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TOPIC | Good fantasy books?
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I love fantasy, and simply can't get enough of it. Anyone have some good fantasy book recs?

Magic, dragons, anything and everything fantasy is what I love! =D
I love fantasy, and simply can't get enough of it. Anyone have some good fantasy book recs?

Magic, dragons, anything and everything fantasy is what I love! =D
Fantasy is such a good genre! I have a lot of fantasy books to recommend, but it would help to know which fantasy books you like ^^
Fantasy is such a good genre! I have a lot of fantasy books to recommend, but it would help to know which fantasy books you like ^^
Stand Still. Stay Silent.
@casscain - I loved what Harry Potter books I read, Percy Jackson, Warriors, Eragon, Thrones and Bones, anything with dragons, magic, that stuff, intrigues me! =D Throw what you've got at me!
@casscain - I loved what Harry Potter books I read, Percy Jackson, Warriors, Eragon, Thrones and Bones, anything with dragons, magic, that stuff, intrigues me! =D Throw what you've got at me!
Though it doesn't have any dragons, The Bear and the Nightingale is a really good book, and it is part of a trilogy if you end up liking it enough to continue reading. The story is set in Russia around the 1300s, not in the present as it seems most of what you've read are. It follows Vasya, a young girl, as she grows up with the ability to see magical beings and household beings while her community pushes such beliefs away. It's definitely a incredible book, one which I hope you'd enjoy!
Though it doesn't have any dragons, The Bear and the Nightingale is a really good book, and it is part of a trilogy if you end up liking it enough to continue reading. The story is set in Russia around the 1300s, not in the present as it seems most of what you've read are. It follows Vasya, a young girl, as she grows up with the ability to see magical beings and household beings while her community pushes such beliefs away. It's definitely a incredible book, one which I hope you'd enjoy!
Gladly! :D these are all very good books!

I can only recommend the Bartimaeus Sequence. It plays in London and the main characters are a 5000 years old djinni and a teenage magician. It's hilariously sarcastic and sad and simply great!

Another great book series (one that I'm currently reading myself, actually) is the Stormlight Archive. It's a high fantasy series with great characters, a cool magic system and a really interesting story line. Really really good! ^^

And the Kingkiller Chronicles (first book: The name of the wind) is one of my favourite fantasy books. It's kind of like Harry Potter, if Harry Potter would live in an entirely fantasy world, be a red head and had an affinity for music. It's funny, smart and really exciting to read!

I'm sure I can recommend more books, but I'll have to go digging first :'D These are the best that come to mind anyway!
Gladly! :D these are all very good books!

I can only recommend the Bartimaeus Sequence. It plays in London and the main characters are a 5000 years old djinni and a teenage magician. It's hilariously sarcastic and sad and simply great!

Another great book series (one that I'm currently reading myself, actually) is the Stormlight Archive. It's a high fantasy series with great characters, a cool magic system and a really interesting story line. Really really good! ^^

And the Kingkiller Chronicles (first book: The name of the wind) is one of my favourite fantasy books. It's kind of like Harry Potter, if Harry Potter would live in an entirely fantasy world, be a red head and had an affinity for music. It's funny, smart and really exciting to read!

I'm sure I can recommend more books, but I'll have to go digging first :'D These are the best that come to mind anyway!
Stand Still. Stay Silent.
Robin Hobb's works are good reads, it may be worth looking into The liveship traders and Rain wilds chronicles series if you want sea serpents and dragons. Just as a warning, it is adult fiction and contains some NSFW scenes.

If you don't want anything with adult content, look into these if you haven't already read them:
- Dragon rider by Cornelia Funke

- The hunting of the last dragon by Sherryl Jordan

- Companions quartet series by Julia Golding

- The finisher by David Baldacci

- The dragon chronicles: The lost journals of the great wizard Septimus Agoris by Malcolm Sanders

- The fire within by Chris d'Lacey

- Dragon boy by **** King Smith (curse FR's censor)
Robin Hobb's works are good reads, it may be worth looking into The liveship traders and Rain wilds chronicles series if you want sea serpents and dragons. Just as a warning, it is adult fiction and contains some NSFW scenes.

