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TOPIC | opinions on the SW sequel trilogy?
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what did you guys think of the star wars sequels and how the trilogy ended? this is NOT a spoiler free zone, so watch out!

i personally don't think it was as bad as people made it out to be. i think it's the fandom that makes them seem worse to me, because i really don't like kylo ren and everyone loves him and portrays him in a completely un-canonical way.

other than that, i don't really hate much about them. i was satisfied with the rise of skywalker, they could've done better, sure, but i was expecting something much, much worse. i personally think rey is a little op, but she IS the granddaughter of one of the most powerful sith lords in history, so i think it makes sense for her to be pretty powerful. idk.

also, the visuals in the movies are really cool. i loved all the diverse planets in the movies, even if the whole desert, ice planet, and forest planet thing was used before.

what did you guys think? be respectful, everyone has different opinions!
what did you guys think of the star wars sequels and how the trilogy ended? this is NOT a spoiler free zone, so watch out!

i personally don't think it was as bad as people made it out to be. i think it's the fandom that makes them seem worse to me, because i really don't like kylo ren and everyone loves him and portrays him in a completely un-canonical way.

other than that, i don't really hate much about them. i was satisfied with the rise of skywalker, they could've done better, sure, but i was expecting something much, much worse. i personally think rey is a little op, but she IS the granddaughter of one of the most powerful sith lords in history, so i think it makes sense for her to be pretty powerful. idk.

also, the visuals in the movies are really cool. i loved all the diverse planets in the movies, even if the whole desert, ice planet, and forest planet thing was used before.

what did you guys think? be respectful, everyone has different opinions!
addams » she / her » avatar dragon
“i think i might have fallen in love...”
”...what am i to do?”

you're so right, i felt like they made things about kylo in the end and not about the actual heroes, especially poe, finn, and rose. i feel like the villains are all the same, some sith lord who wants to kill all the jedi and crush the rebellion, etc etc etc. it'd be nice if the villain wasn't a sad white boy that's a space nazi but gets forgiven in the end every time. personally, i love darth vader, and at least he had a better redemption than kylo, but they really are almost the same.

they really shouldn't have sidelined them all like that. i loved rose, but they sidelined her completely in tros. poe is also one of my favorite characters, he had so much potential, but they made him into han 2.0. finn would've made a great jedi, they were really setting him up to be one, i think, but they totally shut that down and focused on kylo. honestly.

i agree, they're all op. it's not a big deal.
you're so right, i felt like they made things about kylo in the end and not about the actual heroes, especially poe, finn, and rose. i feel like the villains are all the same, some sith lord who wants to kill all the jedi and crush the rebellion, etc etc etc. it'd be nice if the villain wasn't a sad white boy that's a space nazi but gets forgiven in the end every time. personally, i love darth vader, and at least he had a better redemption than kylo, but they really are almost the same.

they really shouldn't have sidelined them all like that. i loved rose, but they sidelined her completely in tros. poe is also one of my favorite characters, he had so much potential, but they made him into han 2.0. finn would've made a great jedi, they were really setting him up to be one, i think, but they totally shut that down and focused on kylo. honestly.

i agree, they're all op. it's not a big deal.
addams » she / her » avatar dragon
“i think i might have fallen in love...”
”...what am i to do?”

As separate films, not part of an ongoing saga, they were ok. But there wasn't an overall story, and each Director went to great lengths to throw away everything that happened previously.

The Force Awakens basically threw out Return of the Jedi and went through unbelievable contortions to make sure the story was about a plucky rebel from a desert planet fighting an evil empire and destroying a death star. There were so many other ways they could have gone. It did not need to be so derivative. That said, it was a fine movie to watch and had many good moments. I probably like it the best of the trilogy.

Then the Last Jedi tossed out everything set up in The Force Awakens.

And Rise of Skywalker tossed out everything The Last Jedi set up.

All of which didn't leave any room for a single, consistent story. If the entire trilogy had been done by Abrams or Johnson, at least it would have been one story. Ultimately, I blame Disney for allowing this.

So, they're ok movies. There's good in them, I can sense it. Just not enough.

Say what you will about the Prequels, at least there was a good story in there, buried under the bad acting, dialogue, and cheesy humour. I've always quite liked the Prequels, despite their flaws.
As separate films, not part of an ongoing saga, they were ok. But there wasn't an overall story, and each Director went to great lengths to throw away everything that happened previously.

