
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | [Gem Conversion!] B@1:450 S@470
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 78 79
Currently: Buying | Selling
Rate to Purchase:

Looking for ~500

Rate to Sell:

Gems on hand ~2000 @ 1:470

I am : Online | Offline | On-and-Off (Leave a message, will get back soon)

I buy and sell ANY number of gems at the above rate, so long as I have the funds.

Will adjust rates as the market spikes and lowers, so check back. Ping below with how much you wish to buy/sell. Thank you!
Currently: Buying | Selling
Rate to Purchase:

Looking for ~500

Rate to Sell:

Gems on hand ~2000 @ 1:470

I am : Online | Offline | On-and-Off (Leave a message, will get back soon)

I buy and sell ANY number of gems at the above rate, so long as I have the funds.

Will adjust rates as the market spikes and lowers, so check back. Ping below with how much you wish to buy/sell. Thank you!
@LadyBrandson I have 53 gems I can send you :)
@LadyBrandson I have 53 gems I can send you :)
Sunbeam Scout of Sornieth

@teacupdragon Send them and I'll give you 16,960 for the lot!

Also love your username.
@teacupdragon Send them and I'll give you 16,960 for the lot!

Also love your username.
@LadyBrandson I just sent them over! :D
@LadyBrandson I just sent them over! :D
Sunbeam Scout of Sornieth

@teacupdragon Thank you for the trade!
@teacupdragon Thank you for the trade!

I have 500 gems... would you consider 325t?

I have 500 gems... would you consider 325t?
@Phedre Considering it's not a large or small number, I'll do the slightly higher rate, sure. Send them my way!
@Phedre Considering it's not a large or small number, I'll do the slightly higher rate, sure. Send them my way!
@Phedre Thanks for the trade!
@Phedre Thanks for the trade!
@LadyBrandson Are you still buying? I need to liquidate 80k worth of gems. |D
@LadyBrandson Are you still buying? I need to liquidate 80k worth of gems. |D
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