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TOPIC | Three Seeecret Confessions
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  • I collect items related to the children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I have a ton of things that I wouldn't own otherwise, but own specifically because they have the The Very Hungry Caterpillar on it.

  • time for an oof confession It's been nearly 6 years since I abandoned all sports I used to participate in and I regret it. I lost a massive social aspect of my life and have never been able to get it back. I wish I could go back to 2014 me and tell myself to stick with all the sports I was doing at the time. There are times I remember when I did come to participate in sports (predominately track cycling), I'd get so frustrated and upset that I no longer was able to enjoy the sport because of the wonderful cocktail that is mental and chronic illness all in one, I'd just start crying.

  • I love the ringlets in my hair, and don't like it when hairdressers straighten them. Sure, the ringlets make my hair look shorter, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
  • I collect items related to the children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I have a ton of things that I wouldn't own otherwise, but own specifically because they have the The Very Hungry Caterpillar on it.

  • time for an oof confession It's been nearly 6 years since I abandoned all sports I used to participate in and I regret it. I lost a massive social aspect of my life and have never been able to get it back. I wish I could go back to 2014 me and tell myself to stick with all the sports I was doing at the time. There are times I remember when I did come to participate in sports (predominately track cycling), I'd get so frustrated and upset that I no longer was able to enjoy the sport because of the wonderful cocktail that is mental and chronic illness all in one, I'd just start crying.

  • I love the ringlets in my hair, and don't like it when hairdressers straighten them. Sure, the ringlets make my hair look shorter, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

-I shamelessly like country music (I don't listen to anything like it in my free time, but I enjoy it anyways haha).
-I am a furry, but it's not like I can just say that IRL because of the misconceptions about the community.
-I also like The Bee Movie. I think it is glorious.
-I shamelessly like country music (I don't listen to anything like it in my free time, but I enjoy it anyways haha).
-I am a furry, but it's not like I can just say that IRL because of the misconceptions about the community.
-I also like The Bee Movie. I think it is glorious.
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She/They | FR+0 | [theme]

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tutant meenage neetle teetles
-I only listen to the same 4 music albums over and over again, but i legit don't get tired of them, they are just so good.

-No one of my family or friends knows this, but i have a hundreds of money that i won in one of those lottery tickets from the gas station saved in a secret bank account.

-I only listen to the same 4 music albums over and over again, but i legit don't get tired of them, they are just so good.

-No one of my family or friends knows this, but i have a hundreds of money that i won in one of those lottery tickets from the gas station saved in a secret bank account.

Looking for some art for your dragons? click down below!

- I don't trust most of my friends. at all. I support them and love them and they are great, but I don't trust them. I'll add on to that and say I don't trust anyone. I really can't. and I have a hard time figuring out my emotions. looking at other people and deciding how they feel is much easier.

- I have bad anger control problems and no one knows how bad it is, and they just think I'm a psychopath. any time anyone makes a joke about be growing up to be a criminal, it makes me mad and I can't tell anyone that without just making things worse.

- I love drawing the most disturbing gore and writing out horror scenes in my head. I love drawing and writing that kind of stuff for some reason. horror movies, no thanks, gory drawings, yes please.
- I don't trust most of my friends. at all. I support them and love them and they are great, but I don't trust them. I'll add on to that and say I don't trust anyone. I really can't. and I have a hard time figuring out my emotions. looking at other people and deciding how they feel is much easier.

- I have bad anger control problems and no one knows how bad it is, and they just think I'm a psychopath. any time anyone makes a joke about be growing up to be a criminal, it makes me mad and I can't tell anyone that without just making things worse.

- I love drawing the most disturbing gore and writing out horror scenes in my head. I love drawing and writing that kind of stuff for some reason. horror movies, no thanks, gory drawings, yes please.
+2 FR time
- I honestly don’t like some of my family members. I find that some of them can be really narcissistic and hypocritical. They say they’re open minded but they believe in a lot of racial stereotypes. Ex: All black men are bad or something. They’re family so I’ll still keep in touch but if they weren’t, we wouldn’t be friends.

-I tend to be very grumpy and antisocial when there’s a large gathering. People think that it’s because I think I’m superior or I don’t find it entertaining but it’s really because I have really low self esteem and I think everyone there is better than me. I’m trying to change but people already see me as a grumpy sort of person.

