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TOPIC | Leonardo Dicaprio
I'm so proud of him :')
I'm so proud of him :')

@Ellebax FANTASTIC. How much are you selling her for? I'm willing to go up to... 25kT??? Maybe?
Honestly though, just send a CR for however much dragon $$$ you think she's worth (under 30kT though please lmao, I'm pretty broke rn after buying Leo stuff) and I'll accept it. :'D
@Ellebax FANTASTIC. How much are you selling her for? I'm willing to go up to... 25kT??? Maybe?
Honestly though, just send a CR for however much dragon $$$ you think she's worth (under 30kT though please lmao, I'm pretty broke rn after buying Leo stuff) and I'll accept it. :'D
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I was planning on having the hatchlings at 25kt :P So I shall CR her over to you for that xD

I was planning on having the hatchlings at 25kt :P So I shall CR her over to you for that xD
Ooh, light gear is a great idea! Too bad I joined right before Thundercrack, so I have to wait until June to get some. D:

I'm so happy I could be a part of this wonderful thread on this fortuitous day and encourage people to make either really great or really bad and impulsive financial decisions. :D

I hope it's alright, but I told a couple of people about the hatchlings. I never promised anything and I let them know that the only male is reserved, but you might get a couple of other requests very shortly (and hopefully not bombarded :S).
Ooh, light gear is a great idea! Too bad I joined right before Thundercrack, so I have to wait until June to get some. D:

I'm so happy I could be a part of this wonderful thread on this fortuitous day and encourage people to make either really great or really bad and impulsive financial decisions. :D

I hope it's alright, but I told a couple of people about the hatchlings. I never promised anything and I let them know that the only male is reserved, but you might get a couple of other requests very shortly (and hopefully not bombarded :S).
Tentatively back from hiatus
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lol If I get bombarded I'm blaming you xD Nah, it's all good. I shall bare you no ill will :P
lol If I get bombarded I'm blaming you xD Nah, it's all good. I shall bare you no ill will :P
Yassssss. Bless you Leo, bless you all. What a wonderful speech, what wonderful dergs in this thread. Life is great.
Yassssss. Bless you Leo, bless you all. What a wonderful speech, what wonderful dergs in this thread. Life is great.
Leo-Oscar-Dragon-pocalypse 2016

Coming to a theater near you
Leo-Oscar-Dragon-pocalypse 2016

Coming to a theater near you
Tentatively back from hiatus
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@Ellebax Accepted! Man, I dunno what to name her *3* maybe I'll name her Oscar anyways, lmao. She's gonna be BUDS with Leo.

@LadyRapidash I have made about five different bad choices regarding spending just because of Leonardo diCaprio, and I have NO REGRETS. /fist pumps
Like, I have a female SD that's practically identical to the one I bought from Ellebax just now (my icon). Do I care? NAH.
@Ellebax Accepted! Man, I dunno what to name her *3* maybe I'll name her Oscar anyways, lmao. She's gonna be BUDS with Leo.

@LadyRapidash I have made about five different bad choices regarding spending just because of Leonardo diCaprio, and I have NO REGRETS. /fist pumps
Like, I have a female SD that's practically identical to the one I bought from Ellebax just now (my icon). Do I care? NAH.
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Coming soon

Or Dicaprio?
Coming soon

Or Dicaprio?
@Kaelum NO RAGRETS!! Oscar dragons for glory and victory! Oh man, even though I know I'm gonna wake up mad at myself for using up MORE of my lair space that I wanted to conserve, you know what? I doesn't matter bc Leo winning makes it all worth it. [img][/img] Now I must spirit myself off to bed before I buy anything else or become completely unable to spell...
NO RAGRETS!! Oscar dragons for glory and victory! Oh man, even though I know I'm gonna wake up mad at myself for using up MORE of my lair space that I wanted to conserve, you know what? I doesn't matter bc Leo winning makes it all worth it.


Now I must spirit myself off to bed before I buy anything else or become completely unable to spell...
Tentatively back from hiatus
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