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TOPIC | The info of The Masquerade.
So there has been Alot of discussion going on in our new RP thread The Masquerade. Some of it about turns, some about the world,etc etc. As awesome as it is that everyone is so interested in the game, the Ooc talking tends to result in general clutter and non-linear posts.

So here's the answers to some commonly asked questions
Q.What is an Avalon/Haven?
A. Avalons/Havens are were the magic folk(like our dragons) can live/ hide away from Humans without being completely separated from civilization. Avalons tend to be located in large population centers, such a Human cities, to allow mythos a quick escape. Havens tend to be located in more Rural areas such as large forests, coastlines, and mountains. To qualify as a Avalon/Haven the location must be:
A.Completely unbeknownst to Humans
B.Open to all mythos (except the really unpleasant ones)

Q. Stats. Whats up with that?
A. Stats determine what your PC is good or bad and what your limitations are. Exp: High INT will insure your ability to cast all but the must difficult spells, while low STR means you SOL when that piece of ceiling falls on you cause you wont be able to get it off. and vice versa. Stats are called upon again in battle were the all determine if you get out in one piece. Stats are:
A. Drawn from a pool of 50 point with a min of 3 per stat, leaving 29 free points to assign as wished
B. Gained at a rate of 5 per lvl
C.Influence health at 10hp per point in VIT

More will be added to this as we transfer all convo here to be read while keeping our RP in the proper thread.
So there has been Alot of discussion going on in our new RP thread The Masquerade. Some of it about turns, some about the world,etc etc. As awesome as it is that everyone is so interested in the game, the Ooc talking tends to result in general clutter and non-linear posts.

So here's the answers to some commonly asked questions
Q.What is an Avalon/Haven?
A. Avalons/Havens are were the magic folk(like our dragons) can live/ hide away from Humans without being completely separated from civilization. Avalons tend to be located in large population centers, such a Human cities, to allow mythos a quick escape. Havens tend to be located in more Rural areas such as large forests, coastlines, and mountains. To qualify as a Avalon/Haven the location must be:
A.Completely unbeknownst to Humans
B.Open to all mythos (except the really unpleasant ones)

Q. Stats. Whats up with that?
A. Stats determine what your PC is good or bad and what your limitations are. Exp: High INT will insure your ability to cast all but the must difficult spells, while low STR means you SOL when that piece of ceiling falls on you cause you wont be able to get it off. and vice versa. Stats are called upon again in battle were the all determine if you get out in one piece. Stats are:
A. Drawn from a pool of 50 point with a min of 3 per stat, leaving 29 free points to assign as wished
B. Gained at a rate of 5 per lvl
C.Influence health at 10hp per point in VIT

More will be added to this as we transfer all convo here to be read while keeping our RP in the proper thread.
So is there going to be Mana the same way there is health? To determine the number of spells being cast or is it going to be you choose several spells before hand and have a certain number of each "level" spell?
So is there going to be Mana the same way there is health? To determine the number of spells being cast or is it going to be you choose several spells before hand and have a certain number of each "level" spell?
Spells will work off a numbers system, lets say a simple spell like magic missiles could be cast multiple times a day considering (and multiplied by)your INT score while a higher level spell, lets say Revive or Teleport could only be used once or twice depending on INT before you had to rest.
Spells will work off a numbers system, lets say a simple spell like magic missiles could be cast multiple times a day considering (and multiplied by)your INT score while a higher level spell, lets say Revive or Teleport could only be used once or twice depending on INT before you had to rest.
So where'd you get the draconic words, and is there a website to translate. If not can you please translate.
So where'd you get the draconic words, and is there a website to translate. If not can you please translate.
Yes there is a website! a very nice one, and while I wish for my players to find the translation on their own I know that can be frustrating so here is the name of the site look to it for all your dragon translation needs. It is simple and straight forward.

Please feel free to ask me any more questions about the world and it's inhabitants. Please. I've put alot of thought into it and would really reeeeally like to share it.
Yes there is a website! a very nice one, and while I wish for my players to find the translation on their own I know that can be frustrating so here is the name of the site look to it for all your dragon translation needs. It is simple and straight forward.