-Despite me saying that I want to be a doctor of some sort, it really is only for my family’s benefit. I have no interest in it.
- I honestly don’t like some of my family members. I find that some of them can be really narcissistic and hypocritical. They say they’re open minded but they believe in a lot of racial stereotypes. Ex: All black men are bad or something. They’re family so I’ll still keep in touch but if they weren’t, we wouldn’t be friends.

-I tend to be very grumpy and antisocial when there’s a large gathering. People think that it’s because I think I’m superior or I don’t find it entertaining but it’s really because I have really low self esteem and I think everyone there is better than me. I’m trying to change but people already see me as a grumpy sort of person.

-Despite me saying that I want to be a doctor of some sort, it really is only for my family’s benefit. I have no interest in it.
| He/Him | 3+ FR | Opal Gene Enthusiast |
1. I sometimes would rather be on my own than spending time with my friends, and I feel guilty about it at times.

2. I downloaded TikTok as a joke, and now I'm really into the cosplay and art side... Oops?

3. I worry a lot about my friends, and I feel like I have a certain level of responsibility to make sure that they are ok.
1. I sometimes would rather be on my own than spending time with my friends, and I feel guilty about it at times.

2. I downloaded TikTok as a joke, and now I'm really into the cosplay and art side... Oops?

3. I worry a lot about my friends, and I feel like I have a certain level of responsibility to make sure that they are ok.
- I am proud of my weird throat which is able to make a variety of strange animalistic noises, most of them creepy and loud. I went to a lake once and did just this, the people I was with told me I should be a voice actor for creatures or something.

- When I become a fan of something, I make myself come across as the most low key casual fan as possible. In secret, I’m very indulgent when it comes to headcanons, ships, etc. I think I find it embarrassing. But those ships are so wholesome that I can’t help myself.

- I have a morbid fascination with dark subjects and I don’t know why. I like watching documentaries and analysis videos about that stuff, and even wrote a full research paper on one of them. But I can’t just casually share that with people, I’m worried about coming across as creepy :/
- I am proud of my weird throat which is able to make a variety of strange animalistic noises, most of them creepy and loud. I went to a lake once and did just this, the people I was with told me I should be a voice actor for creatures or something.

- When I become a fan of something, I make myself come across as the most low key casual fan as possible. In secret, I’m very indulgent when it comes to headcanons, ships, etc. I think I find it embarrassing. But those ships are so wholesome that I can’t help myself.

- I have a morbid fascination with dark subjects and I don’t know why. I like watching documentaries and analysis videos about that stuff, and even wrote a full research paper on one of them. But I can’t just casually share that with people, I’m worried about coming across as creepy :/
rIjWU7i.png • rain
• irl creacher
• fr +3
• pls drink water
mm leaf.png oC8BwLW.pngscruffy.png
1. I want a fursuit. It's not a secret online, but it is to most of my IRL friends. They can be real brutal about it.

2. I am vulnerable! That's why I use a tough exterior because I'm scared and need to put up my walls because there's nothing else to defend myself!

3. I know people love me and genuinely like my company but sometimes it doesn't feel genuine. It feels like they're all faking it just to make me feel better.
1. I want a fursuit. It's not a secret online, but it is to most of my IRL friends. They can be real brutal about it.

2. I am vulnerable! That's why I use a tough exterior because I'm scared and need to put up my walls because there's nothing else to defend myself!