The Force Awakens basically threw out Return of the Jedi and went through unbelievable contortions to make sure the story was about a plucky rebel from a desert planet fighting an evil empire and destroying a death star. There were so many other ways they could have gone. It did not need to be so derivative. That said, it was a fine movie to watch and had many good moments. I probably like it the best of the trilogy.

Then the Last Jedi tossed out everything set up in The Force Awakens.

And Rise of Skywalker tossed out everything The Last Jedi set up.

All of which didn't leave any room for a single, consistent story. If the entire trilogy had been done by Abrams or Johnson, at least it would have been one story. Ultimately, I blame Disney for allowing this.

So, they're ok movies. There's good in them, I can sense it. Just not enough.

Say what you will about the Prequels, at least there was a good story in there, buried under the bad acting, dialogue, and cheesy humour. I've always quite liked the Prequels, despite their flaws.
you're right. they didn't feel super consistent, and they really could've been their own movies with some small changes.
you're right. they didn't feel super consistent, and they really could've been their own movies with some small changes.
addams » she / her » avatar dragon
“i think i might have fallen in love...”
”...what am i to do?”

Some good, some bad.

They cheated my boy Finn. Absolute disgrace there.

I'd also say they cheated Rose. At a conceptual level, the idea of her and Finn--two people whose entire lives were shaped by the same core tyranny but with two very different outcomes--makes a really interesting dynamic, and it's a gateway into humanizing the horrors of the First Order so they're not just "Empire, New Game+"

I'd second (third?) that Rey is, at her base, not really as bad as folks seem to think. I'd argue that the issue's not that she's a Mary Sue, but rather that she's used as a tool for plot advancement, and she's wielded with the subtlety of a hammer through a stained glass window. She's powerful, sure, but "forgets" those powers when the plot needs her to. She's only tempted by the dark side when the plot thinks it'd be cool. She acknowledges bonds with characters only when the plot says it's necessary, she does things that don't make loads of sense in-universe in service of nostalgia. Outside of that she's fine. With more room to breathe and develop, she'd have shone, I think.

Kylo Ren was a great character. Would I ever, ever ship him with Rey? No. Absolutely not, but that's not a critique on the character--if anything, it's acknowledgement of how effective his portrayal was. I liked that they had the nads to explore what a "proto-Sith" looks like, tantrums and all.

Bringing Palpatine back was a bad move and I'll stand by it, not from a mechanics POV, but from a meta POV. Why the hell did Vader die? Anakin was the chosen one, we had six movies about his rise, fall, and redemption, only to find out that "oops, didn't quite blow him up hard enough! Sorry Ani! Don't worry, he did the dirty so we've got his granddaughter in to kill him way harder." Why? What's the Skywalker legacy? All this stuff turned out to be the Palpatine Dynasty's doing, the Skywalkers were just some weird delay switch. And no, her taking their name doesn't fix it in the slightest.

There were some really cool setpieces. Not gonna lie, the hyperspace maneuver was absolutely breathtaking. The visual of the bombers was pretty cool. I think I'm the only one who thinks Crait looks neat, but Crait looks neat, there I said it.

Similarly, some neat expansions on the universe.

Overall though, I would've enjoyed this a lot more if it wasn't tied back to the existing Star Wars movies. They could've been exciting, muddled, but visually stellar romps through nonsense, and I would've been a-okay with it.

We can collectively handwave the hyperspace stuff as "a million to one shot" or whatever they said and pretend that fixes things, but the plot of the third movie really did was what it was. It's weird that, even with all the nostalgia they packed into the new trilogy, they felt comfortable mangling the Skywalker legacy that much just so they could Frankenstein Rey onto it.
Some good, some bad.

They cheated my boy Finn. Absolute disgrace there.

I'd also say they cheated Rose. At a conceptual level, the idea of her and Finn--two people whose entire lives were shaped by the same core tyranny but with two very different outcomes--makes a really interesting dynamic, and it's a gateway into humanizing the horrors of the First Order so they're not just "Empire, New Game+"

I'd second (third?) that Rey is, at her base, not really as bad as folks seem to think. I'd argue that the issue's not that she's a Mary Sue, but rather that she's used as a tool for plot advancement, and she's wielded with the subtlety of a hammer through a stained glass window. She's powerful, sure, but "forgets" those powers when the plot needs her to. She's only tempted by the dark side when the plot thinks it'd be cool. She acknowledges bonds with characters only when the plot says it's necessary, she does things that don't make loads of sense in-universe in service of nostalgia. Outside of that she's fine. With more room to breathe and develop, she'd have shone, I think.

