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TOPIC | Help me create a D&D character!! :)
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Best damn thing is to combine opposing tropes for hilarious effects. But how bout this - an orc barbarian who want to be a defender in court. He's self-taught, well-spoken, knowledgeable, and would admittedly make for a good lawyer, but since he lack college funds he's lowered himself to the last-resort levelof smashing skulls with a bunch of some uneducated, uncivilized and ungodly adventuring heathen pheasant as a means to an end, namely getting his law license.
Best damn thing is to combine opposing tropes for hilarious effects. But how bout this - an orc barbarian who want to be a defender in court. He's self-taught, well-spoken, knowledgeable, and would admittedly make for a good lawyer, but since he lack college funds he's lowered himself to the last-resort levelof smashing skulls with a bunch of some uneducated, uncivilized and ungodly adventuring heathen pheasant as a means to an end, namely getting his law license.
Here's an idea generator to answer your questions:
(Hope you don't mind comedic cursing.)

As for what should be your character coming specifically for me I can't really say for sure as I have no details on the actual campaign. I don't know if it's going to be joking or serious, or even what edition of DnD it is in or if it will have any homebrew stuff in it, or how deadly the GM will be and if death is permanent, etc etc. Then again I don't really know why I'm posting this since you seem to have already found your answer.
Here's an idea generator to answer your questions:
(Hope you don't mind comedic cursing.)

As for what should be your character coming specifically for me I can't really say for sure as I have no details on the actual campaign. I don't know if it's going to be joking or serious, or even what edition of DnD it is in or if it will have any homebrew stuff in it, or how deadly the GM will be and if death is permanent, etc etc. Then again I don't really know why I'm posting this since you seem to have already found your answer.
Have you considered a classic Punch Wizard? I also had an idea for a punch healer, who healed people by throwing rocks at their head (not even magic rocks).
Have you considered a classic Punch Wizard? I also had an idea for a punch healer, who healed people by throwing rocks at their head (not even magic rocks).
An Ice emblem on a background made of ice and lava. It briefly shimmers.An Ice Flight banner. The Ice emblem briefly grows icicles, which fall to the ground.An Ice emblem on a background of ice shaped like a Christmas ornament. It briefly shimmers.An Ice Flight banner. The Ice emblem briefly grows icicles, which fall to the ground."An
Some of these humorous character ideas make me miss my Thri-kreen Barbarian who was TERRIFIED of bugs, insects. etc. Had to do a saving throw vs various fear afflictions (such as shaken, cowering or panicked) every time we came across one, but it was still pretty fun to play.
Some of these humorous character ideas make me miss my Thri-kreen Barbarian who was TERRIFIED of bugs, insects. etc. Had to do a saving throw vs various fear afflictions (such as shaken, cowering or panicked) every time we came across one, but it was still pretty fun to play.
Formerly known as Brenning.
@Metalhead That's fabulous, character #2 is definitely going to be the lawyer orc! That has so much potential omg
@Metalhead That's fabulous, character #2 is definitely going to be the lawyer orc! That has so much potential omg

Make a character. Any character. Then give said character wild magic.


Make a character. Any character. Then give said character wild magic.