3. I know people love me and genuinely like my company but sometimes it doesn't feel genuine. It feels like they're all faking it just to make me feel better.
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping
[center][img][/img] [center][size=2][color=#65b831][font=duality.ttf]Guess I'll go -In real life, I tend to seem real detached and even angry: I'm pretty much mute, look uncomfortable, and when I do speak I mainly give curt responses. And I uh, just try to be chill, y'know? (Well, I mean some of the time. A lot of the time I'm mad about something or other). I believe this is why I have such few friends/people who talk to me haha. In reality, I just want someone to come up to me and say "Hey, how are you doin?" or "Hey want to come join us?" I actually like having conversations but I look unapproachable haha. -I'm real into disturbing things, such as images, videos or music (explains why one of my favourite bands have that kind of unsettling style). I feel that it's real interesting and I read often lengthy articles about stories of war, medical incidents, or simply unexplainable media. The band I referred to is Pixies, if you wish to know. They have a particularly disturbing album photo- Trompe Le Monde. -
Guess I'll go
-In real life, I tend to seem real detached and even angry: I'm pretty much mute, look uncomfortable, and when I do speak I mainly give curt responses. And I uh, just try to be chill, y'know? (Well, I mean some of the time. A lot of the time I'm mad about something or other). I believe this is why I have such few friends/people who talk to me haha. In reality, I just want someone to come up to me and say "Hey, how are you doin?" or "Hey want to come join us?" I actually like having conversations but I look unapproachable haha.
-I'm real into disturbing things, such as images, videos or music (explains why one of my favourite bands have that kind of unsettling style). I feel that it's real interesting and I read often lengthy articles about stories of war, medical incidents, or simply unexplainable media. The band I referred to is Pixies, if you wish to know. They have a particularly disturbing album photo- Trompe Le Monde.
Some relatable stuff here. This is an interesting idea though- somewhat forces one to consider what one isn't admitting to the world and all that.
- I have a fair amount of knowledge of Celtic and Slavic mythology, especially about some of the old Slavic gods. I also know a bit about the Greek and Norse gods. It's mostly a heritage thing- I'm an atheist, but learning a bit about how my ancestors may have understood the world is interesting. I tend not to talk about it because it doesn't really come up in conversation, and there are political factions, with which I would rather not be associated, who would also have a non-religious interest in branches of European paganism.
- I'm cautious to the point of ridiculousness? One of my mottos in life is low-key Mad-Eye Moody's 'Constant Vigilance!' whenever it may be vaguely applicable. I never cross the road unless the light is green, even though I'm an adult and ignoring the signals (when one is a pedestrian) is the norm in Ireland.
- I'm somewhat distant from my own body. I don't believe there to be a soul or some human consciousness that can exist outside the body, but it definitely feels that way. It's slightly like occupying a house that you are renting but are not in any way emotionally attached to. I tend to forget that I own body parts that I can't see (I regularly have to remind myself that I have outer ears) and I don't really consider elements that I can see - like my hands - to be my own. They're just body parts that I happen to control. I have a similar feeling about my own reflection- I can control the face, and I know that it's what others see of me, and for all intents and purposes, it is 'me', but I don't really feel connected to it on an emotional level. I can often forget my own appearance. It may be a coping mechanism of some sort, but I'm strangely grateful for it, and I feel normal sensations and all the rest, so it isn't a huge deal.
Some relatable stuff here. This is an interesting idea though- somewhat forces one to consider what one isn't admitting to the world and all that.
- I have a fair amount of knowledge of Celtic and Slavic mythology, especially about some of the old Slavic gods. I also know a bit about the Greek and Norse gods. It's mostly a heritage thing- I'm an atheist, but learning a bit about how my ancestors may have understood the world is interesting. I tend not to talk about it because it doesn't really come up in conversation, and there are political factions, with which I would rather not be associated, who would also have a non-religious interest in branches of European paganism.
- I'm cautious to the point of ridiculousness? One of my mottos in life is low-key Mad-Eye Moody's 'Constant Vigilance!' whenever it may be vaguely applicable. I never cross the road unless the light is green, even though I'm an adult and ignoring the signals (when one is a pedestrian) is the norm in Ireland.
- I'm somewhat distant from my own body. I don't believe there to be a soul or some human consciousness that can exist outside the body, but it definitely feels that way. It's slightly like occupying a house that you are renting but are not in any way emotionally attached to. I tend to forget that I own body parts that I can't see (I regularly have to remind myself that I have outer ears) and I don't really consider elements that I can see - like my hands - to be my own. They're just body parts that I happen to control. I have a similar feeling about my own reflection- I can control the face, and I know that it's what others see of me, and for all intents and purposes, it is 'me', but I don't really feel connected to it on an emotional level. I can often forget my own appearance. It may be a coping mechanism of some sort, but I'm strangely grateful for it, and I feel normal sensations and all the rest, so it isn't a huge deal.
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