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TOPIC | achievements
I have the runestone and the chess prices and the dolls but my achievement hasn't shown up yet is there something I need to do
I have the runestone and the chess prices and the dolls but my achievement hasn't shown up yet is there something I need to do
@tinysprincess, no, normally the achievements should pop up on their own once you've completed them, but there's currently a bug that's causing them to lag. It's taking anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks for them to activate for different players. So all you can do for now is hold onto your chess pieces and runestones and wait for the achievement to finally register.

Sorry about that! It's a bug the developers are still looking into. :(
@tinysprincess, no, normally the achievements should pop up on their own once you've completed them, but there's currently a bug that's causing them to lag. It's taking anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks for them to activate for different players. So all you can do for now is hold onto your chess pieces and runestones and wait for the achievement to finally register.

Sorry about that! It's a bug the developers are still looking into. :(
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