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TOPIC | Genes
I plan on having a wildclaw breeding pair with shimmer and iridescent; would adding gembond to one be a really stupid idea (I know it wouldn't pass to all of the babies, which is why I'd only do it to one) because it would be over crowded, or would that potentially be a cool idea?

(sorry for all the stupid questions XD)
I plan on having a wildclaw breeding pair with shimmer and iridescent; would adding gembond to one be a really stupid idea (I know it wouldn't pass to all of the babies, which is why I'd only do it to one) because it would be over crowded, or would that potentially be a cool idea?

(sorry for all the stupid questions XD)

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It's all a matter of opinion! Some may feel that it IS over the top, but others will just love it. I'd do whatever YOU like and trust that there will always be people willing to buy what you have :)
It's all a matter of opinion! Some may feel that it IS over the top, but others will just love it. I'd do whatever YOU like and trust that there will always be people willing to buy what you have :)
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
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I think it depends on the colors, gene and breed of the dragon. I've seen some gorgeous dragons with tertiary genes and some where I go oh noes!!! what were you thinking. Despite that though, I know that some that I liked a friend thought I was crazy to think attractive and another I thought she was crazy to like.

So, I guess my final answer would be put it on if you like the way it looks. You can always preview it.
I think it depends on the colors, gene and breed of the dragon. I've seen some gorgeous dragons with tertiary genes and some where I go oh noes!!! what were you thinking. Despite that though, I know that some that I liked a friend thought I was crazy to think attractive and another I thought she was crazy to like.

So, I guess my final answer would be put it on if you like the way it looks. You can always preview it.
I'm back, but life is being complicated. It probably will take awhile for me to reply, because I log on irratically.
Super, thanks guys. c: They'll be wildclaws, so I guess it will come down to what it looks like once I scroll them.
Super, thanks guys. c: They'll be wildclaws, so I guess it will come down to what it looks like once I scroll them.

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