Kylo Ren was a great character. Would I ever, ever ship him with Rey? No. Absolutely not, but that's not a critique on the character--if anything, it's acknowledgement of how effective his portrayal was. I liked that they had the nads to explore what a "proto-Sith" looks like, tantrums and all.

Bringing Palpatine back was a bad move and I'll stand by it, not from a mechanics POV, but from a meta POV. Why the hell did Vader die? Anakin was the chosen one, we had six movies about his rise, fall, and redemption, only to find out that "oops, didn't quite blow him up hard enough! Sorry Ani! Don't worry, he did the dirty so we've got his granddaughter in to kill him way harder." Why? What's the Skywalker legacy? All this stuff turned out to be the Palpatine Dynasty's doing, the Skywalkers were just some weird delay switch. And no, her taking their name doesn't fix it in the slightest.

There were some really cool setpieces. Not gonna lie, the hyperspace maneuver was absolutely breathtaking. The visual of the bombers was pretty cool. I think I'm the only one who thinks Crait looks neat, but Crait looks neat, there I said it.

Similarly, some neat expansions on the universe.

Overall though, I would've enjoyed this a lot more if it wasn't tied back to the existing Star Wars movies. They could've been exciting, muddled, but visually stellar romps through nonsense, and I would've been a-okay with it.

We can collectively handwave the hyperspace stuff as "a million to one shot" or whatever they said and pretend that fixes things, but the plot of the third movie really did was what it was. It's weird that, even with all the nostalgia they packed into the new trilogy, they felt comfortable mangling the Skywalker legacy that much just so they could Frankenstein Rey onto it.
One thing I would like to add is that the score was so good in the first two movies. But I’m the last one, it was so confusing. This is not really John Williams fault, since there are music editors who decided what they should include and what they shouldn’t. I’m not a composer or someone who has studied music well, but I love being able to notice different themes for different characters or places. In the last film, TROS, the music is very misplaced. For example, in the beginning when Finn and Poe are being chased by TIE fighters, the emperor’s theme plays. In the theater, the audience is going to think that the emperor sent those fighters. But later on, we find out it was the first order who doesn’t even know that the emperor is alive. So why play his theme when it doesn’t even make sense to put it there??? Another example is when Luke, after talking with Rey about Leia, pulls the ship out of the water. The theme that plays is Yoda's theme. Looking at some interviews with Williams, he says the the music editors told him that they should play yodas theme when lifting the ship out of the water because yoda did that. So now the yoda theme is the lifting ships out of the water theme?? I really should be working on schoolwork
One thing I would like to add is that the score was so good in the first two movies. But I’m the last one, it was so confusing. This is not really John Williams fault, since there are music editors who decided what they should include and what they shouldn’t. I’m not a composer or someone who has studied music well, but I love being able to notice different themes for different characters or places. In the last film, TROS, the music is very misplaced. For example, in the beginning when Finn and Poe are being chased by TIE fighters, the emperor’s theme plays. In the theater, the audience is going to think that the emperor sent those fighters. But later on, we find out it was the first order who doesn’t even know that the emperor is alive. So why play his theme when it doesn’t even make sense to put it there??? Another example is when Luke, after talking with Rey about Leia, pulls the ship out of the water. The theme that plays is Yoda's theme. Looking at some interviews with Williams, he says the the music editors told him that they should play yodas theme when lifting the ship out of the water because yoda did that. So now the yoda theme is the lifting ships out of the water theme?? I really should be working on schoolwork
"Only justice will bring peace" - Avatar Kyoshi
I liked The Force Awakens, it had lots of great potential, but imo everything went downhill from there. They tossed out all character development for both Finn and Poe, the 2 characters I liked the most. With Finn especially, his arc in TFA was that in the beginning he was always running from things, then in the end he stood his ground and fought with the Resistance against the First Order, which was great but then they just threw all that out in the next movie and made him run again. They pretty much just turned Finn's entire personality into being obsessed with Rey, which sucked because he had a great backstory and tons of potential to be an awesome character.

