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TOPIC | If you had to be an animal...
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Everyone says I have the personality of a fox but tbh I'd really rather be a whale or a bat. I know those are vastly different but to just be a little hamster with wings, that sleeps a lot and then is just living its best little life eating fruit in the moonlight? A dream. I think whales are pretty self explanatory, I don't really love the ocean but I think being a big whale just doing whale things and being all mysterious and stuff would be everything.
Everyone says I have the personality of a fox but tbh I'd really rather be a whale or a bat. I know those are vastly different but to just be a little hamster with wings, that sleeps a lot and then is just living its best little life eating fruit in the moonlight? A dream. I think whales are pretty self explanatory, I don't really love the ocean but I think being a big whale just doing whale things and being all mysterious and stuff would be everything.
Today I feel like a hippo...
Today I feel like a hippo...
Usually I'd say a wolf, but y'know what? Maybe today I want to be a parrot instead. Smart, can fly, live a long time, get to yell a lot... yeah, I bet that's a good life. :P
Usually I'd say a wolf, but y'know what? Maybe today I want to be a parrot instead. Smart, can fly, live a long time, get to yell a lot... yeah, I bet that's a good life. :P
this specific crow
this specific crow
22 • he/him • eng/jpn • fr+3

click here for a random bird
Either a black vulture or a merlin

I just want to be able to fly, man.
Either a black vulture or a merlin

I just want to be able to fly, man.
Cat is my generic answer, Serval is my specific. Why? Well, aside from it being my favorite animal, we both have long leggies, ears that stick out far, spots (freckles), and are subject to bursts of spontaneous energy.
Cat is my generic answer, Serval is my specific. Why? Well, aside from it being my favorite animal, we both have long leggies, ears that stick out far, spots (freckles), and are subject to bursts of spontaneous energy.
id want to be a cat :-] Becuase theyre my favorite animal and cats r generally just Really Silly . id love to be a silly cat
id want to be a cat :-] Becuase theyre my favorite animal and cats r generally just Really Silly . id love to be a silly cat
^ hi.. . my art ^
For the rest of my life? I'd want to be a monkey for the opposable thumbs. Maybe a spider monkey, so people wouldn't be afraid of me.
For the rest of my life? I'd want to be a monkey for the opposable thumbs. Maybe a spider monkey, so people wouldn't be afraid of me.
I think that I would be a cat.
I think that I would be a cat.
Siphonophorae - idk they seem cool like, theyre just chillin in the deap blue sea and float around plus they look SICK. love them
Siphonophorae - idk they seem cool like, theyre just chillin in the deap blue sea and float around plus they look SICK. love them
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