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TOPIC | Share Your Dungeons And Dragons Stories
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I've been playing D&D for about 2 years now, and I'm part of a personal group who does a lot of more out of the box homebrew that leads to some pretty interesting stories. To share my love of the game with everyone else, I want to hear your most interesting D&D stories, whether it be about a funny situation, a wacky character, or even a world that you found to be extremely interesting or immersive.

I've been playing D&D for about 2 years now, and I'm part of a personal group who does a lot of more out of the box homebrew that leads to some pretty interesting stories. To share my love of the game with everyone else, I want to hear your most interesting D&D stories, whether it be about a funny situation, a wacky character, or even a world that you found to be extremely interesting or immersive.

are dragonborn bard had us interrogate a guy buy kissing them not mention hit me with an acid shot after I was attacked buy the guy trying to hurt him T_T
are dragonborn bard had us interrogate a guy buy kissing them not mention hit me with an acid shot after I was attacked buy the guy trying to hurt him T_T

Sounds like a bit of a weird situation. I hope it turned out okay in the end though. XD

I have a soft-spot for dragonborn bards since me and my friend made two twin bards. My DM was really awesome and he let us have fire-resistant weapons so that we could shoot our flame through them.

That flaming trumpet situation was absolute gold.

Sounds like a bit of a weird situation. I hope it turned out okay in the end though. XD

I have a soft-spot for dragonborn bards since me and my friend made two twin bards. My DM was really awesome and he let us have fire-resistant weapons so that we could shoot our flame through them.

That flaming trumpet situation was absolute gold.
we walked into a pub after leaving the spaceship and our human asked the pub owner if he had any guns and then we all walked (physically) into the back and held him up with a banana and a knife
we walked into a pub after leaving the spaceship and our human asked the pub owner if he had any guns and then we all walked (physically) into the back and held him up with a banana and a knife

Many matchy g1s up for offer here! Send a PM!
29369802.png featured
yah my character is the only sane one in my party being a (classified) druid and is such a tsundere having to deal with them the othe person in my party is a dwarc witch is a half dwarf half orc barbarian who is vary prideful of there lineage and prefers to be called a orf and family crest is a duck so wen ever she runs into battle she goes quwaaaaaak as a battle cry lol here is an image of us
please tell me the flaming trumpet story now
yah my character is the only sane one in my party being a (classified) druid and is such a tsundere having to deal with them the othe person in my party is a dwarc witch is a half dwarf half orc barbarian who is vary prideful of there lineage and prefers to be called a orf and family crest is a duck so wen ever she runs into battle she goes quwaaaaaak as a battle cry lol here is an image of us
please tell me the flaming trumpet story now

I think I had to read that 3 times for my brain to fully process that. xD That sounds like an awesome situation to be in. I wouldn't even be able to keep a straight face through that. (I think I recognize you from the Plague discord a while back. I might have an artwork you made for my dragon, actually, but it might be someone else)


My characters name was Hikris, and I was a flame type dragonborn along with his twin brother Azreal (Thats not a mispelling, it was actually pronounced az-REAL instead of az-ray-el). This was before we had met up with the rest of the party for the first time, so we were doing what any normal bard would do. We were holding up this dude with a trumpet and clarinet. My character goes to play some music in order to cast a spell (I forget what it was, but it was probably charm person), and I roll a critical failure. I accidently activate my breath and it shoots through the trumpet, catching my twin's clothes on fire along with the surrounding buildings, while I start running around screaming.


