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TOPIC | sleepwalking or sleeptalking stories?
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saw this post in frd, but my sleepwalking and talking experiences are not fr related, so I decided to make a post here!

the general question is do you have any stories about you sleepwalking or sleeptalking in the past?


as far as I know, I've only sleepwalked once, at my grandparent's condo when I was much younger. apparently I got up in the middle of the night, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed and locked the door behind me, and then sat on the toilet seat (with all of my clothes still on) and started crying. it's kind of a ridiculous story haha. I ended up waking up my grandma with my crying, and she had to wake me up by knocking on the bathroom door!

I also have one sleeptalking story, also at the same grandparent's house?? it was a different house, not the condo, but still interesting. apparently I was kind of whining and kept saying "stop", so apparently it was another frustrating dream! but to be fair I was sleeping in the same room with my grandparents and they both snore a lot, so I cannot blame my sleeping self for being annoyed by that lmao (I've never slept in the same room with them again, because omg I canNOT stand snoring when I'm asleep. except MAYBE if I could blast white noise straight into my ears with earbuds or something!)

I actually think I've probably sleeptalked in my sleep much more than that, I've definitely woke up crying sometimes so my body totally reacts to my dreams to a large degree. however, most of the time nobody is around when I'm asleep, except in 2020 when I had roommates but I guess I never sleeptalked during that experience!

anyways, rambles and tangents over haha
saw this post in frd, but my sleepwalking and talking experiences are not fr related, so I decided to make a post here!

the general question is do you have any stories about you sleepwalking or sleeptalking in the past?


as far as I know, I've only sleepwalked once, at my grandparent's condo when I was much younger. apparently I got up in the middle of the night, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed and locked the door behind me, and then sat on the toilet seat (with all of my clothes still on) and started crying. it's kind of a ridiculous story haha. I ended up waking up my grandma with my crying, and she had to wake me up by knocking on the bathroom door!

I also have one sleeptalking story, also at the same grandparent's house?? it was a different house, not the condo, but still interesting. apparently I was kind of whining and kept saying "stop", so apparently it was another frustrating dream! but to be fair I was sleeping in the same room with my grandparents and they both snore a lot, so I cannot blame my sleeping self for being annoyed by that lmao (I've never slept in the same room with them again, because omg I canNOT stand snoring when I'm asleep. except MAYBE if I could blast white noise straight into my ears with earbuds or something!)

I actually think I've probably sleeptalked in my sleep much more than that, I've definitely woke up crying sometimes so my body totally reacts to my dreams to a large degree. however, most of the time nobody is around when I'm asleep, except in 2020 when I had roommates but I guess I never sleeptalked during that experience!