If you don't want anything with adult content, look into these if you haven't already read them:
- Dragon rider by Cornelia Funke

- The hunting of the last dragon by Sherryl Jordan

- Companions quartet series by Julia Golding

- The finisher by David Baldacci

- The dragon chronicles: The lost journals of the great wizard Septimus Agoris by Malcolm Sanders

- The fire within by Chris d'Lacey

- Dragon boy by **** King Smith (curse FR's censor)
If you're really into magic systems, read some Brandon Sanderson. Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker and Stormlight Archive (Way of Kings, Words of Radiance and Oathbringer) are a few of my favourites.
Mistborn is about a gang of thieves who all swallow metal and 'burn' it to make magic happen. It deals with the gang trying to take down the Lord Ruler, and the aftermath of what happens when you do.
Elantris is a standalone about a curse that makes you dead, and a prince who is gripped by that curse and essentially exiled into a city of people like him. It;s much more mystery based than Mistborn, but with a smaller cast. You also get more points of view- there is a priest who is attempting to convert the country, and the prince's fiance, who arrives when the prince is exiled.
Warbreaker is pretty much Frozen but way better. It follows two sisters, and their duties. The eldest is supposed to marry the God King to form a union, but their father plays favourites and sends the younger one to do so. We follow both sisters- the eldest on a rescue mission, and the youngest maneuvering through the royal court. We also get another point of view from a lesser god, and man, he's a riot.
Stormlight Archive- the slowest, most character driven book I've read. Want a novel with tons of characters and points of view? Want a novel where characters have mental illness and internal struggles that shape them? Plus an awesome magic system and world? This is your book(s).
If you're really into magic systems, read some Brandon Sanderson. Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker and Stormlight Archive (Way of Kings, Words of Radiance and Oathbringer) are a few of my favourites.
Mistborn is about a gang of thieves who all swallow metal and 'burn' it to make magic happen. It deals with the gang trying to take down the Lord Ruler, and the aftermath of what happens when you do.
Elantris is a standalone about a curse that makes you dead, and a prince who is gripped by that curse and essentially exiled into a city of people like him. It;s much more mystery based than Mistborn, but with a smaller cast. You also get more points of view- there is a priest who is attempting to convert the country, and the prince's fiance, who arrives when the prince is exiled.
Warbreaker is pretty much Frozen but way better. It follows two sisters, and their duties. The eldest is supposed to marry the God King to form a union, but their father plays favourites and sends the younger one to do so. We follow both sisters- the eldest on a rescue mission, and the youngest maneuvering through the royal court. We also get another point of view from a lesser god, and man, he's a riot.
Stormlight Archive- the slowest, most character driven book I've read. Want a novel with tons of characters and points of view? Want a novel where characters have mental illness and internal struggles that shape them? Plus an awesome magic system and world? This is your book(s).
Howl's moving castle! It's an underappreciated gem! The movie went in a very different direction from the book (all of Miyazaki's movie adaptations are a bit loose and free-form) so having watched it doesn't really even spoil the ending.

There are a lot of questions never answered in the movie that are answered in the book. Plus, it's just over all adorable.
Howl's moving castle! It's an underappreciated gem! The movie went in a very different direction from the book (all of Miyazaki's movie adaptations are a bit loose and free-form) so having watched it doesn't really even spoil the ending.

There are a lot of questions never answered in the movie that are answered in the book. Plus, it's just over all adorable.
The Temeraire series is pretty good if alternate history is your thing. Also it has dragons, probably one of the more believable dragons-with-riders setups I've come across.
I also love the Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Dealing with Dragons etc); it's YA but it's a super enjoyable series. (Also dragons.)
The Dragon Quartet series started out really good, and honestly you can probably read the first book, maybe the second, as standalone books. The third and fourth books really seemed to plummet in quality but despite being fairly thick books they're quick reads if you just HAVE to finish the series. (also dragons) (Also not a bad human-dragon partnership setup, and it doesn't shy from showing the downsides of such a relationship, and how messed up it can be.)
The Temeraire series is pretty good if alternate history is your thing. Also it has dragons, probably one of the more believable dragons-with-riders setups I've come across.
I also love the Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Dealing with Dragons etc); it's YA but it's a super enjoyable series. (Also dragons.)
The Dragon Quartet series started out really good, and honestly you can probably read the first book, maybe the second, as standalone books. The third and fourth books really seemed to plummet in quality but despite being fairly thick books they're quick reads if you just HAVE to finish the series. (also dragons) (Also not a bad human-dragon partnership setup, and it doesn't shy from showing the downsides of such a relationship, and how messed up it can be.)
You should read Cuckoo Song, it basically a paranormal fantasy, but I swear its a good book.

Also I haven't read this book yet...but I want too so I'm going to suggest it: The Rage of Dragons
You should read Cuckoo Song, it basically a paranormal fantasy, but I swear its a good book.

Also I haven't read this book yet...but I want too so I'm going to suggest it: The Rage of Dragons
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