I think I had to read that 3 times for my brain to fully process that. xD That sounds like an awesome situation to be in. I wouldn't even be able to keep a straight face through that. (I think I recognize you from the Plague discord a while back. I might have an artwork you made for my dragon, actually, but it might be someone else)


My characters name was Hikris, and I was a flame type dragonborn along with his twin brother Azreal (Thats not a mispelling, it was actually pronounced az-REAL instead of az-ray-el). This was before we had met up with the rest of the party for the first time, so we were doing what any normal bard would do. We were holding up this dude with a trumpet and clarinet. My character goes to play some music in order to cast a spell (I forget what it was, but it was probably charm person), and I roll a critical failure. I accidently activate my breath and it shoots through the trumpet, catching my twin's clothes on fire along with the surrounding buildings, while I start running around screaming.

pft I'm so glad I asked lol my friend really likes dragonborns she once seduced a orc warring makeup passing as a female teacher to get info on a quest in a town called like og burg or something but you could clearly see that it used to be ogre burg
pft I'm so glad I asked lol my friend really likes dragonborns she once seduced a orc warring makeup passing as a female teacher to get info on a quest in a town called like og burg or something but you could clearly see that it used to be ogre burg
Favorite story to tell about D&D is about an old 5e campaign I ran for a few sessions. Party was an elven fighter with a Dark Past, a half elven cleric slowly turning into a monster (this one is an NPC to help out the general lack of casters), an 8-foot-tall dragonborn monk (4 feet were in fact neck), and a vampire ranger with a sweating problem.

First locale they visit is a city by the name of Dewgate. It's a major mining center and home to a high security prison managed by the local sheriff, employed by the crown. Thing is, the town is built into the cliff face behind a waterfall. To get to a civilian level, one would have to take mist-slicked stairs several stories past the prison entrance and several levels of mine shafts. So, sheriff erected a pretty rickety but generally serviceable platform/pulley/rope system (one may compare it to an elevator) that can bring travelers to the higher levels of the city. No big deal, just stuck it in as a way of introducing the general functions of the town. They hop on, platform starts rising, they make conversation with the city guard, should just be a quick spot of exposition.

However, one fun thing about the party is that the dragonborn and the vampire HATE each other. No idea why. But vampire mentions how sweaty he is- they're on the edge of a tropical rainforest, after all- and dragonborn loses his mind and tries to push vampire off the platform, as they rise to a good three stories above the ground. Vampire wraps his arms around him to take him down with him, but the elf that's been dealing with their nonsense for an hour of gameplay already saves them both. The dragonborn is absolutely disgusted by the sweat from the vampire hug and voluntarily takes 4 damage 'because it is so gross' and refuses to move or speak for the remainder of the ride. The vampire gets kidnapped within ten minutes of leaving the platform and the dragonborn takes a nap.

Two sessions later, the vampire kicks the elf so hard he dies.

I miss that group.
Favorite story to tell about D&D is about an old 5e campaign I ran for a few sessions. Party was an elven fighter with a Dark Past, a half elven cleric slowly turning into a monster (this one is an NPC to help out the general lack of casters), an 8-foot-tall dragonborn monk (4 feet were in fact neck), and a vampire ranger with a sweating problem.

First locale they visit is a city by the name of Dewgate. It's a major mining center and home to a high security prison managed by the local sheriff, employed by the crown. Thing is, the town is built into the cliff face behind a waterfall. To get to a civilian level, one would have to take mist-slicked stairs several stories past the prison entrance and several levels of mine shafts. So, sheriff erected a pretty rickety but generally serviceable platform/pulley/rope system (one may compare it to an elevator) that can bring travelers to the higher levels of the city. No big deal, just stuck it in as a way of introducing the general functions of the town. They hop on, platform starts rising, they make conversation with the city guard, should just be a quick spot of exposition.

However, one fun thing about the party is that the dragonborn and the vampire HATE each other. No idea why. But vampire mentions how sweaty he is- they're on the edge of a tropical rainforest, after all- and dragonborn loses his mind and tries to push vampire off the platform, as they rise to a good three stories above the ground. Vampire wraps his arms around him to take him down with him, but the elf that's been dealing with their nonsense for an hour of gameplay already saves them both. The dragonborn is absolutely disgusted by the sweat from the vampire hug and voluntarily takes 4 damage 'because it is so gross' and refuses to move or speak for the remainder of the ride. The vampire gets kidnapped within ten minutes of leaving the platform and the dragonborn takes a nap.