anyways, rambles and tangents over haha
~~~~ hello ^^ ~~~~
ara - 21 - she/any
pings and messages
always welcome :)

Accent: petals of violet
500g/kt each
Omg that sleepwalking story is such a mood.

I used to sleeptalk a LOT bc I lived in a dysfunctional home - one time when I was at a friend's house I sat up, looked her dead in the eye and said "spoons" before lying back down and just sleeping again

I also remember being at that same friend's house and grabbing a bag of gummy worms in my sleep and she asked me if I'd remember the interaction in the morning, and to try and prove that I was awake I snapped my fingers a bunch LMAO

I've also sleepwalked only once. I used to have a loft bed at my parents' house - I somehow managed to climb down in my sleep and I just remember waking up standing in the middle of my room lol

idk if you're the same as me where you sleeptalk when stressed but that apparently was my trigger for sleeptalking a lot haha, I haven't done it again in years now
Omg that sleepwalking story is such a mood.

I used to sleeptalk a LOT bc I lived in a dysfunctional home - one time when I was at a friend's house I sat up, looked her dead in the eye and said "spoons" before lying back down and just sleeping again

I also remember being at that same friend's house and grabbing a bag of gummy worms in my sleep and she asked me if I'd remember the interaction in the morning, and to try and prove that I was awake I snapped my fingers a bunch LMAO

I've also sleepwalked only once. I used to have a loft bed at my parents' house - I somehow managed to climb down in my sleep and I just remember waking up standing in the middle of my room lol

idk if you're the same as me where you sleeptalk when stressed but that apparently was my trigger for sleeptalking a lot haha, I haven't done it again in years now
I'm not the active participant here, but I got a story.

So, I'm notoriously bad at sleeping. I take long to fall asleep, because my brain won't shut up, and I have a fairly light sleep overall. My partner is the exact opposite. A 'sleep through the apocalype' kinda person. I want what he's having.

One night, one long long night, I finally managed to get to state of slowly drifting off, after having already lain two hours or so awake. But the peace didn't last. I shot awake at a sound. A tired, distinctly human voice, saying "Meow."
I I was about to get mad, but before I could say anything, I realised he was still asleep. I think no one can be mad at someone sleep-meowing, even if it meant a few hours less sleep. Instead, I had to hold back hard not to laugh (although that probably wouldn't have woken him anyway).

He also found it pretty funny the next day, and we still reference it from time to time.

Edit: Remembered another one.

He also moves in his sleep. Never gets out of the bed, but I've had multiple times an arm falling onto my face in the middle of the night. I can usually shove all of him back to his side of the bed without him waking up, but the one time he did wake he was very apologetic.
One time it happened however, after the impact he shuffeled his arm around until his hand found my face. He gave me a few squeezes before stating "Ah, it's you and your thing", removed his arm from me and peacefully went back to sleep.
Well, a deeper sleep at least, because bringing it up in the morning revealed he had no memories of any of that. Because I just had to ask. What the hell is my 'thing'? It's a mystery for the ages.
I'm not the active participant here, but I got a story.

So, I'm notoriously bad at sleeping. I take long to fall asleep, because my brain won't shut up, and I have a fairly light sleep overall. My partner is the exact opposite. A 'sleep through the apocalype' kinda person. I want what he's having.

One night, one long long night, I finally managed to get to state of slowly drifting off, after having already lain two hours or so awake. But the peace didn't last. I shot awake at a sound. A tired, distinctly human voice, saying "Meow."
I I was about to get mad, but before I could say anything, I realised he was still asleep. I think no one can be mad at someone sleep-meowing, even if it meant a few hours less sleep. Instead, I had to hold back hard not to laugh (although that probably wouldn't have woken him anyway).

He also found it pretty funny the next day, and we still reference it from time to time.

Edit: Remembered another one.

He also moves in his sleep. Never gets out of the bed, but I've had multiple times an arm falling onto my face in the middle of the night. I can usually shove all of him back to his side of the bed without him waking up, but the one time he did wake he was very apologetic.
One time it happened however, after the impact he shuffeled his arm around until his hand found my face. He gave me a few squeezes before stating "Ah, it's you and your thing", removed his arm from me and peacefully went back to sleep.
Well, a deeper sleep at least, because bringing it up in the morning revealed he had no memories of any of that. Because I just had to ask. What the hell is my 'thing'? It's a mystery for the ages.
This isn't too frequent for me, as I've never sleepwalked before, but I do apparently sleeptalk sometimes according to my mum

She's heard me swearing before in my sleep bahah

Also I think she told me once I exclaimed 'I want crisps' quite loudly

I genuinely never knew I did this before but uh, kinda embarrassing not gonna lie LMAO. I've never sleepwalked before as far as I'm concerned though; I do roll around and shuffle quite often in my sleep however, I've woken up with plushies and pillows off of my bed and I'm just baffled as to how that could've happened
This isn't too frequent for me, as I've never sleepwalked before, but I do apparently sleeptalk sometimes according to my mum

She's heard me swearing before in my sleep bahah

Also I think she told me once I exclaimed 'I want crisps' quite loudly

I genuinely never knew I did this before but uh, kinda embarrassing not gonna lie LMAO. I've never sleepwalked before as far as I'm concerned though; I do roll around and shuffle quite often in my sleep however, I've woken up with plushies and pillows off of my bed and I'm just baffled as to how that could've happened

~** FLUFFERB **~

