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TOPIC | hardest class you've ever taken?
probably Pchem III for me. i was decent with Pchem I/II (thermodynamics and kinetics) but Phcem III was quantum mechanics and i didn't really have the bandwidth for that with undergrad research labs, nutritional biochemistry, and final project stuff.

still went alright, though i'm not sure when i'm going to be using what i've learned from there with my specialization.
probably Pchem III for me. i was decent with Pchem I/II (thermodynamics and kinetics) but Phcem III was quantum mechanics and i didn't really have the bandwidth for that with undergrad research labs, nutritional biochemistry, and final project stuff.

still went alright, though i'm not sure when i'm going to be using what i've learned from there with my specialization.
"Heh, 10-high straight. Wait, what do you mean 7 comes after 6? Uh, nah I was just kidding, yeah..."

- Eryth
In high school I wanted to learn more about computer science, and with the recommendation of my teacher, I took AP Computer Science. We coded in Java. At that point, my experience with code was solely in HTML, which is VERY simple compared to Java.

We started out pretty simple; things like printing 'hello world' (which seems to be a constant when learning coding); interactable buttons, creating shapes, etc. But eventually we had to learn things like a bunch of info sorting methods, recursion, etc. I really struggled with recursion. For the uninformed; recursion is basically when a piece of code repeats itself multiple times... and the way they tested your knowledge of this concept was with math. Multiple lines of large number math. I never could understand why the 'answer' was so much larger than whatever I tried to calculate.

Oh, and the AP test was FILLED with recursion. You also had 'free write' questions which asked testers to write code from scratch on a single piece of paper. Needless to say I didn't pass.
In high school I wanted to learn more about computer science, and with the recommendation of my teacher, I took AP Computer Science. We coded in Java. At that point, my experience with code was solely in HTML, which is VERY simple compared to Java.

We started out pretty simple; things like printing 'hello world' (which seems to be a constant when learning coding); interactable buttons, creating shapes, etc. But eventually we had to learn things like a bunch of info sorting methods, recursion, etc. I really struggled with recursion. For the uninformed; recursion is basically when a piece of code repeats itself multiple times... and the way they tested your knowledge of this concept was with math. Multiple lines of large number math. I never could understand why the 'answer' was so much larger than whatever I tried to calculate.

Oh, and the AP test was FILLED with recursion. You also had 'free write' questions which asked testers to write code from scratch on a single piece of paper. Needless to say I didn't pass.
animated pixel anchor by bluedragonxxx Fishes
she/her | +3 FR time
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Some kind of innovations in tech course that was a degree requirement but was a complete waste of time. One of my statistics courses was hard, but I at least enjoy doing that kind of stuff. The awful tech course required us to spit out ~3k words of writing each week based on scant articles and reading material. In my case, this was a special kind of hell. I would've rather done presentations the entire time because I actually like doing them.

The first time I dropped it because I was having none of it. Oh and can't forget the awful discussion section where you had to make your own post then respond to other peoples' :). Everyone always sounded so forced when making those.
Some kind of innovations in tech course that was a degree requirement but was a complete waste of time. One of my statistics courses was hard, but I at least enjoy doing that kind of stuff. The awful tech course required us to spit out ~3k words of writing each week based on scant articles and reading material. In my case, this was a special kind of hell. I would've rather done presentations the entire time because I actually like doing them.

The first time I dropped it because I was having none of it. Oh and can't forget the awful discussion section where you had to make your own post then respond to other peoples' :). Everyone always sounded so forced when making those.
25762.png frame-0-delay-0-1s-1.png
Taking advanced data structures right now </3 I got a 66 on our midterm AFTER the curve...
Taking advanced data structures right now </3 I got a 66 on our midterm AFTER the curve...
7584.png CQ7Bbrl.png
...boCWZOI.gif .....................................
the hardest class I took skill-wise was probably French. I have zero skill for pronunciation in any other language, so it was a bit difficult to pass a class when I couldn't really speak the language. I had decent reading comprehension though, which is less surprising as I've always preferred reading over speaking.

