:

t hi r d:
[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [font=century gothic][size=6][color=#6A4B6F]g e n e r a l[/color] [/font][/size][font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] [b]What dragons do you offer as collateral?[/b] I always offer dragons that are important to me - ones I've spent a lot of time or money on - regardless of the value of your dragon. I trust the people who use my service, and haven't run into any problems doing this. [i]The only dragons I will [u]never[/u] offer as collateral are the three listed below. I rely on them to run this service and are my main team.[/i] [b]Do I need to pay you for food while my dragon is in your care?[/b] Nope! [/color] [/font][/size] [font=century gothic][size=6][color=#6A4B6F]p a y m e n t[/color][/font][/size][font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] [b]Should I pay you now, or after you're done?[/b] I will only take payment once I've finished the training. When I'm done, I'll send you a crossroads request for the amount that you owe (please specify if you'd like to pay in gems, otherwise I'll assume you're paying in treasure) in exchange for your dragon. [b]Will you take gems and treasure combined? Or does it have to be either all treasure or all gems?[/b] As long as the treasure and gems combined equal the total amount you owe, I'll take any combination of the two. Just please let me know how you'd like to combine them so I know how to do the crossroads request when I finish training. [b]How does payment work if I have one of your dragons as collateral?[/b] In that case, I'll message you when I finish and have you mail the total you owe me. Once I receive it, I'll send you a crossroads request trading your dragon for mine. [/color][/font][/size] [font=century gothic][size=6][color=#6A4B6F]t r a i n i n g[/color] [/font][/size][font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] [b]How long will it take you to train my dragon?[/b] Before I start actively training your dragon, I'll give you an approximate time frame. I can't do this for those on my waiting list because I have no idea how busy I'll be by the time I get to you. If I think it's going to taking longer than I originally quoted, I'll be sure to let you know via private message! [b]What if I decide I want you to stop training sooner than originally planned? What if I immediately want my dragon back?[/b] No problem, I will send your dragon back at any point with no questions asked. You only need to pay me for the work I already did. [/color] [/font][/size] [center][font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] [i] ~ if you have any other questions, please just ask! ~[/i][/color] [/font][/size][/center] ----- [center][IMG][/IMG] [font=century gothic][size=7][color=#6A4B6F]t e a m[/color] [/font][/size][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F]the best trio i could ask for! these three help me level up other dragons - i trained them all the way up from level 1. it was time consuming, but very worth it :) [center][url=] [img][/img][/url] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [/center][/color] [/font][/size] [center][font=century gothic][size=7][color=#6A4B6F]t e s t i m o n i a l s[/color] [/font][/size][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F] anyone who has used my service is welcome to write a review! i'll try to post them here, so hopefully future customers can feel more comfortable sending their dragons to me for training :) [quote name="TheStryder" date="2014-11-24 20:32:03"] Just got my dragon back! Jovielle took him all the way from level 1 to 25 SO FAST. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to level up their dragon! I'm a newb so I was a little nervous giving my dragon to a stranger, but I got him back and the price was set perfectly and I'm glad my newb status wasn't taken advantage of. Thank you so much Jovielle for your service and awesome work! I'll probably be back with more dragons in the future, this was awesome.[/quote][/color] [/font][/size] [font=century gothic][size=4][color=#6A4B6F][i]~ thank you to @superfortress for all the help![/i] [/color] [/font][/size]
g e n e r a l
What dragons do you offer as collateral?
I always offer dragons that are important to me - ones I've spent a lot of time or money on - regardless of the value of your dragon. I trust the people who use my service, and haven't run into any problems doing this.

The only dragons I will never offer as collateral are the three listed below. I rely on them to run this service and are my main team.

Do I need to pay you for food while my dragon is in your care?

p a y m e n t
Should I pay you now, or after you're done?
I will only take payment once I've finished the training. When I'm done, I'll send you a crossroads request for the amount that you owe (please specify if you'd like to pay in gems, otherwise I'll assume you're paying in treasure) in exchange for your dragon.

Will you take gems and treasure combined? Or does it have to be either all treasure or all gems?
As long as the treasure and gems combined equal the total amount you owe, I'll take any combination of the two. Just please let me know how you'd like to combine them so I know how to do the crossroads request when I finish training.

How does payment work if I have one of your dragons as collateral?
In that case, I'll message you when I finish and have you mail the total you owe me. Once I receive it, I'll send you a crossroads request trading your dragon for mine.

t r a i n i n g
How long will it take you to train my dragon?
Before I start actively training your dragon, I'll give you an approximate time frame. I can't do this for those on my waiting list because I have no idea how busy I'll be by the time I get to you. If I think it's going to taking longer than I originally quoted, I'll be sure to let you know via private message!

What if I decide I want you to stop training sooner than originally planned? What if I immediately want my dragon back?
No problem, I will send your dragon back at any point with no questions asked. You only need to pay me for the work I already did.

~ if you have any other questions, please just ask! ~


t e a m
the best trio i could ask for! these three help me level up other dragons - i trained them all the way up from level 1. it was time consuming, but very worth it :)

t e s t i m o n i a l s

anyone who has used my service is welcome to write a review! i'll try to post them here, so hopefully future customers can feel more comfortable sending their dragons to me for training :)

TheStryder wrote on 2014-11-24 20:32:03:
Just got my dragon back! Jovielle took him all the way from level 1 to 25 SO FAST. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to level up their dragon! I'm a newb so I was a little nervous giving my dragon to a stranger, but I got him back and the price was set perfectly and I'm glad my newb status wasn't taken advantage of.

Thank you so much Jovielle for your service and awesome work! I'll probably be back with more dragons in the future, this was awesome.

~ thank you to @superfortress for all the help!
Dragon ID number? 7626516
What is its current level? 12
What level do you want it to be trained up to? 19
Dragon ID number? 7626516
What is its current level? 12
What level do you want it to be trained up to? 19
@Azlynn - 72kt :)
@Azlynn - 72kt :)
heads up, right now i'm making the price table in microsoft word so i can screenshot it and upload it for everyone to see!!
heads up, right now i'm making the price table in microsoft word so i can screenshot it and upload it for everyone to see!!
alrighty, hmm, can i pay some in gems and some in treasure? i currently have 80 gems on me which would leave me with 40K in treasure to pay, using your rate. c:
alrighty, hmm, can i pay some in gems and some in treasure? i currently have 80 gems on me which would leave me with 40K in treasure to pay, using your rate. c:
@Azlynn - yes, that works fine! you don't have to worry about paying me anyway until after the dragon is trained and ready to leave my hands and go back into yours!

edit: also, the price list has been added!
@Azlynn - yes, that works fine! you don't have to worry about paying me anyway until after the dragon is trained and ready to leave my hands and go back into yours!

edit: also, the price list has been added!
okay cool ^^ which dragon do you prefer i keep as collateral?
okay cool ^^ which dragon do you prefer i keep as collateral?