Please feel free to ask me any more questions about the world and it's inhabitants. Please. I've put alot of thought into it and would really reeeeally like to share it.

Please give info on the other races. =(

Please give info on the other races. =(

Of course

In the world of the Masquerade we have many races, some are common others not so much. I'll List them out now.

Dragons: Our PCs are(of course) Dragons. Dragons are large Intelligent creatures with an advanced culture and civilization, All dragons have a Breath Weapon determined by their clan that they can use as often as they need. All other spells are limited. Exp. Fire dragon-Fire breath, Wind dragon- Sonic blast, Ice dragon- Frost breath, etc.
Ask me for specifics on this race and its Breath Weapons.

Elves: Elves are medium sized humanoids with long life spans, slight builds, and long pointed ears. The tallest Elf will be around 5'5 the average is about 5'. They are quick and agile with a greater affinity for magic than most races, but they are small and not as physically strong as other races. They are delicately featured and quick tempered.
For more info ask me to elaborate on this race.

Fae: Not to be confused with Fea Dragons, the Fae are an extremely varied, highly Magical race with subspecies ranging from tiny Pixies to Faeries to Greater Fae. as such their is scant information on this race and no average size. Some believe them to be physical incarnations of the facets of Magic itself. No Fae have been seen since The Veil went up.

Angels and Demons: Now the reason I list Angels and Demons together is that they are in fact the same species, Just subspecies of the same race different in appearance and motive. Please note that not all Angels are good and not all Demons are evil, just the majority. All have ulterior motives wether good or bad is determined by the particular individual. Angels Use more "Light" magic, while Demons use more "Dark" magics.
Lesser Demon:Lesser Demons are not true demons but creatures mutated by Dark Magic to serve under the True Demons. Almost any creature can be turned into a Lesser Demon.

Were: Human-like creatures that shape shift into an animal form. Weres can take any shape between their human and animal form. Most choose one form as their primary form. Were alignment is as varied as the humans they resemble, and come in all sorts from good to bad.

To Be Continued...

Of course

In the world of the Masquerade we have many races, some are common others not so much. I'll List them out now.

Dragons: Our PCs are(of course) Dragons. Dragons are large Intelligent creatures with an advanced culture and civilization, All dragons have a Breath Weapon determined by their clan that they can use as often as they need. All other spells are limited. Exp. Fire dragon-Fire breath, Wind dragon- Sonic blast, Ice dragon- Frost breath, etc.
Ask me for specifics on this race and its Breath Weapons.

Elves: Elves are medium sized humanoids with long life spans, slight builds, and long pointed ears. The tallest Elf will be around 5'5 the average is about 5'. They are quick and agile with a greater affinity for magic than most races, but they are small and not as physically strong as other races. They are delicately featured and quick tempered.
For more info ask me to elaborate on this race.

Fae: Not to be confused with Fea Dragons, the Fae are an extremely varied, highly Magical race with subspecies ranging from tiny Pixies to Faeries to Greater Fae. as such their is scant information on this race and no average size. Some believe them to be physical incarnations of the facets of Magic itself. No Fae have been seen since The Veil went up.

Angels and Demons: Now the reason I list Angels and Demons together is that they are in fact the same species, Just subspecies of the same race different in appearance and motive. Please note that not all Angels are good and not all Demons are evil, just the majority. All have ulterior motives wether good or bad is determined by the particular individual. Angels Use more "Light" magic, while Demons use more "Dark" magics.
Lesser Demon:Lesser Demons are not true demons but creatures mutated by Dark Magic to serve under the True Demons. Almost any creature can be turned into a Lesser Demon.

Were: Human-like creatures that shape shift into an animal form. Weres can take any shape between their human and animal form. Most choose one form as their primary form. Were alignment is as varied as the humans they resemble, and come in all sorts from good to bad.

To Be Continued...