They ruined Luke's character as well in TLJ, his entire thing from the OG trilogy was believing in Darth Vader even though he did lots of awful things, saying there was good in him, and then just tossed that out the window and did a complete 180. I don't like Kylo Ren at all, but the way they made Luke just try and off him as a kid for having some dark side tendencies is awful and completely out of character. They killed off Han Solo, one of my favorite Star Wars characters ever, and I will be forever salty about that.

A lot of the decisions they made and places they went with the plot just weren't good, especially with the whole Kylo Ren Rey thing, but that's an entire different rant that I won't get in to.

I also refuse to believe that Sheeve f*cks, absolutely not put that back where it came from or i swear-

Overall I think the sequels had great potential starting with TFA but then it was ruined by TLJ and TROS
I liked The Force Awakens, it had lots of great potential, but imo everything went downhill from there. They tossed out all character development for both Finn and Poe, the 2 characters I liked the most. With Finn especially, his arc in TFA was that in the beginning he was always running from things, then in the end he stood his ground and fought with the Resistance against the First Order, which was great but then they just threw all that out in the next movie and made him run again. They pretty much just turned Finn's entire personality into being obsessed with Rey, which sucked because he had a great backstory and tons of potential to be an awesome character.

They ruined Luke's character as well in TLJ, his entire thing from the OG trilogy was believing in Darth Vader even though he did lots of awful things, saying there was good in him, and then just tossed that out the window and did a complete 180. I don't like Kylo Ren at all, but the way they made Luke just try and off him as a kid for having some dark side tendencies is awful and completely out of character. They killed off Han Solo, one of my favorite Star Wars characters ever, and I will be forever salty about that.

A lot of the decisions they made and places they went with the plot just weren't good, especially with the whole Kylo Ren Rey thing, but that's an entire different rant that I won't get in to.

I also refuse to believe that Sheeve f*cks, absolutely not put that back where it came from or i swear-

Overall I think the sequels had great potential starting with TFA but then it was ruined by TLJ and TROS
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Sorry for a double-post, but: imagine this following Finn, though. You've got someone who's suffered tremendously at the hands of the First Order dragged along with Plucky Force-Sensitive Heroine, except that she dies and he's left holding the sabre. And suddenly this dude who just wants to run is the "last best hope", finding out he's force-sensitive, told he has to train and lead, and the freedom it looked like he might finally have gotten is just...gone.

Thankfully he's got Poe there. But he's also told that it's Jedi teaching that what he's feeling is Bad because No Attachments and he should Be What's Expected so he can Be Strong Enough.

And sure enough, he's getting strong as hell, but now comes his call to the dark side. No simple seduction of "ooh spooky magic", this is the ultimate power fantasy: this is a stolen, forgotten, abused person finding themselves with all the power in the world to come down on their abuser, and their adoptive society's behind them, cheering them on.

Also, someone in the same line of thinking said "Finn liberates the stormtroopers" and: yes, hell yes, heeeeeell yeeeeeeees.

You still get all the same major notes: maybe the Jedi teachings aren't always right, the universe is a changing place, a "nobody" can make a difference (except actually a nobody this time, no Secret Grandson twist), stick up for what's right or make do with what's left, Dark Side Bad. But damn you get so much more, too, and I'm not just talking representation. Damn though, we could've had it!

Speaking of, biiiiig "screw you" to whoever made Poe a former drug dealer. Really? Really?
Sorry for a double-post, but: imagine this following Finn, though. You've got someone who's suffered tremendously at the hands of the First Order dragged along with Plucky Force-Sensitive Heroine, except that she dies and he's left holding the sabre. And suddenly this dude who just wants to run is the "last best hope", finding out he's force-sensitive, told he has to train and lead, and the freedom it looked like he might finally have gotten is just...gone.

Thankfully he's got Poe there. But he's also told that it's Jedi teaching that what he's feeling is Bad because No Attachments and he should Be What's Expected so he can Be Strong Enough.

And sure enough, he's getting strong as hell, but now comes his call to the dark side. No simple seduction of "ooh spooky magic", this is the ultimate power fantasy: this is a stolen, forgotten, abused person finding themselves with all the power in the world to come down on their abuser, and their adoptive society's behind them, cheering them on.

Also, someone in the same line of thinking said "Finn liberates the stormtroopers" and: yes, hell yes, heeeeeell yeeeeeeees.