@GardenKeeper - Hi! I haven't actually played D&D yet, but I'll be playing my first game next week. I started researching about a month ago, so I already had some character concepts in mind when my friends invited me to join their next campaign. Which did not surprise them at all, since they know what a lore filled pile-of-chaos my FR clan is. So I will be playing as my fully completed character. I actually have two more mostly finished characters, another character concept, and a couple people that I have no intention of playing as that exist only in the backstories of my main three.
  1. The character I'll be playing as my friends Raven (the DM) and Tyler (who's basically assistant DM) helped me finish her character sheet a couple days ago, so she's all set to go. She's a tiefling ranger, with a heavy focus on survival skills and spell-casting. Her mother was a skilled apothecary so she started going into the wilderness to find ingredients for her (with adult supervision until she was 12.) She encountered a group of rangers when she fell through their ceiling (long story) and they trained her. Her current goal is to earn a respectable reputation, so she can make a formal accusation against the men who killed her mother and actually get people to listen. I mentioned to Raven and Tyler that I was happy soap is weightless in the D&D universe, so she can carry as much as she wants (with her family background, hygiene is a bit of a thing with her.) So Raven said soap could be a trinket, and rolled some dice to see how many pieces she'd get. She got 84. O_O She is the Soap Ranger! Tyler pointed out that a bag with that much soap could make a pretty good weapon, so they used her Dexterity stat to decide on the damage, and it wound up being about even with her daggers...and it's pretty dangerous thrown now soap is literally listed as one of her weapons...
  2. My second most developed character is a half-elf wizard! His mother is a high elf that teaches magic at a university, married a human exactly a century younger than her, and had three children. He's the eldest and also teaches at the same university. He's odd. He's not oblivious - he's actually very good at noticing things - he just...has curiosity a lot stronger than his survival instincts. As in the kind of person that goes, "Oh look, a thing!" while everyone else screams, "Don't look! That's a Medusa!"
  3. This one happened because I randomly thought "What would happen if a drow got raised without knowing any other drow?" And so she was born. One day, some dragonborn wandered into an abandoned village, and found a 2 year old drow in it. They didn't have the faintest idea how she got there, but they didn't want to be known as the guys who left a baby in the wilderness, so they took her back to their clan. She was really confused by visitors freaking out when they saw her when she was little. Then she read some books about drow, then she understood why they freaked out. So basically she's a changeling!

The mother and next door neighbor of the Soap Ranger wound up with personalities too, as did the wizard's mom (even though I currently have no intention of playing as any of them.)
@GardenKeeper - Hi! I haven't actually played D&D yet, but I'll be playing my first game next week. I started researching about a month ago, so I already had some character concepts in mind when my friends invited me to join their next campaign. Which did not surprise them at all, since they know what a lore filled pile-of-chaos my FR clan is. So I will be playing as my fully completed character. I actually have two more mostly finished characters, another character concept, and a couple people that I have no intention of playing as that exist only in the backstories of my main three.
  1. The character I'll be playing as my friends Raven (the DM) and Tyler (who's basically assistant DM) helped me finish her character sheet a couple days ago, so she's all set to go. She's a tiefling ranger, with a heavy focus on survival skills and spell-casting. Her mother was a skilled apothecary so she started going into the wilderness to find ingredients for her (with adult supervision until she was 12.) She encountered a group of rangers when she fell through their ceiling (long story) and they trained her. Her current goal is to earn a respectable reputation, so she can make a formal accusation against the men who killed her mother and actually get people to listen. I mentioned to Raven and Tyler that I was happy soap is weightless in the D&D universe, so she can carry as much as she wants (with her family background, hygiene is a bit of a thing with her.) So Raven said soap could be a trinket, and rolled some dice to see how many pieces she'd get. She got 84. O_O She is the Soap Ranger! Tyler pointed out that a bag with that much soap could make a pretty good weapon, so they used her Dexterity stat to decide on the damage, and it wound up being about even with her daggers...and it's pretty dangerous thrown now soap is literally listed as one of her weapons...
  2. My second most developed character is a half-elf wizard! His mother is a high elf that teaches magic at a university, married a human exactly a century younger than her, and had three children. He's the eldest and also teaches at the same university. He's odd. He's not oblivious - he's actually very good at noticing things - he just...has curiosity a lot stronger than his survival instincts. As in the kind of person that goes, "Oh look, a thing!" while everyone else screams, "Don't look! That's a Medusa!"
  3. This one happened because I randomly thought "What would happen if a drow got raised without knowing any other drow?" And so she was born. One day, some dragonborn wandered into an abandoned village, and found a 2 year old drow in it. They didn't have the faintest idea how she got there, but they didn't want to be known as the guys who left a baby in the wilderness, so they took her back to their clan. She was really confused by visitors freaking out when they saw her when she was little. Then she read some books about drow, then she understood why they freaked out. So basically she's a changeling!

The mother and next door neighbor of the Soap Ranger wound up with personalities too, as did the wizard's mom (even though I currently have no intention of playing as any of them.)
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