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TOPIC | Your least favourite things in games?
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Alright, let's have a little videogame discussion! What are your least favourite things in videogames, be it race sections, time limits, turn based battle systems etc?

I'll add in mine here now, forgot to do that when I wrote the thread, whoops. This could end up as a massive list because I'm covering things from gameplay mechanics and mission/level types to the setting of a game etc.

- Timed events of any kind

- Puzzles

- QTEs. The button prompts on my screen don't tend to register to my brain quick enough for my fingers to react.

- Unavoidable random encounter battles that trigger at what seems like every 5 steps your character takes, even worse if there's no option to flee the fight and you have to sit through the damn thing when you can't be bothered and just want to casually explore and look for collectibles.

- Turn based combat. I don't like having to rely on luck and an inventory full of health/magic regen and revival items to make it through a battle because my party is rooted to the spot and I can't make my character run around the battle field and dodge what would be easily avoidable attacks.

- Forced level grinding. Wasting time aimlessly running around initiating battles to get xp to level up so you meet the required level to take on that boss battle that's blocking your path and continue the story sounds like a great way to spend your day doesn't it? NOT!

- Jumpscares. I don't find being scared fun and hate stuff that makes me jump, so I avoid horror games where that kind of thing is expected (though horror game jumpscares are predictable most of the time? At least they were in what I saw of Outlast lol), but when it's a non horror game where I think I'm safe from jumpscare situations, I'm always very unhappy if I encounter one.

- Races, especially those that are part of the main plot and you HAVE to win 1st place in order to advance the story. Lookin' at you, Jak and Daxter series.

- Escort missions. I find its worse when it's a character you don't care about or it's some random character that's not important to, or has no part of the plot.

- Modern city settings. I really dislike games where the entire, or most of the plot occurs in a modern cityscape setting.

- Main character with a mind of their own. If, you're familiar with the earlier Assassin's creed games, you may know what I mean here. Trying to get your little pixel assassin buddy there to climb or jump in a certain direction, but instead they decide they want to go the exact opposite way so they leap off a roof and die instead of grabbing the next ledge like you were trying to do.

- Characters that can't swim, or just die instantly the moment they make contact with a body of water.. Oh no, my character stepped into a barely ankle deep puddle and drowned!

- Companion NPCs that are completely useless, randomly instigate a battle with a nearby monster and can't defend themselves. Or they kill the player character by mistake while trying to fight this random enemy. Yes, this is directed at you Lydia, thanks so much for shooting my Argonian warrior in the neck with and killing her while you try battling that random elemental thing that was floating there minding it's own business. You deserved getting killed by that hagraven you randomly tried to take on.

- Breath guages. Yeah, I know a character shouldn't be able to hold their breath forever, but it would be nice if they could hold it long enough to explore underwater areas properly without having to disrupt your exploration and frantically rush to the surface before your character dies every few seconds.

- Severe lack of an option for drop in/drop out couch co-op in games that offer co-op gameplay feaures. Co-op play is mostly done online now, but if you're someone that isn't interested in online features, can't use online features for whatever reason or you don't want to play with a bunch or random (and most likely immature) strangers, you're stuck.

- Updates and installation. I'm a console gamer and having to install the game on the PS3, and download and install software updates like it's a PC drives me batty. By the time the game or update's finished installing, I no longer want to play the game because it took so long.
Alright, let's have a little videogame discussion! What are your least favourite things in videogames, be it race sections, time limits, turn based battle systems etc?

I'll add in mine here now, forgot to do that when I wrote the thread, whoops. This could end up as a massive list because I'm covering things from gameplay mechanics and mission/level types to the setting of a game etc.

- Timed events of any kind

- Puzzles

- QTEs. The button prompts on my screen don't tend to register to my brain quick enough for my fingers to react.

- Unavoidable random encounter battles that trigger at what seems like every 5 steps your character takes, even worse if there's no option to flee the fight and you have to sit through the damn thing when you can't be bothered and just want to casually explore and look for collectibles.

- Turn based combat. I don't like having to rely on luck and an inventory full of health/magic regen and revival items to make it through a battle because my party is rooted to the spot and I can't make my character run around the battle field and dodge what would be easily avoidable attacks.

- Forced level grinding. Wasting time aimlessly running around initiating battles to get xp to level up so you meet the required level to take on that boss battle that's blocking your path and continue the story sounds like a great way to spend your day doesn't it? NOT!

- Jumpscares. I don't find being scared fun and hate stuff that makes me jump, so I avoid horror games where that kind of thing is expected (though horror game jumpscares are predictable most of the time? At least they were in what I saw of Outlast lol), but when it's a non horror game where I think I'm safe from jumpscare situations, I'm always very unhappy if I encounter one.

- Races, especially those that are part of the main plot and you HAVE to win 1st place in order to advance the story. Lookin' at you, Jak and Daxter series.

- Escort missions. I find its worse when it's a character you don't care about or it's some random character that's not important to, or has no part of the plot.

