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TOPIC | on guard and reflect
So my guardian Dragon has this guard ability and I noticed that sometimes in battle he will fail to guard his ward *pokes him*. >_>

Which makes me wonder what determines the success rate for guard? Is it speed or defense? Or simply luck?

Another thing I wondered is when you cast regeneration on a dragon and then reflect will the regeneration be reflected too?
I guess not since its a status which was inflicted before the reflect worked but I'm not sure how regeneration is handled here (sadly doesn't have this ability yet).

On that matter will guard be reflected too? I won't expect since it's no spell but you never know. xD
So my guardian Dragon has this guard ability and I noticed that sometimes in battle he will fail to guard his ward *pokes him*. >_>

Which makes me wonder what determines the success rate for guard? Is it speed or defense? Or simply luck?

Another thing I wondered is when you cast regeneration on a dragon and then reflect will the regeneration be reflected too?
I guess not since its a status which was inflicted before the reflect worked but I'm not sure how regeneration is handled here (sadly doesn't have this ability yet).

On that matter will guard be reflected too? I won't expect since it's no spell but you never know. xD
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