I'd say the hardest class due to my anxiety was public speaking. I even took the course online, but I still had to film speeches for the professor. I hated it. I'd rather write another 30 page thesis paper twenty times before another public speaking course.

I think your professor/teacher can also influence this quite a bit. I thought math or science would be my hardest in college but I had amazing professors that helped me succeed rather easily (for me) in my classes, which influenced me quite a bit.
the hardest class I took skill-wise was probably French. I have zero skill for pronunciation in any other language, so it was a bit difficult to pass a class when I couldn't really speak the language. I had decent reading comprehension though, which is less surprising as I've always preferred reading over speaking.

I'd say the hardest class due to my anxiety was public speaking. I even took the course online, but I still had to film speeches for the professor. I hated it. I'd rather write another 30 page thesis paper twenty times before another public speaking course.

I think your professor/teacher can also influence this quite a bit. I thought math or science would be my hardest in college but I had amazing professors that helped me succeed rather easily (for me) in my classes, which influenced me quite a bit.
new to the game, hello!
any and all math classes get me STRESSING. i understand like a week in but then second week in all of a sudden my graphs arent graphing right and i've forgotten 90% of the previous year's content and then my books are somehow full of notes but none of the notes make sense and are barely readable and i somehow also have NO study time whatsoever
any and all math classes get me STRESSING. i understand like a week in but then second week in all of a sudden my graphs arent graphing right and i've forgotten 90% of the previous year's content and then my books are somehow full of notes but none of the notes make sense and are barely readable and i somehow also have NO study time whatsoever
Hardest and most boring would be any math class beyond basics. I don't have the mind of a mathematician, I don't plan to be a mathematician, end of story.
Hardest and most boring would be any math class beyond basics. I don't have the mind of a mathematician, I don't plan to be a mathematician, end of story.
Adult, Aro/Ace, +3 FR Time
physics. physics be damned. I love numbers but not like this bro

same goes for geo for similar reasons. either geometry enthusiasts are insane or I'm blind because I don't understand what goes on in those triangles 90% of the time.
physics. physics be damned. I love numbers but not like this bro

same goes for geo for similar reasons. either geometry enthusiasts are insane or I'm blind because I don't understand what goes on in those triangles 90% of the time.
xxxx pixel art of otto. x
[bold] bbcode is my passion. a really small and badly drawn frog, cheering at the viewer.

xalgae enthusiast , busy outfit enjoyer | she/her | june ||
come see synopsis or my g1 sales ||
Precalc 12 for now (taking calc next sem hopefully I don’t die lol)

It’s not hard content-wise, I’m usually a very good student but my study habits are NON EXISTENT. That means I kinda just uhhhhhh brute-force memorize everything which worked for lower grades but then we got like heavy course load and memorization really burnt me out lol

I still don’t know how to study but whatever

I also took the AP exam but with like uhhhh 2 weeks of prep and I also didnt know how to code LMAO
I forgot you could guess on the multichoice and left like 50% blank.....needless to say I did not pass either lol
Precalc 12 for now (taking calc next sem hopefully I don’t die lol)

It’s not hard content-wise, I’m usually a very good student but my study habits are NON EXISTENT. That means I kinda just uhhhhhh brute-force memorize everything which worked for lower grades but then we got like heavy course load and memorization really burnt me out lol

I still don’t know how to study but whatever

I also took the AP exam but with like uhhhh 2 weeks of prep and I also didnt know how to code LMAO
I forgot you could guess on the multichoice and left like 50% blank.....needless to say I did not pass either lol

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idk how to format

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calculus my beloathed
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art of two hedgehogs with a green Nature symbol teacup, linking to the thread the badge was froma fake item ribbon with trans and rainbow flag colors linking to a thread with more ribbons/art of a traveling green Nature flight Spiral dragon linking to the artist