Magneto, who has gotten to claim the titles of villain, anti-villain, antihero, and superhero (I think, I'm not actually caught up on all of the comics—he may still be in antihero territory) throughout his approximately 60-year existence. First, because I'm nothing if not a sucker for the traumatized guy with a dark side, even if he is a grandpa (comic book de-aging shenanigans notwithstanding, he's still 80+ these days). And he's had an absolutely fantastic development from villain to hero over the decades (redemption arcs! I adore them.) Second, because as the master of magnetism he's capable, in various canons, of doing everything from knocking out the entire globe's magnetic field to keeping his blood circulating despite his heart stopping to messing with people's brains to pulling entire satellites out of orbit to crash them on top of his enemies. He's stupidly powerful and I love him for it.

TOPIC | Favourite superhero and why?

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Magneto, who has gotten to claim the titles of villain, anti-villain, antihero, and superhero (I think, I'm not actually caught up on all of the comics—he may still be in antihero territory) throughout his approximately 60-year existence. First, because I'm nothing if not a sucker for the traumatized guy with a dark side, even if he is a grandpa (comic book de-aging shenanigans notwithstanding, he's still 80+ these days). And he's had an absolutely fantastic development from villain to hero over the decades (redemption arcs! I adore them.) Second, because as the master of magnetism he's capable, in various canons, of doing everything from knocking out the entire globe's magnetic field to keeping his blood circulating despite his heart stopping to messing with people's brains to pulling entire satellites out of orbit to crash them on top of his enemies. He's stupidly powerful and I love him for it.
I'm not a comic book person, but I like superhero movies. My favourites are the Spiderverse ones (looking forward to the third one!). So yeah, gonna say Spider-Man, but specifically Miles Morales.
I'm not a comic book person, but I like superhero movies. My favourites are the Spiderverse ones (looking forward to the third one!). So yeah, gonna say Spider-Man, but specifically Miles Morales.

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