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TOPIC | Missing/bugged mail
Hi there, for several days now, my mail has been opening with a troop of letters from making my own Tidial Puzzles and today there were several auction sold letters. However when i went to click on one of the tidal (as usual) all the mail page went blank. When i re-opend the mailbox there was nothing in it even though i had an alert saying i had sold an auction. Is something wrong with my mail and if there is, am i losing things i shouldn't be?
Hi there, for several days now, my mail has been opening with a troop of letters from making my own Tidial Puzzles and today there were several auction sold letters. However when i went to click on one of the tidal (as usual) all the mail page went blank. When i re-opend the mailbox there was nothing in it even though i had an alert saying i had sold an auction. Is something wrong with my mail and if there is, am i losing things i shouldn't be?

That sounds... concerning. You can check if you're losing things by going to Auction House -> Activity -> History. This will show your last few AH interactions.

As for the rest, hopefully someone can help. Did you clear your cache?

That sounds... concerning. You can check if you're losing things by going to Auction House -> Activity -> History. This will show your last few AH interactions.

As for the rest, hopefully someone can help. Did you clear your cache?
clear my cache? i empty my inbox every couple days but they never appear. but my internet cache is constantly cleared.
clear my cache? i empty my inbox every couple days but they never appear. but my internet cache is constantly cleared.
@Ironwood The same exact thing happened to someone else a few days ago. Something similar happened to me as well today. (I don't know if I had an alert for an auction sold, as I was in PMs first, but I had the tidal trouble and AH sales in my inbox that you mention.) My auction sales are all still unsold, though, so I don't think you missed a sale. I think it was just a glitch in display of the inbox. I could be wrong, though. And it is definitely odd!
@Ironwood The same exact thing happened to someone else a few days ago. Something similar happened to me as well today. (I don't know if I had an alert for an auction sold, as I was in PMs first, but I had the tidal trouble and AH sales in my inbox that you mention.) My auction sales are all still unsold, though, so I don't think you missed a sale. I think it was just a glitch in display of the inbox. I could be wrong, though. And it is definitely odd!