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Why when I open the thread or yarn does it keep coming back?
Why when I open the thread or yarn does it keep coming back?

Its a Aprilfools day item. It used to circle through different colors on April 1st and you could open it and get a sweater on april 2nd. Since then the threads are empti and just circle again.

Its a Aprilfools day item. It used to circle through different colors on April 1st and you could open it and get a sweater on april 2nd. Since then the threads are empti and just circle again.
@Meggy124124 Moved to the Help Center! This is the appropriate place to post site related questions. :)
@Meggy124124 Moved to the Help Center! This is the appropriate place to post site related questions. :)
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
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Ugh stupid thread. I wish I got more sweaters
Ugh stupid thread. I wish I got more sweaters