Two sessions later, the vampire kicks the elf so hard he dies.

I miss that group.
My first ever character that I will never shut up about was a Dragonborn Bard named Gunch Munch Crunch. Their backstory was part tragic and part "I worked for Elf Jimmy Buffet at a Fantasy Cheeseburger in Paradise and that's how I got my cool bard powers". They dressed in head to toe rainbows, thought they could speak crow but really couldn't, ate a spore that turned them into a zombie, had a much less fun sister, and played an otomatone. I love them more than anything.

My second-favorite character was named Achievement. He was a Tiefling who was based off of this song. He became a famous singer, died of an unspecified illness, and had his consciousness transferred inside of a necklace by his managerial team. He was super rude, flirted with everyone, and only one person could stand him. I miss playing him, but his story ended in a really good way (his host body died and he got placed inside a robot, then revived the host body, which ended most of his internal conflict).

My first-ever campaign was with my mom (who played an Elf named Dragon) and my little brother (who played as a Dragonborn named Aelph, pronounced Elf). My brother made Minecraft parody songs so bad they caused everyone in a certain radius to pee and/or poop their pants. The whole thing culminated in an epic battle where they befriended the main villain, Todd Howard, and my mom's character nearly peed her pants to death. It was the best session I've ever DMed to date.
My first ever character that I will never shut up about was a Dragonborn Bard named Gunch Munch Crunch. Their backstory was part tragic and part "I worked for Elf Jimmy Buffet at a Fantasy Cheeseburger in Paradise and that's how I got my cool bard powers". They dressed in head to toe rainbows, thought they could speak crow but really couldn't, ate a spore that turned them into a zombie, had a much less fun sister, and played an otomatone. I love them more than anything.

My second-favorite character was named Achievement. He was a Tiefling who was based off of this song. He became a famous singer, died of an unspecified illness, and had his consciousness transferred inside of a necklace by his managerial team. He was super rude, flirted with everyone, and only one person could stand him. I miss playing him, but his story ended in a really good way (his host body died and he got placed inside a robot, then revived the host body, which ended most of his internal conflict).

My first-ever campaign was with my mom (who played an Elf named Dragon) and my little brother (who played as a Dragonborn named Aelph, pronounced Elf). My brother made Minecraft parody songs so bad they caused everyone in a certain radius to pee and/or poop their pants. The whole thing culminated in an epic battle where they befriended the main villain, Todd Howard, and my mom's character nearly peed her pants to death. It was the best session I've ever DMed to date.
avatar dragon here!
they/them, 21
[quote name="rainbw" date="2019-06-16 17:14:58" ] My first-ever campaign was with my mom (who played an Elf named Dragon) and my little brother (who played as a Dragonborn named Aelph, pronounced Elf). My brother made Minecraft parody songs so bad they caused everyone in a certain radius to pee and/or poop their pants. The whole thing culminated in an epic battle where they befriended the main villain, Todd Howard, and my mom's character nearly peed her pants to death. It was the best session I've ever DMed to date. [/quote] HOLY HECK THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD. It reminds me of when I played with my sister and some of the neighborhood kids. I had be such a horrible DM to keep them all in line.
rainbw wrote on 2019-06-16 17:14:58:
My first-ever campaign was with my mom (who played an Elf named Dragon) and my little brother (who played as a Dragonborn named Aelph, pronounced Elf). My brother made Minecraft parody songs so bad they caused everyone in a certain radius to pee and/or poop their pants. The whole thing culminated in an epic battle where they befriended the main villain, Todd Howard, and my mom's character nearly peed her pants to death. It was the best session I've ever DMed to date.

HOLY HECK THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD. It reminds me of when I played with my sister and some of the neighborhood kids. I had be such a horrible DM to keep them all in line.

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