You still get all the same major notes: maybe the Jedi teachings aren't always right, the universe is a changing place, a "nobody" can make a difference (except actually a nobody this time, no Secret Grandson twist), stick up for what's right or make do with what's left, Dark Side Bad. But damn you get so much more, too, and I'm not just talking representation. Damn though, we could've had it!

Speaking of, biiiiig "screw you" to whoever made Poe a former drug dealer. Really? Really?
There were some good parts, some GREAT actors and actresses, and some beautiful cinematography and special effects. On the whole, I feel like the story was piecemeal and suffered from a lack of cohesive vision. There were a lot of interrupted, or abandoned plot threads and a tremendous loss of character potential. I'm still sad over what should have been an amazing character arc for Finn, that ultimately got lost in the shuffle.

I liked the way the first one made me feel. Second gets props for experimenting, but loses points for being disjointed and doing some things I personally just didn't like, which is different from saying it's bad. Third one, though...that one was simply bad. Massively overcomplicated in ways that made little sense, and ended up falling flat on its face. RoS dropped the ball and didn't offer the emotional payoff it should have, and the villain reveal and entire concept was just ridiculous to the point of breaking suspension of disbelief for me.

The originals are my favorites to watch, the prequels have grown on me and are my favorite era for fanfic, and the KOTOR video games are probably my favorite storyline in the 'verse. The Clone Wars was excellent, and The Mandalorian might be the best thing to come out of Star Wars so far (I have high hopes for Taika Waititi's SW film(s), he's fantastic).

It's a big sandbox, even though I found the sequels disappointing, I still enjoy parts of the SW universe. Obi-Wan is my favorite character, and I'm dying to see Ewan McGregor back in the role.

There was a Han Solo movie in there somewhere, wasn't there...I think most people just ignored that one. And Rogue One was definitely good, but so sad that I don't get the urge to rewatch it often.
There were some good parts, some GREAT actors and actresses, and some beautiful cinematography and special effects. On the whole, I feel like the story was piecemeal and suffered from a lack of cohesive vision. There were a lot of interrupted, or abandoned plot threads and a tremendous loss of character potential. I'm still sad over what should have been an amazing character arc for Finn, that ultimately got lost in the shuffle.

I liked the way the first one made me feel. Second gets props for experimenting, but loses points for being disjointed and doing some things I personally just didn't like, which is different from saying it's bad. Third one, though...that one was simply bad. Massively overcomplicated in ways that made little sense, and ended up falling flat on its face. RoS dropped the ball and didn't offer the emotional payoff it should have, and the villain reveal and entire concept was just ridiculous to the point of breaking suspension of disbelief for me.

The originals are my favorites to watch, the prequels have grown on me and are my favorite era for fanfic, and the KOTOR video games are probably my favorite storyline in the 'verse. The Clone Wars was excellent, and The Mandalorian might be the best thing to come out of Star Wars so far (I have high hopes for Taika Waititi's SW film(s), he's fantastic).

It's a big sandbox, even though I found the sequels disappointing, I still enjoy parts of the SW universe. Obi-Wan is my favorite character, and I'm dying to see Ewan McGregor back in the role.

There was a Han Solo movie in there somewhere, wasn't there...I think most people just ignored that one. And Rogue One was definitely good, but so sad that I don't get the urge to rewatch it often.
I can't say I HATED them, but I do think they could have been much, much better. The great parts were epic, it is just the parts that felt slapped in and rushed that bother me.

I was rather touched at the last one and how they handled Leia in the wake of Carrie Fisher's passing. Her passing already broke my heart, so knowing Leia also moved on was similarly heartbreaking, but they handled it so well.

So they weren't my favorite entries, but it is a big universe. Much in the same way I don't like every episode of my favorite TV series or don't love every issue of my favorite comics, I still overall am crazy about the franchise. They don't diminish my love of the OT or Clone Wars or any of the supplemental material.
I can't say I HATED them, but I do think they could have been much, much better. The great parts were epic, it is just the parts that felt slapped in and rushed that bother me.

I was rather touched at the last one and how they handled Leia in the wake of Carrie Fisher's passing. Her passing already broke my heart, so knowing Leia also moved on was similarly heartbreaking, but they handled it so well.

So they weren't my favorite entries, but it is a big universe. Much in the same way I don't like every episode of my favorite TV series or don't love every issue of my favorite comics, I still overall am crazy about the franchise. They don't diminish my love of the OT or Clone Wars or any of the supplemental material.
Formerly known as Brenning.
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