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TOPIC | So terrified right now
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I work at Petsmart and I sold a pair of finches today. I was so incredibly flustered when I did (I was 20 minutes over my clock out time) and I think for the paperwork I wrote x1 instead of x2!

This is my first job - I'm so freaked out. The finches were about $16 and I hope hope hope hope hope I wasn't a total moron and wrote that they were buying 1 finch instead of 2. Then again I left right as they were at the cash register so maybe they caught the mistake if I made it?! KNRBIODNRHIN
I work at Petsmart and I sold a pair of finches today. I was so incredibly flustered when I did (I was 20 minutes over my clock out time) and I think for the paperwork I wrote x1 instead of x2!

This is my first job - I'm so freaked out. The finches were about $16 and I hope hope hope hope hope I wasn't a total moron and wrote that they were buying 1 finch instead of 2. Then again I left right as they were at the cash register so maybe they caught the mistake if I made it?! KNRBIODNRHIN
Let them know tomorrow. You'll be fine. People make newbie mistakes all the time. It is part of life when you're an employer.
Let them know tomorrow. You'll be fine. People make newbie mistakes all the time. It is part of life when you're an employer.
There was one time where the computer at the register was acting weird, and it was my first ever lunch break at that place.

So I didn't clock back in by mistake and at the end of of my shift the computer thought I had taken a five hour lunch break. lmao

My boss was super chill about it. I'm going back there for winter break and I think it'll be decent.
There was one time where the computer at the register was acting weird, and it was my first ever lunch break at that place.

So I didn't clock back in by mistake and at the end of of my shift the computer thought I had taken a five hour lunch break. lmao

My boss was super chill about it. I'm going back there for winter break and I think it'll be decent.
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Mistakes happen. You gotta make them to learn, so hopefully your bosses are sympathetic and understand that. I won't tell you not to worry, though, as I know well how difficult that is, and I hate people telling me not to worry or stress out because I always will. I just tell myself "Not everyone is perfect."
Mistakes happen. You gotta make them to learn, so hopefully your bosses are sympathetic and understand that. I won't tell you not to worry, though, as I know well how difficult that is, and I hate people telling me not to worry or stress out because I always will. I just tell myself "Not everyone is perfect."
so how did the story turn out? o : did anybody say anything about your mistake?
and as other happened, don't worry about it, it's all experience and you will get better.
so how did the story turn out? o : did anybody say anything about your mistake?
and as other happened, don't worry about it, it's all experience and you will get better.
I'm off tomorrow - So I'll have to bring it up on Tuesday and ask to double check the paperwork. I'm currently just a seasonal employee, but I severely want to be hired again for a longer position - I hope I haven't just ruined my chances...
I'm off tomorrow - So I'll have to bring it up on Tuesday and ask to double check the paperwork. I'm currently just a seasonal employee, but I severely want to be hired again for a longer position - I hope I haven't just ruined my chances...
i doubt that a one-time mistake will blow your job, don't worry
i'm sure everybody makes such mistakes from time to time
i doubt that a one-time mistake will blow your job, don't worry
i'm sure everybody makes such mistakes from time to time
I was a manager at a Petco, and as long as they paid for two it's really not going to matter. The paperwork has to be kept on file for the local Dept of Ag, so that paperwork is in the back or office or wherever your manager likes to keep it. It's a simple matter of changing the number on the paperwork there to accurately reflect what was sold. :) No worries!
I was a manager at a Petco, and as long as they paid for two it's really not going to matter. The paperwork has to be kept on file for the local Dept of Ag, so that paperwork is in the back or office or wherever your manager likes to keep it. It's a simple matter of changing the number on the paperwork there to accurately reflect what was sold. :) No worries!
@Spectrie I'm sure you'll be fine. Mistakes like that aren't uncommon, especially during the craziness of the holiday season.

It's possible that the cashier or the customer caught the error at checkout.

Mistakes don't ruin a career. The bigger issue is how they are addressed.
@Spectrie I'm sure you'll be fine. Mistakes like that aren't uncommon, especially during the craziness of the holiday season.

It's possible that the cashier or the customer caught the error at checkout.

Mistakes don't ruin a career. The bigger issue is how they are addressed.
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You'll be perfectly fine tomorrow if you take the already given advice of simply mentioning it to double check to show you're not careless. :) I have a story that should surely make you feel more at ease. My first job in retail was at Target and beforehand I had absolutely zero cashier experience. I was hired as a floor associate, but they needed me up front pretty often. I made such a stupid mistake my first week there and accidentally closed the cash drawer before remembering to give my customer her change. It was a long day and I was very exhausted. I had an internal freakout, but all I had to do was get a manager to help me prompt it to open for her. She was very understanding and I'm sure they have seen a lot worse. You care a lot and that's a great quality but there's no need to drive yourself nuts, love. You're going to do great!
You'll be perfectly fine tomorrow if you take the already given advice of simply mentioning it to double check to show you're not careless. :) I have a story that should surely make you feel more at ease. My first job in retail was at Target and beforehand I had absolutely zero cashier experience. I was hired as a floor associate, but they needed me up front pretty often. I made such a stupid mistake my first week there and accidentally closed the cash drawer before remembering to give my customer her change. It was a long day and I was very exhausted. I had an internal freakout, but all I had to do was get a manager to help me prompt it to open for her. She was very understanding and I'm sure they have seen a lot worse. You care a lot and that's a great quality but there's no need to drive yourself nuts, love. You're going to do great!
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