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TOPIC | Favorite Vegetables?
vegetables seem to get a bad rap in media, and i don’t know exactly why, but that is just not true because vegetables are DELICIOUS. so! what are your favorite vegetables? :00

i’ll go first: i really like baby spinach, steamed broccoli, and jicama!!
vegetables seem to get a bad rap in media, and i don’t know exactly why, but that is just not true because vegetables are DELICIOUS. so! what are your favorite vegetables? :00

i’ll go first: i really like baby spinach, steamed broccoli, and jicama!!
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I'm not a huge vegetable fan, but green beans with seasoning are really good!
I'm not a huge vegetable fan, but green beans with seasoning are really good!
Steamed spinach with a bit of salt is great.
Steamed spinach with a bit of salt is great.
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I love green beans so much, you have no idea. Green onions are good, too.
I love green beans so much, you have no idea. Green onions are good, too.
Broccoli <3
Broccoli <3
She/Her | PM me about saving a fodder dragon :)
Most squash, radishes, brussel sprouts and PICKLES
Most squash, radishes, brussel sprouts and PICKLES
#1 Speckle Fan * Old Dragon Collector * FR+3
Cauliflower! It's good cooked and I like it uncooked with some dip :)
Cauliflower! It's good cooked and I like it uncooked with some dip :)
art of a yellow winged cat standing on a book, linking to the thread the badge was froma fake item ribbon with trans and rainbow flag colors linking to a thread with more ribbons/art of a traveling Light flight Spiral dragon linking to the artist
[quote name="IchibanKasuga" date="2024-01-20 13:35:24" ] Broccoli <3 [/quote] Literally the only vegetable I eat, because baked beans suck with their sauce, and most other veggies just have a weird texture. Peas would probably be decent, but for whatever reason they just went off the menu i guess. However, there is one legal application of baked beans is on a baguette that has grated cheddar on it. Bean stick, my beloved. In most cases, especially if you're a neurodivergent person who's picky around food, I think the enjoyment of a vegetable is down to how it's been prepared. I don't like carrots, but a different formatting and blend of ingredients may help me to like it. Please, stop serving carrots in a disc format.
IchibanKasuga wrote on 2024-01-20 13:35:24:
Broccoli <3
Literally the only vegetable I eat, because baked beans suck with their sauce, and most other veggies just have a weird texture. Peas would probably be decent, but for whatever reason they just went off the menu i guess.

However, there is one legal application of baked beans is on a baguette that has grated cheddar on it. Bean stick, my beloved.

In most cases, especially if you're a neurodivergent person who's picky around food, I think the enjoyment of a vegetable is down to how it's been prepared. I don't like carrots, but a different formatting and blend of ingredients may help me to like it. Please, stop serving carrots in a disc format.

wip sig pls bear with i'm new to this stuff
I LOVE veggies!
Out of all of them the one I use the most in all of my cooking is garlic.
Literally. You put it in anything and it tastes good.
Recipe says to put in a spoonful of minced garlic? I say ok and find the biggest spoon I can.
I swear by garlic.
I LOVE veggies!
Out of all of them the one I use the most in all of my cooking is garlic.
Literally. You put it in anything and it tastes good.
Recipe says to put in a spoonful of minced garlic? I say ok and find the biggest spoon I can.
I swear by garlic.

Spinach sauteed with a little butter and garlic = A++++, but even regular steamed spinach is tasty to me.

I also love carrots, onions, bell peppers, squashes, zucchini, asparagus, green beans, bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, bean sprouts, broccoli, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, green onions, tomatoes, potatoes... tbh I can probably list fewer vegetables that I don't like.

Spinach sauteed with a little butter and garlic = A++++, but even regular steamed spinach is tasty to me.

I also love carrots, onions, bell peppers, squashes, zucchini, asparagus, green beans, bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, bean sprouts, broccoli, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, green onions, tomatoes, potatoes... tbh I can probably list fewer vegetables that I don't like.
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