- Modern city settings. I really dislike games where the entire, or most of the plot occurs in a modern cityscape setting.

- Main character with a mind of their own. If, you're familiar with the earlier Assassin's creed games, you may know what I mean here. Trying to get your little pixel assassin buddy there to climb or jump in a certain direction, but instead they decide they want to go the exact opposite way so they leap off a roof and die instead of grabbing the next ledge like you were trying to do.

- Characters that can't swim, or just die instantly the moment they make contact with a body of water.. Oh no, my character stepped into a barely ankle deep puddle and drowned!

- Companion NPCs that are completely useless, randomly instigate a battle with a nearby monster and can't defend themselves. Or they kill the player character by mistake while trying to fight this random enemy. Yes, this is directed at you Lydia, thanks so much for shooting my Argonian warrior in the neck with and killing her while you try battling that random elemental thing that was floating there minding it's own business. You deserved getting killed by that hagraven you randomly tried to take on.

- Breath guages. Yeah, I know a character shouldn't be able to hold their breath forever, but it would be nice if they could hold it long enough to explore underwater areas properly without having to disrupt your exploration and frantically rush to the surface before your character dies every few seconds.

- Severe lack of an option for drop in/drop out couch co-op in games that offer co-op gameplay feaures. Co-op play is mostly done online now, but if you're someone that isn't interested in online features, can't use online features for whatever reason or you don't want to play with a bunch or random (and most likely immature) strangers, you're stuck.

- Updates and installation. I'm a console gamer and having to install the game on the PS3, and download and install software updates like it's a PC drives me batty. By the time the game or update's finished installing, I no longer want to play the game because it took so long.
Certain time limits indeed where they obviously make you scream cuss words for an hour afterwards. And overly obnoxious collecting items as sidequests questline where it's impossible to get the last one of an item (looking at you garden warfare 2 snowglobes).

As for other things;

Overly heavy graphics. Cutscenes you can't skip. Tutorials you can't skip since there is that one movement you can't do and don't really need but you need to do it just cause.
Certain time limits indeed where they obviously make you scream cuss words for an hour afterwards. And overly obnoxious collecting items as sidequests questline where it's impossible to get the last one of an item (looking at you garden warfare 2 snowglobes).

As for other things;

Overly heavy graphics. Cutscenes you can't skip. Tutorials you can't skip since there is that one movement you can't do and don't really need but you need to do it just cause.
I'd woken up early, and I took a long time getting ready to exist. - Bernardo Soares/Fernando Pessoa
Fanbase pandering. One of the biggest offenders of recent time is Fire Emblem. Haven't bought a game since the lackluster Awakening. Also dungeons for the sake of dungeons (Zelda...!)
Fanbase pandering. One of the biggest offenders of recent time is Fire Emblem. Haven't bought a game since the lackluster Awakening. Also dungeons for the sake of dungeons (Zelda...!)
Basically since I don't get into the communities, the thing I hate most in games are spam healers. Don't judge me, I don't play online games like WoW and such, I prefer console games personally.
Basically since I don't get into the communities, the thing I hate most in games are spam healers. Don't judge me, I don't play online games like WoW and such, I prefer console games personally.
This user has Autism and epilepsy, please be nice to her.

I dislike them a lot and there are very few games which pull them off well. I want to play a game, not wait to collect some grass that I need to do what I really want. >>

I dislike them a lot and there are very few games which pull them off well. I want to play a game, not wait to collect some grass that I need to do what I really want. >>

Sidequests that are almost impossible to finish.

Sidequests that are almost impossible to finish.
The biggest flaw games have;
They end.

The biggest flaw games have;
They end.

Horrible main characters and unskipable dialog/cutscenes. I don't like playing the same dialog/cutscenes for ANYTHING unless I'm with someone who hasn't seen it before. Also, if I don't like the characters (specifically the main ones) I don't like the game overall. To me, well written characters MAKE the game so if that isn't done right, I can't play it.
Horrible main characters and unskipable dialog/cutscenes. I don't like playing the same dialog/cutscenes for ANYTHING unless I'm with someone who hasn't seen it before. Also, if I don't like the characters (specifically the main ones) I don't like the game overall. To me, well written characters MAKE the game so if that isn't done right, I can't play it.
FR Pudding Art:
Escort missions eh, oh and QuickTime events especially. Who the heck ever thought they were a good idea?

Edit: And getting constantly stun-locked, to the point where you can't even heal or land a hit.
Escort missions eh, oh and QuickTime events especially. Who the heck ever thought they were a good idea?

Edit: And getting constantly stun-locked, to the point where you can't even heal or land a hit.
Sardines Bountiful Fishnet Overflowing Fishbasket Dried Fish
QTEs. Too many cutscenes. "Cinematic" camera angles. Basically anything that takes control of the game away from the player.
That's why I tend to not like narrative-based games.
QTEs. Too many cutscenes. "Cinematic" camera angles. Basically anything that takes control of the game away from the player.
That's why I tend to not like narrative-based games.
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