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TOPIC | Dragon Image Inserting
I tried to insert an image of one of my dragons on a forum post, but it showed up a text. I did an image of the dragon's familiar too, and it worked.
I tried to insert an image of one of my dragons on a forum post, but it showed up a text. I did an image of the dragon's familiar too, and it worked.
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Flexible-divider-50.png 68ljs1b.png
@Devonix You can get a quick image link by clicking on the "Share" button (shown below) on a dragon's page. Copy the section labeled "Widget" to get an image code that includes a link to the dragon's page! [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] As a rule of thumb, make sure your image URL ends in a file extension (.png, .jpeg, and so on) in order for the code to recognize it as an image. Copying the dragon's image URL yourself adds some extra text to the end, so that's probably your issue. Check out [url=]Crowe's BBCode Compendium[/url] for more coding tips and tricks!

You can get a quick image link by clicking on the "Share" button (shown below) on a dragon's page. Copy the section labeled "Widget" to get an image code that includes a link to the dragon's page!



As a rule of thumb, make sure your image URL ends in a file extension (.png, .jpeg, and so on) in order for the code to recognize it as an image. Copying the dragon's image URL yourself adds some extra text to the end, so that's probably your issue. Check out Crowe's BBCode Compendium for more coding tips and tricks!

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
feleV0g.png PmVLgRx.png
Ok thanks
Ok thanks
Headpiece-right-60x60.png » she/her
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