i dont sleep walk, but i have and still do sleep talk. i think the funniest recent experience would be when me and my fiancé were at a dog show in st louis and we were sleeping in an airbnb that night. i guess i had woken up in the middle of the night, sat up straight, gripped his arm, and asked in a really low voice (mind you, i normally sound like im 12) "WHERE IS IT."

i dont remember doing it, but he said he didnt fall asleep for the rest of the night bahaha
i dont sleep walk, but i have and still do sleep talk. i think the funniest recent experience would be when me and my fiancé were at a dog show in st louis and we were sleeping in an airbnb that night. i guess i had woken up in the middle of the night, sat up straight, gripped his arm, and asked in a really low voice (mind you, i normally sound like im 12) "WHERE IS IT."

i dont remember doing it, but he said he didnt fall asleep for the rest of the night bahaha
she | 26 | fr +2
audhd + chronically ill
tired equine nutrition student
i don’t sleep walk, but i do move around a lot, like a lot. my mom refused to let me sleep in her bed when i had nightmares when i was like, 5-6, because i moved around so much and i kicked her all the time. legitimately found a stuffed toy on the other side of my room and i just sat there confused for a few minutes, and i also found my pillow on the bunkbed stairs? idk
i do sleep talk though
when me and my brother shared a room (slept in a bunk bed) my brother would consistently hear me mumbling in my sleep. usually none of it was able to be deciphered. but apparently one night i really loudly said “why???,” and i also snickered pretty often according to him. i also snore really lightly. it always scared the hell out of him, lol
he told me about my adventures through dreams breaking out of my skull a few months ago, and i was so confuzzled but my mum was laughing
i don’t sleep walk, but i do move around a lot, like a lot. my mom refused to let me sleep in her bed when i had nightmares when i was like, 5-6, because i moved around so much and i kicked her all the time. legitimately found a stuffed toy on the other side of my room and i just sat there confused for a few minutes, and i also found my pillow on the bunkbed stairs? idk
i do sleep talk though
when me and my brother shared a room (slept in a bunk bed) my brother would consistently hear me mumbling in my sleep. usually none of it was able to be deciphered. but apparently one night i really loudly said “why???,” and i also snickered pretty often according to him. i also snore really lightly. it always scared the hell out of him, lol
he told me about my adventures through dreams breaking out of my skull a few months ago, and i was so confuzzled but my mum was laughing
I sleep-fight apparently.

Years-years ago, when I had to share a room and bed with my elder sister, I punched her in the lip in my sleep. In my defense, someone in my dream stole my porkchop.

We still laugh about it to this day.
I sleep-fight apparently.

Years-years ago, when I had to share a room and bed with my elder sister, I punched her in the lip in my sleep. In my defense, someone in my dream stole my porkchop.

We still laugh about it to this day.
my bed is a bunk bed, so I know for a fact that I don't sleepwalk, and no one has ever told me that I talk in my sleep, but I sometimes react to my dreams and wake myself up. like, I know I once woke myself up because my dream was so funny that I woke up and immediately giggled before I could understand what I was laughing at, and another time I woke up because in my dream I felt the need to talk and I couldn't talk because I was sleeping and that realization broke the dream so much that it forced me to wake up. also the number of times I've gotten scared or overwhelmed from a nightmare and woken up in a near-panic is absurdly high... I get nightmares when stressed or overheated, which sends me into a panic, and I overheat very quickly. summer is not fun for me.
my bed is a bunk bed, so I know for a fact that I don't sleepwalk, and no one has ever told me that I talk in my sleep, but I sometimes react to my dreams and wake myself up. like, I know I once woke myself up because my dream was so funny that I woke up and immediately giggled before I could understand what I was laughing at, and another time I woke up because in my dream I felt the need to talk and I couldn't talk because I was sleeping and that realization broke the dream so much that it forced me to wake up. also the number of times I've gotten scared or overwhelmed from a nightmare and woken up in a near-panic is absurdly high... I get nightmares when stressed or overheated, which sends me into a panic, and I overheat very quickly. summer is not fun for me.
Imagining dragons...

Lucky - HxcMlGn.png - JrEJc4j.png
fanfiction writer and chronic daydreamer - uPNWHgD.png

Reminded of the time I dreamed that I would kick someone, and accidentally kicked the wall near me IRL. It didn't hurt, but I was confused afterward.
Reminded of the time I dreamed that I would kick someone, and accidentally kicked the wall near me IRL. It didn't hurt, but I was confused afterward.
A bottle of Dasani (water)
Please drink water.

Step away if things get heated.
OH LOL i got a good one

one of the only things i can remember from when i was a kid actually.

sleepover at my cousin's. my brother was asleep in a sleeping bag on the floor and me and my cousin were on his bed playing pokemon crystal using an electric lantern so we could see the screens.
i dont remember what we were talking about but my brother from the floor suddenly goes 'HEY' like kind of loud.
alex (my cousin) looks down and just goes 'what' before my brother sits up and just stares at us and says
'you just ate that guys juice'
and then goes back to sleep

so glad i actually remember this. me and my cousin still bring it up and have a giggle about it lol
OH LOL i got a good one

one of the only things i can remember from when i was a kid actually.

sleepover at my cousin's. my brother was asleep in a sleeping bag on the floor and me and my cousin were on his bed playing pokemon crystal using an electric lantern so we could see the screens.
i dont remember what we were talking about but my brother from the floor suddenly goes 'HEY' like kind of loud.
alex (my cousin) looks down and just goes 'what' before my brother sits up and just stares at us and says
'you just ate that guys juice'
and then goes back to sleep

so glad i actually remember this. me and my cousin still bring it up and have a giggle about it lol
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